5 Mijdar 2024
@EUCouncil adopted the meeting conclusions, calling on Georgia’s authorities to clarify their intentions by reversing the current course of action which jeopardises Georgia’s EU path, de facto leading to a halt of the accession process
4 month ago
Armenia is ready to prepare the final text of a peace agreement with Azerbaijan and sign it within a month, the Foreign Minister said.
4 month ago
Armenia believes that it is time to establish diplomatic relations with Turkey and open a joint border for citizens of third countries and persons with diplomatic passports, the Foreign Ministry reported.
4 month ago
U.S. Aims To Invite Azerbaijan, Armenia To NATO Event, As O'Brien Headed To Baku With 'Clear Messages'
4 month ago
Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan said that Russia seized Nagorno-Karabakh and then handed it over to Azerbaijan
Local channels write that the cordon on University Square is being lifted. According to tg channel 112, the cause of the incident was allegedly a false call
Li Mahachkalaya Daxistanê bûyereke din a ewlehiyê. Li navenda bajêr gulebaran kirin, polîs bi cih bûne
State Department's @UnderSecStateP John Bass on Georgia:nn“It is both deeply disturbing and saddening to see the aspirations and dreams of entire [Georgian] society being held hostage to grievances of one individual: Bidzina Ivanishvili"
Borrell says its an orientation debate on Georgia but no concrete decisions. but says there can be short-term measures soon - scaling down high-level visits, pausing aid, including military aid
More than 15 police officers were killed, as well as six militants, - the head of Dagestan Sergei Melikov
Li Derbendê 2 û li Mahachkala jî 4 çekdar hatin kuştin. 16 kes birîndar bûn, 8 polîs û 2 sivîl hatin kuştin
4 month ago
Wezareta Karên Navxweyî ya Daxistanê ragihand ku hemî derketinên ji Makhachkala têne girtin
Di encama pevçûnên li Mahaçkalayê de 4 çete hatin kuştin
Li navçeya Sergokala ya Daxistanê pevçûn derket4 month ago
Li navçeya Sergokala ya Daxistanê pevçûn derket
4 month ago
Serokê navçeya Sergokalinsky ya Daxistanê Magomed Omarov hat binçavkirin. Hat îdiakirin ku kurên wî beşdarî êrîşa li komarê bûne.
Di pevçûnên li Daxistanê de herî kêm 9 kes hatin kuştin, ku ji wan 7 efserên qanûnê ne
Di encama şer û pevçûnên li bajarokên Makhaçkala û Derbendîxanê yên Daxistanê de 3 çekdarên gumanbar û 1 leşkerê Rosguard hatin kuştin.
Wesayîtên zirxî li kolanên Derbendîxana Daxistanê hatin dîtin
Li Mahachkala, Dagestan, bi mîlîtanên gumanbar re pevçûn
Li Derbendîxanê bi çekdarên gumanbar re pevçûn
4 month ago
One person was killed and three were injured as a result of shooting in Abkhazia, the republic's Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.
4 month ago
Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine - statement by the country's Foreign Ministry
4 month ago
Armenia remains an ally of the CSTO, all the organization's obligations towards Yerevan remain in force - CSTO Secretary General
4 month ago
Ministry of Defense of Armenia: The message of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan that on June 13 at around 19:50 units of the Armenian Armed Forces opened fire in the direction of Azerbaijani positions located in the southwestern part of the border zone is not true
Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan: Our positions in the direction of Nakhchivan have been fired upon again
"The United States values expanded bilateral cooperation with Armenia and supports PM Pashinyan’s efforts to promote peace and prosperity for Armenia and the South Caucasus region," State Dept says
4 month ago
Wezareta Parastinê ya Ermenîstanê, bi rêya balyozxaneya Fransayê ya li Yêrêvanê, bi pêşnîyazeke fermî serî li hikûmeta Fransayê da, ku ji bo şandina azmûnê û organîzekirina parastina teknîkî ya çekên ku tên şandin, komek leşkeran a sînordar ji bo bicihkirina li ser axa Ermenîstanê amade bike. ji aliyê Komara Fransayê ve
4 month ago
Armenia summoned its ambassador in Minsk to Yerevan for consultations
4 month ago
Serokwezîrê Ermenîstanê Nikol Pashinyan got ku ne ew û ne jî rayedarek din dê serdana Belarusê nekin dema ku Lukaşenka serokê wê be. Sedem jî daxuyaniyên serokê Belarûsê yên li Azerbaycanê ne.
Tensions in Yerevan between anti-government protesters and police4 month ago
Tensions in Yerevan between anti-government protesters and police