3 Srpanj 2024
9 mjesec pre
Pashinyan je sazvao sastanak Vijeća sigurnosti Armenije
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Armensko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova nazvalo je vojne akcije Azerbajdžana u Nagorno-Karabahu agresijom velikih razmjera
9 mjesec pre
Ministri obrane Azerbajdžana i Turske razgovarali su telefonom o događajima u Karabahu
9 mjesec pre
Ruski mirovni kontingent nastavlja ispunjavati svoje zadaće usred situacije u Karabahu - rusko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova
9 mjesec pre
Armenija nema oružane snage u Nagorno-Karabahu - Ministarstvo obrane Armenije
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Pristup aplikaciji TikTok ograničen je u Azerbajdžanu
9 mjesec pre
MVP Rusije: U kontaktu smo s Bakuom u vezi s akcijama azerbajdžanske vojske u Karabahu
9 mjesec pre
Azerbajdžanske oružane snage uništile su položaj armenskih oružanih snaga u blizini ceste Karkijahan-Khalfaly
9 mjesec pre
The positions of the Azerbaijani Army are under intense fire. Ministry of Defense: The units of the Armenian armed forces in the territory of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeeping contingent is temporarily stationed, are intensively firing different types of weapons at the positions of the Azerbaijani Army located in the direction of the Aghdam region.
9 mjesec pre
Ministarstvo obrane Armenije: Situacija na granicama Republike Armenije od 14:00 mirna
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Stanica armenskih snaga za elektroničko ratovanje uništena je blizu Agdera
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Prijavljeni su sukobi lakim oružjem u blizini Shushe
9 mjesec pre
Tor SAM je navodno uništen u Khankedi/Khankendi/Stepanakertu
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U Nagorno-Karabahu su potpuno prekinute komunikacije
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Azerbaijan has launched a major military operation to reclaim Nagorno-Karabakh. Explosions can be heard in Khankendi/Stepanakert. Azerbaijan has closed its airspace to Armenia
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Ministarstvo obrane Azerbajdžana: borbena vozila i vojni objekti armenskih postrojbi uništeni su uporabom visokopreciznog oružja; U okviru protuterorističkih mjera u Karabahu ne gađa se civilno stanovništvo, uništavaju se samo legitimni vojni ciljevi
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Ministarstvo obrane Azerbajdžana: Kako bi se obnovila ustavna struktura Azerbajdžana, u Karabahu su započele lokalne protuterorističke mjere
9 mjesec pre
Georgia Security announced Saakashvili's entourage was preparing for coup.Mass protests& subsequent overthrow of gov. were planned for October & December. At that time, European Commission is expected to announce its decision on country's candidate status for EU membership
9 mjesec pre
The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense announced the interception of a quadcopter of the Armenian Armed Forces attempting to carry out a reconnaissance flight over the positions of the Azerbaijani army in Nakhichevan
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An explosion and fire in a five-story building in the Makhachkala village of Semender. Reportedly gas cylinder exploded in an apartment on the fourth floor - glass was broken in houses and cars nearby
9 mjesec pre
Putin je održao sastanak s ruskim Vijećem za nacionalnu sigurnost, razgovarao o odnosima s najbližim saveznicima i dijalogu s drugim zemljama
9 mjesec pre
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that, in his opinion, the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh did not cope with its task
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Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) carried out a missile test of advanced Barak MX air defense system in Azerbaijan, shooting down a ballistic missile. The company said it recently carried out the operational demonstration without saying where it was carried out. But the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense said it had carried out an air defense firing drill in which the Ildirim 8-ER (believed to be the local name of the Barak MX) was used to shoot down a ballistic missile
9 mjesec pre
Armenian Foreign Minister: Armenia received new proposals for a peace agreement from Azerbaijan
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Pashinyan: Zbog sukoba u Ukrajini armenske vlasti više se ne mogu oslanjati na Rusku Federaciju kao jamca svoje sigurnosti
9 mjesec pre
Pashinyan je rekao da će Rimski statut ICC-a biti ratificiran i da to nije povezano s armensko-ruskim odnosima
The head of the Iranian General Staff assured the Azerbaijani Defense Minister that Tehran is not amassing military equipment on the border
9 mjesec pre
The Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire from small arms at Armenian positions located in the Srashen sector (Syunik region), reports the Armenian Ministry of Defense
Editor of Dagestani newspaper Chernovik Abdulmumin Gadzhiev has been sentenced to 17 years in prison for alleged terrorism and extremism
Armensko vodstvo u biti je priznalo suverenitet Azerbajdžana nad Karabahom - Putin