4 Mijdar 2024
Tbilisi: Police grabs and absorbs a protester into the riot police crowd6 month ago
Tbilisi: Police grabs and absorbs a protester into the riot police crowd
The special forces are still rounding up the demonstration of today in Tbilisi, but the protest will resume tomorrow at noon. The parliament is expected to vote on the foreign agent bill in its first reading (of three).6 month ago
The special forces are still rounding up the demonstration of today in Tbilisi, but the protest will resume tomorrow at noon. The parliament is expected to vote on the foreign agent bill in its first reading (of three).
Riot police forces are physically assaulting remaining participants at a rally protesting the adoption of the RussianLaw. Among those injured are journalists and high school students6 month ago
Riot police forces are physically assaulting remaining participants at a rally protesting the adoption of the #RussianLaw. Among those injured are journalists and high school students
Arrests and police violence are ongoing on Rustaveli, @TvPirveli reports6 month ago
Arrests and police violence are ongoing on Rustaveli, @TvPirveli reports
Riot police became very aggressive as fewer people were left around the parliament. Tomorrow, starting at 12:00, the protesters will continue6 month ago
Riot police became very aggressive as fewer people were left around the parliament. Tomorrow, starting at 12:00, the protesters will continue
Riot police have charged protesters without warning, making arrests. OC Media witnessed officers beating and kicking several people as they lay on the ground6 month ago
Riot police have charged protesters without warning, making arrests. OC Media witnessed officers beating and kicking several people as they lay on the ground
Government affiliated media TV Imedi booed by the protesters6 month ago
Government affiliated media TV Imedi booed by the protesters
France on Tuesday said it had recalled for consultations the French ambassador to Azerbaijan, accusing Baku of taking actions that have damaged the bilateral relationship.President Emmanuel Macron received ambassador Anne Boillon in Paris to discuss the issue, the foreign ministry said in a statement, accusing Azerbaijan of continuing "in recent months unilateral actions damaging to the relationship between our two countries." via AFP
6 month ago
Second night of massive protest in Tbilisi against the Russian Law. Insistance of the authorities to push through this law against the will of the population and despite partners protest is a direct provocation - a Russian strategy of destabilization
Protest at Rustaveli now6 month ago
Protest at Rustaveli now
Navenda Operasyonên li Kabardîno-Balkaryayê ragihand ku li beşek ji axa Nalçîk û navçeya Chereksky ya Kabardîno-Balkaryayê rejima operasyona dijî terorê hat îlankirin.
6 month ago
Tbilisi marches against new Foreign Agents Law
Tbilisi: Thousands protest new Foreign Agents Law6 month ago
Tbilisi: Thousands protest new Foreign Agents Law
6 month ago
The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense reports shelling of its military from the territory of Armenia in the Lachin region. Yerevan did not confirm the information about the shelling and stated that the Azerbaijani military had opened fire on the border the day before
6 month ago
Wezîrê Karên Derve yê Ermenîstanê dê beşdarî civîna Civata Wezîrên Derve yên welatên CIS li Mînskê nebe, - sekreterê çapemenîyê yê wî got.
7 month ago
Hejmara kuştiyên di encama teqîna li qada gulebaranê ya li Tbîlîsê de derket 3an
7 month ago
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia: The provocative actions of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the night of April 5-6 cannot be justified. By opening irregular lines on many sections of the border and moving dozens of pieces of military equipment, Azerbaijan clearly pursued the goal of provocation: to force units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia to take retaliatory measures to confirm recent Azerbaijani disinformation
7 month ago
Azerbaijani media publish footage of allegedly accumulations of Armenian equipment near the border
Russian Security: The foreign cell arrested in Dagestan provided money and weapons to the perpetrators of the Crocus crime
Komîteya Têkoşîna Dijî Terorê ya Rûsyayê ragihand ku di operasyonên li dijî terorê yên li Makhaçkala û Kaspiyskê da 3 kesên ku plana êrîşên terorê kiribûn hatin binçavkirin.
7 month ago
Russian border guards are stationed along the Armenian border with Azerbaijan at Pashinyan's personal request, the Russian Ambassador said.
7 month ago
In Yerevan, allegedly supporters of the radical Armenian National Pole party broke into one of the police departments. Shots were heard
7 month ago
Banka Navendî ya Ermenîstanê ji 29ê Adarê vir ve ji ber tehdîda mueyîdeyên duyemîn qedexe kir ku bankayên herêmî kartê Mîr bikin.
7 month ago
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has arrived in Yerevan and will hold meetings with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Vahagn Khachaturian
7 month ago
Serokwezîrê Ermenîstanê Nîkol Paşînyan, di hevdîtina bi niştecihên gundên sînorî yên herêma Tavûşê re, got ku ger Erîvan di mijara gundên ser sînor ên serdema Sovyetê de tawîz nede, wê demê dibe ku di dawiya dawîn de şer dest pê bike. hefte.
7 month ago
Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan announced the beginning of the practical stage of delimitation and demarcation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: It is important that Georgia continues to strengthen domestic reforms, democratic values&the rule of law including through free and fair parliamentary elections in October this year
President of Kazakhstan Tokayev paid a two-day state visit to Azerbaijan. Visited Shusha in Nagorno-Karabakh, noted that Karabakh will bloom with new colors, and the restoration of the region's infrastructure will contribute to the development of the entire South Caucasus
7 month ago
Paşînyan da zanîn ku ger rêxistin bersiva pirsên Yêrîvanê nede dê Ermenîstan ji CSTO derkeve.
Serokwezîrê Ermenîstanê Paşînyan got, servîsa sînorî ya Ermenîstanê hevkarên xwe yên Rûs agahdar kir ku ew dikarin bêyî alîkariya Rûsyayê li balafirgeha Êrîvanê xizmetê bikin.