The Abkhazian parliament voted against ratifying the investment agreement with Russia, which caused opposition protests and the resignation of Aslan Bzhania
2 week ago At 6 am protesters decide to relocate to Chavchavadze avenue near the Tbilisi State University
2 week ago Xwepêşandêrên li dawiya kolana Rustavelî ber bi avahiya parlamentoyê ve diçin
2 week ago Li Tiblîsê nîvê şevê ye. Polîsên hêzên çewîk li nêzî otela Marriott bi cih bûne, xwepêşander li kolana Rustaveli dirêj dibin. Gaza rondikrêj bênavber tê bikaranîn û li tevahiya herêmê tê hîskirin
2 week ago Polîsên serhildêr ji du aliyan ve bi komên xwepêşanderan re rû bi rû ne. Xwepêşander fîşekên hewayî diavêjin dema ku polîs bombeyên gazê diavêjin. Nini Gabritchidze/
2 week ago Tbilisi: Special forces used tear gas canisters against protesters
2 week ago 22:05 - Tbîlîsî Dema ku polîsan dest bi tepeserkirina mîtîngê kir, hin xwepêşander li nêzî Dêra Kaşuetî kom bûn, li pêşberî wan melayek rawestiya.
2 week ago Îro bi kêmî ve li nîvê bajar û bajarokên Gurcistanê xwepêşandan li seranserî welatî diqewimin. Lîsteya tam li vir e: Êlih, Kobuleti, Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti, Chokhatauri, Poti, Zugdidi, Chkhorotsku, Tsalenjikha, Martvili, Jvari, Kutaisi, Kharagauli, Tkibuli, Dmanisi, Borjomi, Akhaltsikhe, Tehşûrî, Xaşûrî,, Gurcanî, Kvarelî, Axmeta, Rustavi û Tbîlîsî. Vîdyo xwenîşandanên li Tsalenjikha, bi rêya Daitove, nîşan dide
Komeleya Hiqûqnasên Ciwan ên Gurcistanê (GYLA) da xuyakirin, ku piraniya girtiyên di çalakiya duh bi şev de hatin binçavkirin, rastî derbên giran hatine û 'şkestinên poz û çenên wan, gelek birîn, hematoma' hene.
2 week ago Hundreds of demonstrators have gathered in Zugdidi in western Georgia, calling on people to join their protest.
Di saet 19:15'an de piştî destpêkirina mîtîngê li nêzî avahiya parlamentoyê, polîsan bi ava şid ji hundirê avahiya parlamentoyê dest bi çalakiyê kirin.
2 week ago Thousands of protesters have gathered in Tbilisi for a fifth night of protests. Police have reportedly already used fire hoses and tear gas to disperse protesters in front of the parliament building on Rustaveli Avenue.
2 week ago Mamoste û xwendekarên Zanîngeha Îlya ya Tiblîsê niha ber bi parlamentoyê ve dimeşin. Ev roja pêncemîn e ku li seranserê welat li dijî ragihandina Xewna Gurcistanê ya ji bo cemidandina endametiya Yekîtiya Ewropî xwepêşandanên tund û bê rawest e.
2 week ago Xwendekarên zanîngeha Tiblîsê li ser kolana Çavçavadze meşiyan
Polîsên Gurcistanê di dema xwenîşandanên li Tiflîsê de ji bo demeke kurt Zurab Japaridze, yek ji lîderên koma muxalefetê Koalîsyona ji bo Guhertinê û damezrînerê partiya Girçî - Azadiya Bêhtir binçav kirin.
2 week ago Xwendekarên Zanîngeha Dewletê ya Êlihê dest bi grevê kirin. Hem xwepêşandanên Êlihê û hem jî hebûna polîsan li wê derê ji her demê mezintir e
Sibeha 2ê Kanûnê, di serdegirtina li rawestgeha metroya Rustaveli de, rojnamevan Giorgi Chagelishvili yê Mautskebeli hat girtin.
Xwendekarên dibistanên dewletê yên li seranserê Gurcistanê di grevê de ne, ji bo protestoyê çûna dersê red dikin
2 week ago Xwepêşanderan şeva 4'emîn li kolana Rustaveli ya Tbîlîsê derbas kirin. Polîsên serhildêr danê sibehê saet di 07:00 de bi gaza rondikrêj dest bi belavkirina girseyê kirin û 4 km li dû xwepêşanderan dan.
2 week ago Riot police are again issuing warnings and appear to be starting a major dispersal operation on Rustaveli Avenue. Protesters again get ready by setting up barricades
2 week ago President of the European Council António Costa: Had a call with @Zourabichvili_S together with @kajakallas. We condemn the violence against protestors. Actions of government run counter to the will of the people. The EU stands with the people of Georgia
2 week ago Protesters launch fireworks toward the Georgian parliament building, where riot police are deployed on the stairs. The riot police are firing water cannons back at the gathered demonstrators
Gabrielius Landsbergis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania announced on December 1, that three Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania “jointly agreed to impose national sanctions against those who suppressed legitimate protests in Georgia.”
2 week ago Protests are announced in every major city in Georgia, including in Kutaisi and Rustavi
2 week ago President @Zourabichvili_S addressed the nation, outlining the next steps in Georgia's struggle to save its European future. Protests: The ongoing protests, which are grassroots, self-organized, and spontaneous must remain independent, free from interference by political parties or the president. However, they do require support and protection. Demands: to pressure the Constitutional Court. The second demand is new elections. To restore peace and stability, the government must allow for fair and fraud-free elections.
2 week ago Police dispersing protesters in Tbilisi with water cannons
2 week ago Police units have appeared near the Parliament, and 2 water cannon vehicles have also been mobilized
2 week ago The demonstrators blocked traffic on Kostava Street in front of the public broadcaster's building, which leads to the city's main transport hub. They had set a deadline of 19:30 for the station's management to meet with them. Photo: Otto Kantaria
2 week ago For the fourth straight day and night, protesters have flooded the streets nationwide, including in front of the country’s parliament in Tbilisi
3 week ago At dawn, after the police had cleared Rustaveli Avenue of protesters, citizens retreated to Tbilisi State University. The surrounding area has been blocked. The protesters are calling on people not to go to work, but to come and join them. Video: Gigi Kobakhidze/