5 Cotmeh 2024
"We've seen significant evidence of Azerbaijani shelling inside Armenia" with damage, @StateDeptSpox tells reporters. "There is unlikely to be one proximate cause"
CSTO di civîneke awarte de biryar da ku sekreterê giştî yê rêxistinê bişîne ser sînorê Azerbaycan û Ermenistanê da ku raporek derbarê rewşê de amade bike.
#Cyprus condemns in unequivocal terms the attacks unleashed by #Azerbaijan on sovereign territories of #Armenia&urges 4 their immediate cessation&respect for Nov 9,2020 ceasefire statement. @CyprusMFA @MFAofArmenia @IKasoulides @AraratMirzoyan @v_hunanyan
Blinken says Washington deeply concerned about the eruption of clashes along the the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, repeats there can be no military solution to the conflict and urges an end to the military hostilities immediately
2 year ago
Message from the Armenian Defense Ministry: As of 14:00, the situation remains extremely tense on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Despite the lower intensity, the enemy continues to attempt a positional change in the direction of Nerkin And, Vardenis, Verin Shorzha, Artanish and Sotk
Shelling reported near Sotk2 year ago
Shelling reported near Sotk
France called a meeting of the UN Security Council regarding the tension on the Azerbaijan-Armenia border
Wezareta Derve ya Rûsyayê ragihand ku wan navbeynkariya agirbesta di navbera Ermenistan û Azerbaycanê de kiriye, ku ji saet 09:00 ve dest pê dike. Her wiha dilgiraniya xwe ji rewşê re anî ziman2 year ago
Wezareta Derve ya Rûsyayê ragihand ku wan navbeynkariya agirbesta di navbera Ermenistan û Azerbaycanê de kiriye, ku ji saet 09:00 ve dest pê dike. Her wiha dilgiraniya xwe ji rewşê re anî ziman
Pashinyan called Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi
Azerbeycanê daxuyand ku divê di nav axa Ermenîstanê de korîdorek wê hebe. Helwesta me wisa bû û dimîne ku em di nav axa Ermenîstanê re korîdorê nedin kesî, - Paşînyan
Di dema danûstandinan de, Azerbeycanê ji Nrnadzorê heta Erîvanê: Paşînyan, li ser Ermenîstanê îddîayên erdî hebû
At least 49 Armenians were killed in clashes with Azerbaijan, reports Armenian Prime Minister
On the Armenia's request, a meeting of the CSTO Permanent Council is underway, - Pashinyan said
Armenia, Russia agree 'joint steps to stabilise situation' on border: Yerevan
The President of the European Council discusses with the President of Armenia the situation on the border with Azerbaijan
An official video by ARM MOD reportedly shows the attempt of Azeri troops to cross the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. The attempt failed according to MOD
2 year ago
Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Azerbaijan discussed the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Cavusoglu urged Yerevan to focus on peace
Shelling renewed in Jermuk
2 year ago
An Azerbaijani loitering munition has reportedly struck a target in the town of Martuni - a full 40km within the internationally recognized borders of Armenia
Armenia will officially appeal to Russia, the CSTO and the UN Security Council in connection with the aggression of Azerbaijan, - Security Council of Armenia
Serokwezîrê Ermenistanê Paşînyan bi telefonê bi Pûtîn re axivî û jê re behsa rewşê kir
Yerevan hosts an emergency meeting of the Security Council of the Republic of Armenia chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan
2 year ago
Wezareta Parastinê ya Azerbaycanê: Hebûna personel û alavên hêzên çekdar ên Ermenistanê li herêma aborî ya Karabaxê ya Azerbaycanê hê jî didome. Li hemberî provakasyona Ermenîstanê, Artêşa Azerbaycanê tedbîrên herêmî pêk tîne û nuqteyên gulebaranê bêbandor dikin.
Li Vardenîs û Jermûkê rewş aramtir, tenê car caran çekên kêmyayî tên gulebarankirin
2 year ago
Wezareta Parastinê ya Ermenîstanê Azerbaycanê di provokasyonê de sûcdar dike, hêzên çekdar ên Ermenîstanê bersiva vê yekê didin
2 year ago
4 Azerbaijani soldiers reportedly wounded
In the Vardenis region, the villages of Sotk, Verin Shorzha, Norabak, Kut and Mets Masrik are currently being shelled
2 year ago
According to Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan Armenian sabouters planted mines on the supply roads of Azerbaijani military in directions of Dashkasan, Kalbajar and Lachin, and later positions and bases of Azerbaijani army came under mortar shelling, there are casualties and material damage
Wezareta Parastinê ya Ermenîstanê ragihand ku 13'ê Îlonê saet 00:05'an yekîneyên Hêzên Çekdar ên Azerbaycanê ji top û çekên biçûk ên qalibê mezin bi tundî li çeperên ermeniyan ên li Gorîs, Sotk û Jermûkê dane. Li gorî ajansê, dijmin balafirên keşfê jî bikar tîne.
2 year ago
Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan: Armenian armed forces have committed large-scale provocation in the directions of Dashkasan, Kalbajar and Lachin. Our forces are responding. The military and political leadership of Armenia bears all responsibility for the provocation, confrontation and losses
2 year ago
Li Gorîsê dengê teqînan tê
2 year ago
Drone strike reported at military unit in Kapan
Footage filmed from Jermuk in Armenia confirm artillery fire ongoing nearby2 year ago
Footage filmed from Jermuk in Armenia confirm artillery fire ongoing nearby