2 Siječanj 2025
Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff Adam Schiff: Azerbaijan must stop attacking and terrorizing Armenian civilians. And the U.S. and its allies must unequivocally condemn Azeri actions. Today, we introduced a resolution with a resounding message: No more U.S. support for Azerbaijan. It must pay for its belligerence
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Azerbajdžan nastavlja intenzivne raketne i topničke napade duž cijele granice od Sotka do Gorisa - armensko ministarstvo obrane
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Azerbaijan has temporarily suspended usage of "TikTok" in the country
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Kao rezultat borbi, Azerbajdžan je uspostavio kontrolu nad nekim teritorijima Armenije - premijer Pashinyan
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Armenski premijer Pashinyan: Nacrt zakona o uvođenju izvanrednog stanja je u razmatranju, ali zasad nema potrebe za njim
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Premijer Pashinyan kaže da je do ovog trenutka ubijeno 105 armenskih vojnika
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Armenian Defense Ministry: At 15:00, the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border again became extremely tense. From 15:00, along the entire border line from Sotk to Goris, the enemy resumed intensive rocket and artillery shelling, also targeting peaceful settlements, using xombat UAVs. The Azerbaijani side also attacked Russian FSB vehicles carrying out a humanitarian mission in the war zone. Azerbaijani units also resumed attempts at positional advancement
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Reuters: Erdogan will discuss the border issue of Azerbaijan and Armenia with Putin in Samarkand
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Azerbaijan calls Armenia for a ceasefire and states that it is ready to unilaterally hand over the bodies of up to 100 Armenian servicemen
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Zamjenik ministra vanjskih poslova Armenije: Tražili smo od Rusije da ispuni neke odredbe vojnog saveza, jer je naš teritorijalni integritet ugrožen
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Zamjenik ministra vanjskih poslova Armenije kaže da postoji jasan rizik da bi granični sukobi s Azerbajdžanom mogli eskalirati u rat
Von der Leyen: "Želim da ljudi Zapadnog Balkana, Ukrajine, Moldavije i Gruzije znaju: vi ste dio naše obitelji, vaša budućnost je u našoj Uniji i naša Unija nije potpuna bez vas"
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Jutros su nastavljeni sukobi na azerbejdžansko-armenskoj granici
Azerbaijan IAI Harop strikes Armenia S300 AD system radar2 godine pre
Azerbaijan IAI Harop strikes Armenia S300 AD system radar
Armenian sources claim that this video shows how Russian peacekeepers abandoned their base in Syunik border zone as soon as the Azerbaijan Azerbaijani military attacked Armenian territory2 godine pre
Armenian sources claim that this video shows how Russian "peacekeepers" abandoned their base in Syunik border zone as soon as the Azerbaijan Azerbaijani military attacked Armenian territory
"We've seen significant evidence of Azerbaijani shelling inside Armenia" with damage, @StateDeptSpox tells reporters. "There is unlikely to be one proximate cause"
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CSTO je na izvanrednom sastanku odlučio poslati glavnog tajnika organizacije na granicu između Azerbajdžana i Armenije kako bi podnio izvješće o situaciji
#Cyprus condemns in unequivocal terms the attacks unleashed by #Azerbaijan on sovereign territories of #Armenia&urges 4 their immediate cessation&respect for Nov 9,2020 ceasefire statement. @CyprusMFA @MFAofArmenia @IKasoulides @AraratMirzoyan @v_hunanyan
Blinken says Washington deeply concerned about the eruption of clashes along the the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, repeats there can be no military solution to the conflict and urges an end to the military hostilities immediately
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Message from the Armenian Defense Ministry: As of 14:00, the situation remains extremely tense on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Despite the lower intensity, the enemy continues to attempt a positional change in the direction of Nerkin And, Vardenis, Verin Shorzha, Artanish and Sotk
Shelling reported near Sotk2 godine pre
Shelling reported near Sotk
France called a meeting of the UN Security Council regarding the tension on the Azerbaijan-Armenia border
Rusko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova priopćilo je da je posredovalo u primirju između Armenije i Azerbajdžana od 9 ujutro. Također je izrazio duboku zabrinutost zbog situacije2 godine pre
Rusko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova priopćilo je da je posredovalo u primirju između Armenije i Azerbajdžana od 9 ujutro. Također je izrazio duboku zabrinutost zbog situacije
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Pashinyan called Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi
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Azerbajdžan izjavljuje da bi trebao imati koridor kroz teritorij Armenije. Naš stav je bio i ostao takav da nikome nećemo dati koridor preko teritorije Armenije, - Pašinjan
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Tijekom pregovora, Azerbajdžan je imao teritorijalne zahtjeve prema Armeniji od Nrnadzora do Erevana: Pashinyan
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At least 49 Armenians were killed in clashes with Azerbaijan, reports Armenian Prime Minister
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On the Armenia's request, a meeting of the CSTO Permanent Council is underway, - Pashinyan said
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Armenia, Russia agree 'joint steps to stabilise situation' on border: Yerevan
The President of the European Council discusses with the President of Armenia the situation on the border with Azerbaijan
An official video by ARM MOD reportedly shows the attempt of Azeri troops to cross the Armenia-Azerbaijan border.   The attempt failed according to MOD2 godine pre
An official video by ARM MOD reportedly shows the attempt of Azeri troops to cross the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. The attempt failed according to MOD
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Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Azerbaijan discussed the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Cavusoglu urged Yerevan to focus on peace