3 Juli 2024
1 Jahr zuvor
Pashinyan on possible withdrawal from CSTO:Our membership prevents weapons acquisitions from other countries
Pashinyan on possible withdrawal from CSTO:Our membership prevents weapons acquisitions from other countries
1 Jahr zuvor
Pashinyan: Armenia is ready to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan
1 Jahr zuvor
Aliyev states that the signing of a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia is inevitable
1 Jahr zuvor
Pashinyan expressed hope that a peace agreement with Azerbaijan would be signed as soon as possible.
1 Jahr zuvor
Protest against Russian Flights in Tbilisi, Rustaveli avenue
1 Jahr zuvor
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan called a progres his meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and European Council President Charles Michel in Brussels on May 14. Armenia will recognise territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and Azerbajian of Armenia
1 Jahr zuvor
Protest rally against direct flights with Russia headed from the Parliament building to the HQ of Georgian Airways in Tbilisi
Azerbaijan has detained 7 people on charges of spying for Iran1 Jahr zuvor
Azerbaijan has detained 7 people on charges of spying for Iran
1 Jahr zuvor
Russian airlines have applied to the Georgian authorities for permission to start flights to the country – Georgian Civil Aviation Agency
1 Jahr zuvor
Azerbaijani Defense Ministry: 1 serviceman killed in clashes with Armenian army
Clashes with artillery reported on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border. Drones also have been used1 Jahr zuvor
Clashes with artillery reported on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border. Drones also have been used
Washington: Armenia and Azerbaijan must reach a "peaceful solution" after the confrontations
1 Jahr zuvor
Azerbaijan is trying to disrupt the talks with Aliyev planned in Brussels and Chisinau by military actions, says Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan
1 Jahr zuvor
Clashes near Sotk village. According to Armenian Defense ministry Azerbaijani Armed Forces shelled their positions with artillery
1 Jahr zuvor
Der georgische Präsident Zurabischwili bezeichnete die Aufhebung der Visumserteilung durch die Russische Föderation als Provokation und erklärte, dass solche Maßnahmen inakzeptabel seien, während Russland seine Aggression gegen die Ukraine fortsetzt und das Territorium Georgiens besetzt
Putin hebt die Visaregelung für georgische Staatsbürger ab dem 15. Mai 2023 auf und hob das Flugverbot für russische Fluggesellschaften nach Georgien auf1 Jahr zuvor
Putin hebt die Visaregelung für georgische Staatsbürger ab dem 15. Mai 2023 auf und hob das Flugverbot für russische Fluggesellschaften nach Georgien auf
1 Jahr zuvor
Das ukrainische Außenministerium bezeichnete den Besuch des Premierministers von Armenien und der Präsidenten von Kasachstan, Kirgisistan, Tadschikistan, Turkmenistan und Usbekistan bei einer Militärparade in Moskau als unmoralischen und unfreundlichen Schritt gegenüber der Ukraine und als Zeichen der Verachtung der Ukrainer
1 Jahr zuvor
Armenia and Azerbaijan have not made progress in the United States on the most important issues, the Secretary of the Armenian Security Council said. The Moscow meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan will be a continuation of the negotiations in the United States.
Guardian hat einen Eindringling festgenommen, der versuchte, in den geschützten Bereich einer Militäranlage in Noworossijsk einzudringen, teilte TASS im Pressedienst des Südlichen Militärbezirks (SMD) mit.
Ramzan Kadyrov bittet Puting, seine Akhmat-Einheit aus anderen Richtungen abzuziehen und sie nach Bakhmut zu schicken
Kadyrow aus Tschetschenien sagt, er akzeptiere den Vorschlag des Leiters der Söldner von PMC Wagner, sie in Bachmut durch tschetschenische Truppen zu ersetzen
1 Jahr zuvor
Feuer in der Nähe von Stawropol
US Department of State: Today @SecBlinken called Azerbaijani President Aliyev to encourage a focus on peace efforts between Azerbaijan and Armenia and underscored the importance of the open use of the Lachin road for commercial and private vehicles
Armenia's Chief of Staff to French FM @MinColonna: "I highly appreciate the EU monitoring mission in Armenia. With its operation, the Azerbaijani military is more restrained
1 Jahr zuvor
2 sappers wounded as result of explosion of a mine near Shali in Chechnya
1 Jahr zuvor
Pashinyan discussed the situation in Karabakh with Putin - press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of Armenia
In North Ossetia, there was a mass brawl and shootout between the natives of Ingushetia and Ossetia. 11 people were taken to the hospital.
1 Jahr zuvor
Armenian Foreign Ministry called on Russia to ensure the withdrawal of Azerbaijani forces from the Lachin corridor
The State Border Service of Azerbaijan announced the installation of a checkpoint at the entrance to the Lachin-Khankendi road on the border with Armenia. This was done unilaterally in order to prevent the transfer of manpower, ammunition, mines, as well as military equipment from Armenia to illegal Armenian armed groups on the territory of Azerbaijan. the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent and the Russian-Turkish monitoring center have been informed.
1 Jahr zuvor
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that Armenians living in the Karabakh region should choose either to accept Azerbaijani citizenship or look for another place to live