6 Tîrmeh 2024
Confirmed: Metrics show a major internet outage in Armenia with high impact to Telecom Armenia and related networks, leaving national connectivity at 45% of ordinary levels; the company attributes the incident to the failure of international links as in previous instances7 month ago
Confirmed: Metrics show a major internet outage in Armenia with high impact to Telecom Armenia and related networks, leaving national connectivity at 45% of ordinary levels; the company attributes the incident to the failure of international links as in previous instances
After 4 days in illegal custody, the so-called South Ossetia handed over Levan Dotiashvili, who was abducted from Kirbali on November 6, to Georgia. He is the golden witness of the murder of Tamaz Ginturi
Komîsyona Ewropî: Me Pakêta xweya Berfirehkirinê ya 2023-an pejirand û pêşniyar dike ku danûstandinên bi Ukrayna û Moldovayê re vekin, statûya berendamê bidin Gurcistanê û vekirina danûstandinên tevlêbûnê bi Bosna û Herzegovina re, gava ku asta pêbaweriyê were bidestxistin.
8 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - Azerbaijan-Iran border region
UMM confirms shooting of Georgian citizen near the village of Kirbali. The EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) confirms that an incident occurred at the South Ossetian Administrative Boundary Line, resulting in the tragic loss of a Georgian citizen's life. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased.
According to the State Security Service, near the Tshkhinvali occupation line, Russian forces killed one Georgian citizen and illegally detained another
Kurê Ramzan Kadyrov 15 salî Adem Kadyrov bû cîgirê Serokê Servîsa Ewlekariya Çeçenistanê.
8 month ago
Wezareta Derve ya Rûsyayê: Banga Îsraîl ji bo welatiyên xwe yên ji herêma Kafkasya Bakur terikandin "dij-rusî" ye.
8 month ago
The National Security Service of Armenia said it had neutralized a terrorist group planning to seize government buildings.
8 month ago
Pûtîn servîsên îstîxbarata Ukrayna û rojavayî bi organîzekirina nerazîbûnên li balafirgeha Makhaçkalayê tawanbar kir
8 month ago
Pûtîn di civînekê de li ser Daxistanê: Amerîka dixwaze Rûsyayê ji hundir ve parçe bike, lawaz bike û aloziyê biçîne
8 month ago
It's propaganda
Wezareta Derve ya Rûsyayê Ukrayna bi plansaziya pogroma li Mahachkala tawanbar kir
8 month ago
Kremlin: Events around Makhachkala Airport in Dagestan yesterday were caused by an "external influence"
60 rioters were detained at Mahachkala airport, 9 policemen wounded
The White House: The United States "strongly condemns the anti-Semitic demonstrations" in Dagestan
Di encama pevçûnên li balafirgeha Mahachkalayê de polîsek birîndar bû
Li balafirgeha Mahachkala di navbera girseya dijî Cihû û hêzên ewlehiyê de alozî derket
Russian Aviation Agency: Protesters removed from Dagestan Airport and a decision to close it until November 6
Polîsên serhildêr gihîştin balafirgeha Makhachkala
Girseya gel a li balafirgeha Makhachkala balafirek li ser piste dorpêç kir
Girseyên hêrsbûyî li Daxistanê li cihûyan digerin
Girseya gel avêtin ser balafirgeha Makhachkala
8 month ago
Zelensky îşev ji serokên EUCO re got: "Ya tevahiya Ewrûpaya me bi we re - bi Ukraynayê re, bi Moldovayê re û di pêşerojê de bi Belarus û Gurcistanê re - dê bi ser keve - an jî dê raborî bi ser bikeve."
8 month ago
Prime Minister of Armenia: We hope that in the coming months we will sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan and establish relations
Pashinyan tells @WSJ he doesn't see any advantages in the continuing presence of Russian military bases in Armenia8 month ago
Pashinyan tells @WSJ he doesn't see any advantages in the continuing presence of Russian military bases in Armenia
The meeting between Pashinyan and Aliyev planned for late October in Brussels will not take place - EU
Turkish FM met Iran’s president on the sideline of the 3+3 regional meeting in Tehran
Russia FM met president of Iran on the sideline of the 3+3 regional meeting in Tehran
Turkish FM Hakan Fidan meets with Armenian FM Ararat Mirzoyan
The foreign ministers' meeting of the 3+3 format on South Caucasus gets underway in Tehran. Iran, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia FMs are attending the summit. However, the Georgia FM is absent from the meeting