4 Mijdar 2024
1 year ago
Over 100,000 refugees have fled Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia says
1 year ago
Baku officially declares that the rights and safety of the Armenian population of Karabakh will be protected - Aliyev
1 year ago
The next meeting with representatives of the Armenian residents of Karabakh is held in Yevlakh
Azerbaijani police in the nearly empty city of Khankendi/Stepanakert
1 year ago
88780 people left Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia as of this morning
AFP: 170 victims in a new toll from the fuel depot explosion in the Karabakh region
Di rojên pêş de dê li Qerebaxê - Paşînyan ermenî nemîne
Serfermandariya Qerebaxa Çiya ji 1ê Çileya 2024an pê ve fermana hilweşandina komara xweser îmze kir.
Azerbaycan piştî binçavkirinê wêneyê Vardanyan belav dike1 year ago
Azerbaycan piştî binçavkirinê wêneyê Vardanyan belav dike
1 year ago
Armenian blogger Mika Badalyan claims that Azerbaijanis detained Ruben Vardanyan on Lachin checkpoint
1 year ago
Yerevan reports that 47,115 people from Karabakh have already voluntarily moved to Armenia as of 12:00 on September 27
Wezareta Tenduristiyê ya Azerbaycanê ragihand ku di operasyonên dijî terorê yên li Qerebaxê de 192 leşkerên Azerbaycanê hatin kuştin û 512 jî birîndar bûn.
US State Department: The President of Azerbaijan assured President Biden that there will be no further military operation against the Karabakh region
Hat ragihandin ku di encama teqînên li Xankedî/Khankendi/Stepanakertê de zêdetirî 200 kes birîndar bûne.
1 year ago
Russian Foreign Ministry: Pashinyan's statement on independence on September 24 contains unacceptable attacks against the Russian Federation and causes rejection from Moscow
Aliyev got, Azerbaycanê pênc roj berê bi temamî serweriya xwe vegerandiye
Ilham Aliyev and Erdogan signed a protocol on the Kars-Nakhchivan railway project
Armenian residents around Khankendi are allowed to move freely after being checked by the Azerbaijani police
Ilham Aliyev welcomed Erdogan
Erdogan has arrived in Nakhchivan
Serokwezîrê Ermenîstanê Paşînyan bi mebesta îsbatkirina qelsbûna Ermenîstanê hevalbend tawanbar kir
Armenian media claims Azerbaijani Army is approaching Khankendi, entering the first quarters of the city
Li Erîvanê di çalakiyên protestoyî de 84 kes hatin binçavkirin
Dozens of demonstrators, including the son of ex-President Kocharyan, were detained in Yerevan
1 year ago
Advisor to the President of Azerbaijan: Humanitarian aid will be delivered to the Armenians of the Nagorno-Karabakh region
1 year ago
Hungary blocked EU statement which condemns the military operation by Azerbaijan
Protests continue in Yerevan
1 year ago
Yevlakh meeting - Azerbaijani side assessed the meeting as "constructive and positive". Ramin Mamedov presented "plans for reintegration" to Karabakhi side
Sputnik Ermenistan: 2 cîgirên fermandarên hêzên aştîparêz ên Rûsyayê yên li herêmê di encama topbarana li ser Qerebaxê de hatin kuştin.
1 year ago
Kremlînê ragihand ku Putin bi telefonê bi Serokomarê Azerbaycanê Aliyev re axivî