6 Tîrmeh 2024
Îro saet di 11.00'an de li navçeya Şûşa ya Qerebaxê gulebaran kirin
11 month ago
Kamyonên bi alîkariya însanî ya hikûmeta Ermenîstanê ber bi Qerebaxa Çiyayî ve çûn
11 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 3 km NE of Lankaran, Azerbaijan
11 month ago
Turkmenistan is ready to implement a project to build a gas pipeline along the bottom of the Caspian Sea in order to transport Turkmen blue fuel to European markets (Trans-Caspian pipeline) - the official statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan says
11 month ago
Armenia is ready to sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan on the basis of the agreements reached on mutual recognition of territorial integrity, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said
11 month ago
Li binstasyona elektrîkê ya li nêzî Soçî şewat
11 month ago
The press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan issued a statement in which the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh called as not in line with the declaration on allied cooperation
The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov and the head of Dagestan Sergey Melikov accused law enforcement officers of unprofessionalism due to a raid on a house of worship in Kotelniki near Moscow
Armenian MFA: the population of Nagorno-Karabakh faces a real threat of starvation. It has already been 7 months since Azerbaijani authorities have illegally blocked LachinCorridor, lifeline linking NagornoKarabakh with outer world11 month ago
Armenian MFA: "the population of Nagorno-Karabakh faces a real threat of starvation". It has already been 7 months since Azerbaijani authorities have illegally blocked LachinCorridor, lifeline linking NagornoKarabakh with outer world
US Department of State: .@SecBlinken spoke with Armenian Prime Minister @NikolPashinyan yesterday about Armenia’s continued engagement with Azerbaijan to secure a durable and dignified peace in the South Caucasus, and reiterated his strong support for the peace process
12 month ago
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant heads to Azerbaijan for strategic visit, @MaarivOnline reports; this is the latest in series of trips by top Israeli officials
Fermandarê berê yê Keştiya binderyayê ya Kîlo ya Baştirkirî Krasnodar, cîgirê serokê ofîsa seferberiyê ya Krasnodar Stanislav Rzhytsky li Krasnodar bi guleyan hatin kuştin.
Wezîrê karên derve yê Îranê çû Bakûyê1 year ago
Wezîrê karên derve yê Îranê çû Bakûyê
A court in Grozny sentenced Zarema Musaeva, wife of ex-judge Saydi Yangulbaev, to 5.5 years in prison in a case of violence against a government official and fraud
1 year ago
The Azerbaijani Armed Forces are conducting command and staff exercises on the border with Armenia in Nakhijevan, artillery, MLRS, air defense systems, helicopters and unmanned aircraft are involved
Rojnameger Yelena Milashina û parêzer Alexander Nemov li Çeçenîstanê hatin derbkirin. Li gorî Komîteya li dijî Îşkenceyê, qurbanî ji bo beşdarî biryara dawî ya Zarema Musayeva bibin çûn Grozniyê. Li ser rêya balafirgehê, otomobîla wan ji aliyê kesên çekdar ve hat astengkirin.
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.4 - 50 km NE of Xaçmaz, Azerbaijan
Serokomar Zelensky telîmat da Wezareta Karên Derve ku gazî balyozê Gurcistanê yê li Ukraynayê bike û jê bixwaze ku di nav 48 saetan de ji welêt derkeve û bi rayedarên Gurcistanê re bişêwire. Wî carek din tekezî li ser pêwîstiya vegerandina hevwelatiyê Ukraynayê bo Saakaşvilî bo dermankirin û lênêrînê kir1 year ago
Serokomar Zelensky telîmat da Wezareta Karên Derve ku gazî balyozê Gurcistanê yê li Ukraynayê bike û jê bixwaze ku di nav 48 saetan de ji welêt derkeve û bi rayedarên Gurcistanê re bişêwire. Wî carek din tekezî li ser pêwîstiya vegerandina hevwelatiyê Ukraynayê bo Saakaşvilî bo dermankirin û lênêrînê kir
1 year ago
Kadyrov îdia dike ku hewldana sabotatorên Ukraynayê ku têkeve herêma Belgorodê pûç kirine
Pashinyan and Putin discussed the situation in Russia by phone, - the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of Armenia reported
Kadyrov bûyerên berdewam li Rûsyayê "xiyanet" bi nav dike, dibêje ku leşkerên wî li ser rê li ber serhildana çekdarî ne.
The meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan will be held in Washington next week, Pashinyan said
Berfirehbûna Yekîtiya Ewropî: Îro, Komîsyona Yekîtiya Ewropî dê nirxandina devkî ya pêşkeftina di cîbicîkirina şertên pêşwext ên endamtiya Yekîtiya Ewropî de ji hêla Ukrayna, Moldova û Gurcistanê ve pêşkêş bike.
On June 20th at 16:30, Azerbaijani forces fired at a metallurgical plant under construction in Yeraskh1 year ago
On June 20th at 16:30, Azerbaijani forces fired at a metallurgical plant under construction in Yeraskh
1 year ago
Li Vladikavkaz û navçeya Prigorodny ya Osetyaya Bakur ji ber lehiyê rewşa awarte hat ragihandin.
Artêşa Ermenîstanê bi merasîma bilindkirina ala Azerbaycanê ya li ser pira li ser çemê Hakkariê gulebaran kir
The Armenian military reports that an Azerbaijani kamikaze  drone attacked its positions in the Kapan region. Debris was retrieved1 year ago
The Armenian military reports that an Azerbaijani kamikaze drone attacked its positions in the Kapan region. Debris was retrieved
Footage of the situation on the bridge by @azatutyunradio
Nagorny Karabakh authorities say Azerbaijan had banned all humanitarian transportation through the Lachin corridor, including by the Red Cross and Russian peacekeepers
Two men who intended to blow up the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Pyatigorsk were detained in the Stavropol Territory - FSB