6 Juli 2024
1 Jahr zuvor
Putin, Pashinyan und Aliyev unterzeichneten in Sotschi eine dreigliedrige Erklärung, in der vereinbart wurde, den Frieden im Südkaukasus zu gewährleisten
1 Jahr zuvor
Tripartite meeting of Presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia began in Sochi
Putin traf Aliyev in Sotschi1 Jahr zuvor
Putin traf Aliyev in Sotschi
1 Jahr zuvor
Online summit of CSTO on Armenia
Protest in Tabriz, East Azerbaijan Province
1 Jahr zuvor
Azerbaijan's state-controlled TV channel (AzTV) today called Russia an occupier, aggressor and condemned Moscow for crimes against humanity in Ukraine; Yesterday, threatened Iran with the separation of Azerbaijanis from Tehran's rule
1 Jahr zuvor
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili met in Tbilisi
FSB behauptet, ISIS-Angriff auf Polizeistation in Pjatigorsk vereitelt zu haben
1 Jahr zuvor
Turkey opens consulate general in Shusha, - Erdogan said upon his return from Azerbaijan
1 Jahr zuvor
Iran's Foreign Minister @Amirabdolahian traveled to the Armenian capital Yerevan Thursday amid regional tensions and shortly after the IRGC held a large-scale military drill in the northwestern region of Aras along the borders of Armenia and Azerbaijan
Andranik Kocharyan, chairman of parliamentary committee on defense, says Armenia seeks to obtain weapons from every possible place, but problems remain; adds that Armenia wants the US to help increase training of the armed forces1 Jahr zuvor
Andranik Kocharyan, chairman of parliamentary committee on defense, says Armenia seeks to obtain weapons from "every possible place", but problems remain; adds that Armenia wants the US to help increase training of the armed forces
Andranik Kocharyan, chairman of parliamentary committee on defense, says Armenia seeks to obtain weapons from every possible place, but problems remain; adds that Armenia wants the US to help increase training of the armed forces
Die Werchowna Rada erkannte die Souveränität Itschkeriens an. Die Resolution des Parlaments wurde von 287 Volksabgeordneten unterstützt. Das Dokument verurteilt den Völkermord am tschetschenischen Volk und erkennt die Souveränität der tschetschenischen Republik Itschkeria an1 Jahr zuvor
Die Werchowna Rada erkannte die Souveränität Itschkeriens an. Die Resolution des Parlaments wurde von 287 Volksabgeordneten unterstützt. Das Dokument verurteilt den Völkermord am tschetschenischen Volk und erkennt die Souveränität der tschetschenischen Republik Itschkeria an
1 Jahr zuvor
Russia has suspended gas supply to Armenia for 2 days for maintenance works at gas pipeline
1 Jahr zuvor
The Armenian Defense Ministry denies shooting at the border areas with Azerbaijan, and describes it as an attempt to create tension
1 Jahr zuvor
GUS-Gipfel in Astana
1 Jahr zuvor
Putin traf Aliyev in Astana
1 Jahr zuvor
Der russische FM Lawrow traf sich mit dem armenischen FM Mirzoyan
1 Jahr zuvor
Defense Ministry: Information on Azerbaijan Army's alleged firing Armenian armed forces units is completely false
1 Jahr zuvor
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense says ceasefire breaks happened yesterday afternoon and today morning. Incidents happened in Lachin and Kalbajar
1 Jahr zuvor
Informelles Gipfeltreffen der Staats- und Regierungschefs der GUS in St. Petersburg abgeschlossen
Prime Ministers of Armenia and Greece Nikol Pashinyan and Kyriakos Mitsotakis met in Prague1 Jahr zuvor
Prime Ministers of Armenia and Greece Nikol Pashinyan and Kyriakos Mitsotakis met in Prague
Erdogan and Pashinyan hold talks in Prague1 Jahr zuvor
Erdogan and Pashinyan hold talks in Prague
1 Jahr zuvor
The first round of the four-way meeting Pashinyan-Macron-Michel-Aliyev ended in Prague
1 Jahr zuvor
The message of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia: On October 6, at about 14:20, units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire on construction equipment that was carrying out fortification work at Armenian combat positions located in the eastern part of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, as a result of which the equipment was damaged
Today, @SecBlinken spoke with the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in a trilateral format
1 Jahr zuvor
Greece strongly condemns Azerbaijani soldiers brutal execution of unarmed Armenian soldiers. This behavior must bear consequences
1 Jahr zuvor
Armenia's MoD: On October 3, at about 21:30, units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, using mortars and large-caliber weapons, opened fire in the direction of Armenian combat positions located in the eastern part of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border
2 suspected militants were killed while attempting to plant explosives at railway in Kabardino-Balkariya
1 Jahr zuvor
Armenisches Verteidigungsministerium: 3 Soldaten durch aserbaidschanischen Beschuss getötet
1 Jahr zuvor
Lukashenka visited Abkhazia, met with Aslan Bzhania