4 Tîrmeh 2024
4 month ago
Serokwezîrê Ermenîstanê pabendê rejîma sizayan a li dijî Rûsyayê ye, ti peymanên girêdayê tune ye, lê Ermenistan girîngiyê dide têkiliyên bi welatên ku ew ceza sepandine.
First photos of French Bastions in Armed Forces of Armenia4 month ago
First photos of French Bastions in Armed Forces of Armenia
4 month ago
Wezareta Derve ya Rûsyayê endamtiya Ermenîstanê di CSTO de wek her carê dinirxîne, dê derbarê rawestandinê de ravekirinan bixwaze.
4 month ago
The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry called Pashinyan's statement about Baku's alleged preparation for an attack on Armenia absolutely groundless
French Defense Minister has arrived in Yerevan on official visit4 month ago
French Defense Minister has arrived in Yerevan on official visit
4 month ago
Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan announced the freezing of the country's participation in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). He accused Azerbaijan of seeking to seize new territories of Armenia
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze meets with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and participates in the NATO-Georgia Commission meeting during his official visit to Brussels
4 month ago
Georgian parliament approves Giorgi Barvenishvili’s MP credentials, to substitute Irakli Kobakhidze
President Erdoğan met with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev4 month ago
President Erdoğan met with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
4 month ago
Serokwezîrê Ermenistanê Paşînyan dibêje, Ermenistan li Ukraynayê ne hevalbendê Rûsyayê ye
Serokomar Zelensky li Munchenê bi Serokomarê Azerbaycanê re hevdîtin kir4 month ago
Serokomar Zelensky li Munchenê bi Serokomarê Azerbaycanê re hevdîtin kir
4 month ago
The leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia Ilham Aliyev and Nikol Pashinyan hold a meeting in Munich with the participation of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
3 men were killed in Staryi Achkhoi village of Chechen republic in a shootout with police
4 month ago
Azerbaijan refuses border delimitation and has not abandoned the policy of military coercion towards Armenia, - said Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan
4 month ago
Di encama gulebarana Azerbaycanê de 2 cerdevanên sînor ên Ermenîstanê li devera Nerqîn a dikeve başûrê Kapanê hatin kuştin
4 month ago
The positions of the Azerbaijani Army came under fire. Ministry of Defense: On February 12, at 20:50 and 23:40, units of the Armenian armed forces fired from small arms at the positions of our army located in the direction of Kokhanabi settlement of Tovuz region from their positions located in the direction of Chinarli settlement of Tovuzgala district.
4 month ago
Di encama gullereşandina li sûka Rûstavê de gelek kuştî û birîndar hene, gumanbar hate binçavkirin
4 month ago
Preliminary results: Ilham Aliyev wins a fifth presidential term in Azerbaijan
4 month ago
Polling stations opened in Azerbaijan for early presidential elections
4 month ago
The entire high-mountainous Tsuntinsky region of Dagestan is cut off from road communications due to an avalanche, the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the region reported
Servîsên Ewlekariya Gurcistanê li ser sînorê bi Rûsyayê re barên bi teqemeniyan girtin4 month ago
Servîsên Ewlekariya Gurcistanê li ser sînorê bi Rûsyayê re barên bi teqemeniyan girtin
4 month ago
Servîsa Ewlekariya Dewletê ya Gurcistanê ragihand ku li Gurcistanê barekî teqemeniyê ku ji Odesa ber bi Voronezh ve diçû hat girtin.
5 month ago
Armenia formally joins International Criminal Court: officials — AFP
5 month ago
Georgian PM Irakli Garibashvili resigns. Pro-government Imedi TV earlier reported that he'd swap with the incumbent ruling GD party chair Irakli Kobakhidze
Explosions was reported at military plant in Shirvan district of Azerbaijan
5 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 8 km W of Qaraçala, Azerbaijan
5 month ago
Pêwistiya Ermenîstanê bi makezagoneke nû heye
Aliyev: France arms Armenia, 'trains their soldiers and prepares them for another war', 'illusions may emerge' in Armenia to retake Karabakh5 month ago
Aliyev: France arms Armenia, 'trains their soldiers and prepares them for another war', 'illusions may emerge' in Armenia to retake Karabakh
5 month ago
Aliyev: "We will contribute to exposing French neocolonialism and to the process of freeing French colonies from the French colonial yoke."
Aliyev: France failed 5x to adopt a resolution & then sanctions vs Azerbaijan at UNSC; EU 'countries failed to agree on a common position' on Azerbaijan, France 'insisted on sanctions'5 month ago
Aliyev: France failed 5x to adopt a resolution & then sanctions vs Azerbaijan at UNSC; EU 'countries failed to agree on a common position' on Azerbaijan, France 'insisted on sanctions'