3 Juli 2024
8 Monat zuvor
Russisches Außenministerium: Israels Aufruf an seine Bürger, die Nordkaukasus-Region zu verlassen, sei „antirussisch"
8 Monat zuvor
The National Security Service of Armenia said it had neutralized a terrorist group planning to seize government buildings.
8 Monat zuvor
Putin warf ukrainischen und westlichen Geheimdiensten vor, Unruhen am Flughafen in Machatschkala zu organisieren
8 Monat zuvor
Putin bei einem Treffen in Dagestan: Die USA wollen Russland von innen heraus spalten, schwächen und Unruhe säen
8 Monat zuvor
It's propaganda
Das russische Außenministerium beschuldigt die Ukraine, einen Pogrom in Mahachkala geplant zu haben
8 Monat zuvor
Kremlin: Events around Makhachkala Airport in Dagestan yesterday were caused by an "external influence"
60 rioters were detained at Mahachkala airport, 9 policemen wounded
The White House: The United States "strongly condemns the anti-Semitic demonstrations" in Dagestan
Ein Polizist wurde bei Zusammenstößen am Flughafen Mahachkala verletzt
Spannungen zwischen antijüdischer Menge und Sicherheitskräften am Flughafen Mahachkala
Russian Aviation Agency: Protesters removed from Dagestan Airport and a decision to close it until November 6
Bereitschaftspolizei trifft am Flughafen Machatschkala ein
Eine Menschenmenge am Flughafen Machatschkala umzingelte ein Flugzeug auf der Landebahn
Wütende Menschenmengen suchen in Dagestan nach Juden
Menschenmenge stürmte Flughafen in Machatschkala
8 Monat zuvor
Selenskyj sagte heute Abend zu den EUCO-Führern: „Entweder wird unser gesamtes Europa mit Ihnen gewinnen – zusammen mit der Ukraine, zusammen mit Moldawien und in Zukunft zusammen mit Weißrussland und Georgien – oder die Vergangenheit wird gewinnen."
8 Monat zuvor
Prime Minister of Armenia: We hope that in the coming months we will sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan and establish relations
Pashinyan tells @WSJ he doesn't see any advantages in the continuing presence of Russian military bases in Armenia8 Monat zuvor
Pashinyan tells @WSJ he doesn't see any advantages in the continuing presence of Russian military bases in Armenia
The meeting between Pashinyan and Aliyev planned for late October in Brussels will not take place - EU
Turkish FM met Iran’s president on the sideline of the 3+3 regional meeting in Tehran
Russia FM met president of Iran on the sideline of the 3+3 regional meeting in Tehran
Turkish FM Hakan Fidan meets with Armenian FM Ararat Mirzoyan
The foreign ministers' meeting of the 3+3 format on South Caucasus gets underway in Tehran. Iran, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia FMs are attending the summit. However, the Georgia FM is absent from the meeting
Russia FM in Tehran, Iran, to attend the FMs meeting of the regional format 3+3 on the South Caucasus
EU foreign ministers should have discussed Armenia - Azerbaijan - at their meeting today but postponed till next month
Foreign ministers from Iran, Turkey, Russia and Georgia will meet their counterparts from Azerbaijan and Armenia in Tehran on Monday and discuss progress towards a peace agreement between the two South Caucasus neighbors, according to Iranian state media
86 for, 1 against. Impeachment of President Zurabishvili failed in Parliament of Georgia8 Monat zuvor
86 for, 1 against. Impeachment of President Zurabishvili failed in Parliament of Georgia
8 Monat zuvor
Armenia is ready to exchange prisoners with Azerbaijan on the "all for all" principle, as well as cooperate for mine clearance, said Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan
8 Monat zuvor
Vyacheslav Ponomarev, deputy head of the representative office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Armenia, died at his workplace In Yerevan
8 Monat zuvor
Pashinyan confirmed Armenia's readiness to sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan by the end of the year