3 Srpanj 2024
Veliki požar u luci Novorosijsk
10 mjesec pre
The message of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia: On August 17, from 21:15 to 21:30, units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire from small arms on Armenian positions located in the Yeraskh sector
10 mjesec pre
The Armenian Foreign Minister said at a meeting of the UN Security Council that the current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh could undermine the peace process in the South Caucasus.
Veliki požar u blizini Anape
10 mjesec pre
The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan announced that an attempt by the Armenian saboteur group to penetrate the territory of the republic was prevented, and one of its members was detained
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Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense: On August 15, around 12:20 p.m., in the area of Yukhari Shorja settlement of Basarkecher district, the information spread in Armenian information resources about firing by units of the Azerbaijan Army in the direction of persona European Union observers and their car is not true, it is another disinformation of the other side.
Broj poginulih u eksploziji na benzinskoj postaji u Mahačkali porastao je na 27 mrtvih, 75 ranjeno
According to preliminary data, after the explosion in Makhachkala, 10 people died and more than 50 were injured, including minors
Three people killed in an explosion at a car service in Makhachkala
Eksplozija na benzinskoj postaji u Mahačkali, 10 vozila u plamenu
Otpravnik poslova Ukrajine Oleksandr Senchenko tragično preminuo u Armeniji (crtan u jezeru)10 mjesec pre
Otpravnik poslova Ukrajine Oleksandr Senchenko tragično preminuo u Armeniji (crtan u jezeru)
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The Armenian Defense Ministry denied the statement of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry about the accumulation of military equipment on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border
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Državno tužiteljstvo Ruske Federacije prepoznalo je istraživački projekt Conflict Intelligence Team kao nepoželjnu organizaciju
Prosvjed protiv nestanka struje u Mačačkali
30 thousand people were left without electricity in Derbent due to a fire at a substation
11 mjesec pre
Azerbaijan has no territorial claims against Armenia, expects the same approach from Yerevan - Aliyev
Pucnjava ispaljena oko 11 sati danas u okrugu Shusha u Nagornom Karabahu
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Kamioni s humanitarnom pomoći vlade Armenije krenuli su za Nagorni Karabah
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 3 km NE of Lankaran, Azerbaijan
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Turkmenistan is ready to implement a project to build a gas pipeline along the bottom of the Caspian Sea in order to transport Turkmen blue fuel to European markets (Trans-Caspian pipeline) - the official statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan says
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Armenia is ready to sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan on the basis of the agreements reached on mutual recognition of territorial integrity, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said
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Požar u trafostanici blizu Sočija
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The press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan issued a statement in which the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh called as not in line with the declaration on allied cooperation
The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov and the head of Dagestan Sergey Melikov accused law enforcement officers of unprofessionalism due to a raid on a house of worship in Kotelniki near Moscow
Armenian MFA: the population of Nagorno-Karabakh faces a real threat of starvation. It has already been 7 months since Azerbaijani authorities have illegally blocked LachinCorridor, lifeline linking NagornoKarabakh with outer world11 mjesec pre
Armenian MFA: "the population of Nagorno-Karabakh faces a real threat of starvation". It has already been 7 months since Azerbaijani authorities have illegally blocked LachinCorridor, lifeline linking NagornoKarabakh with outer world
US Department of State: .@SecBlinken spoke with Armenian Prime Minister @NikolPashinyan yesterday about Armenia’s continued engagement with Azerbaijan to secure a durable and dignified peace in the South Caucasus, and reiterated his strong support for the peace process
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Defense Minister Yoav Gallant heads to Azerbaijan for strategic visit, @MaarivOnline reports; this is the latest in series of trips by top Israeli officials
Bivši zapovjednik poboljšane podmornice klase Kilo Krasnodar, zamjenik šefa ureda za mobilizaciju Krasnodara Stanislav Rzhytsky ubijen je u Krasnodaru
Ministar vanjskih poslova Irana stigao je u Baku12 mjesec pre
Ministar vanjskih poslova Irana stigao je u Baku
A court in Grozny sentenced Zarema Musaeva, wife of ex-judge Saydi Yangulbaev, to 5.5 years in prison in a case of violence against a government official and fraud