3 Juli 2024
8 Monat zuvor
Ilham Aliyev announced Baku's readiness to conduct negotiations in Georgia with representatives of Armenia to normalize relations, but for this there must be the consent of Yerevan
European Union: We express our deep concern about Russia's intention to establish a permanent naval base in the breakaway region of Abkhazia
Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj traf sich in Granada, Spanien, mit dem armenischen Ministerpräsidenten Paschinjan9 Monat zuvor
Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj traf sich in Granada, Spanien, mit dem armenischen Ministerpräsidenten Paschinjan
9 Monat zuvor
The Armenian Ministry of Defense stated that the Azerbaijani military fired at a supply vehicle of the Armenian army at the border.
.@StateDeputySpox confirms US and Russia held rare meeting, alongside EU, in Istanbul to discuss Nagorno-Karabakh on September 17 on eve of Azerbaijan offensive. On "working level" about "urgent humanitarian issues"
9 Monat zuvor
Pashinyan said that he is ready to conclude a peace agreement with Aliyev and hopes for its speedy signing
Der Exodus russischer Schiffe aus Sewastopol: Die russische Schwarzmeerflotte verlegte die meisten ihrer Schiffe von Sewastopol nach Noworossijsk. Alle drei einsatzbereiten U-Boote des Projekts 06363 (Kilo-Klasse), beide Fregatten des Projekts 11356 (Admiral Grigorovich-Klasse)
9 Monat zuvor
Arayik Harutyunyan was detained by Azerbaijani authorities
The Azerbaijani Army has detained Major General Ararat Melkumyan, the Chief of the so-called Nagorny Karabakh Republic Security Service, at the Lachin checkpoint in  Karabakh9 Monat zuvor
The Azerbaijani Army has detained Major General Ararat Melkumyan, the Chief of the so-called Nagorny Karabakh Republic Security Service, at the Lachin checkpoint in Karabakh
9 Monat zuvor
The Kremlin criticizes Armenia's parliament's vote in favor of joining the International Criminal Court
9 Monat zuvor
Kremlin: There is no alternative for Armenia to the security alliance with Russia
Working group on Azerbaijani-French interparliamentary relations suspends its activities
9 Monat zuvor
The first impeachment hearings of President Zurabishvili have begun in the Constitutional Court of Georgia
9 Monat zuvor
Der russische Außenminister Lawrow traf sich mit dem Leiter der Behörden des besetzten Südossetiens
9 Monat zuvor
Red Cross: The capital of the Karabakh region is almost empty after the mass exodus
9 Monat zuvor
The National Assembly of Armenia ratified the Rome Statute
Security forces detained the head of Kizilyurt, ex-Minister of Sports of Dagestan Magomed Magomedov
9 Monat zuvor
A joint Russian-Azerbaijani patrol was shot by an unknown person with a sniper weapon in the city of Khankendi/Stepanakert - Russian Ministry of Defense
9 Monat zuvor
Lavrov: "We're working with our Azerbaijani colleagues to stabilize the situation in Karabakh to strengthen trust for coexistence of Armenians and Azerbaijanis. I hope Yerevan is interested in this."
Iran FM and secretary of Armenia’s Security Council met in Tehran. Armenian official had met his Iranian counterpart yesterday on Sunday
9 Monat zuvor
Azerbaijan guarantees the residents of Karabakh the right to preserve and develop Armenian culture, the Aliyev administration said in a statement
9 Monat zuvor
Armenian authorities: We resettled more than 47.3 thousand displaced people from the Karabakh region
MFA spokesman: Armenia's top security official is in Tehran to continue Tehran's contacts and exchange of opinions with Yerevan, as well as the recent developments in the South Caucasus region. Grigoryan will meet FM Amir Abdollahian today.Iran's top security official Ali Akbar Ahmadian in his meeting with the Secretary of Armenia's National Security Council: Any changes in the geopolitics of the region is dangerous and will cause instability and escalation of tensions
9 Monat zuvor
Over 100,000 refugees have fled Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia says
9 Monat zuvor
Baku officially declares that the rights and safety of the Armenian population of Karabakh will be protected - Aliyev
9 Monat zuvor
The next meeting with representatives of the Armenian residents of Karabakh is held in Yevlakh
9 Monat zuvor
Azerbaijani police in the nearly empty city of Khankendi/Stepanakert
9 Monat zuvor
88780 people left Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia as of this morning
9 Monat zuvor
AFP: 170 victims in a new toll from the fuel depot explosion in the Karabakh region
9 Monat zuvor
In den kommenden Tagen wird es in Berg-Karabach - Paschinjan keine Armenier mehr geben