19 Септембар 2024
Azerbaijan’s President H.E Ilham Aliyev arrives in Pakistan2 месец Пре
Azerbaijan’s President H.E Ilham Aliyev arrives in Pakistan
PM of Georgia, Kobakhidze: Liberal fascism will be defeated in Georgia on October 26 and 2025 should be the year of complete liberation for Georgian society, the Georgian state, and Georgian politics from liberal fascism.2 месец Пре
PM of Georgia, Kobakhidze: "Liberal fascism will be defeated in Georgia on October 26 and 2025 should be the year of complete liberation for Georgian society, the Georgian state, and Georgian politics from liberal fascism."
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U.S. sends Under Secretary of State for Democracy, and Human Rights @UnderSecStateJ to Tbilisi and Yerevan today through July 17 for talks on democratic governance, anti-corruption, press freedom, inclusion of marginalized and vulnerable groups, per DoS
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Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan military drills
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Silent protest outside the Georgian parliament right now
EU Ambassador, Pawel Herczynski: Regrettably, Georgia’s EU accession process is stopped for  now – this has been decided by EU leaders during the last European  Council2 месец Пре
EU Ambassador, Pawel Herczynski: Regrettably, Georgia’s EU accession process is stopped for now – this has been decided by EU leaders during the last European Council
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Georgian opposition parties Lelo, Girchi MF, Droa and Akhali are finalizing agreement for a common bloc for the upcoming elections.UNM and Strategy Builder also signed the previous declaration, but have their own plans now
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Blackout in Yerevan after fire at hydropower station in Razdan gorge
Пожар на трафостаници у Хасавјурту, Дагестан2 месец Пре
Пожар на трафостаници у Хасавјурту, Дагестан
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The Eagle Partner exercise with the participation of Armenian and U.S. military personnel will take place in Armenia from July 15 to 24, -the press service of the Republic's Ministry of Defense.
The plane of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban landed at the airport in the Azerbaijani city of Fizuli. In Azerbaijan, he will take part in the informal Summit of the heads of countries participating in the Organization of Turkic States2 месец Пре
The plane of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban landed at the airport in the Azerbaijani city of Fizuli. In Azerbaijan, he will take part in the informal Summit of the heads of countries participating in the Organization of Turkic States
Putin met with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Putin: I would like to highlight the positive development in our trade and economic cooperation. Our trade volume exceeds USD4 billion2 месец Пре
Putin met with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Putin: I would like to highlight the positive development in our trade and economic cooperation. Our trade volume exceeds USD4 billion
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Azerbaijani President Aliyev dissolved parliament and called early elections for September 1
@EUCouncil adopted the meeting conclusions, calling on Georgia’s authorities to clarify their intentions by reversing the current course of action which jeopardises Georgia’s EU path, de facto leading to a halt of the accession process2 месец Пре
@EUCouncil adopted the meeting conclusions, calling on Georgia’s authorities to clarify their intentions by reversing the current course of action which jeopardises Georgia’s EU path, de facto leading to a halt of the accession process
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Armenia is ready to prepare the final text of a peace agreement with Azerbaijan and sign it within a month, the Foreign Minister said.
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Armenia believes that it is time to establish diplomatic relations with Turkey and open a joint border for citizens of third countries and persons with diplomatic passports, the Foreign Ministry reported.
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U.S. Aims To Invite Azerbaijan, Armenia To NATO Event, As O'Brien Headed To Baku With 'Clear Messages'
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Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan said that Russia seized Nagorno-Karabakh and then handed it over to Azerbaijan
Local channels write that the cordon on University Square is being lifted. According to tg channel 112, the cause of the incident was allegedly a false call
Још један безбедносни инцидент у Махачкали, Дагестан. Пуцана, полиција је распоређена у централном делу града
State Department's @UnderSecStateP John Bass on Georgia:nn“It is both deeply disturbing and saddening to see the aspirations and dreams of entire [Georgian] society being held hostage to grievances of one individual: Bidzina Ivanishvili"
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Borrell says its an orientation debate on Georgia but no concrete decisions. but says there can be short-term measures soon - scaling down high-level visits, pausing aid, including military aid
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More than 15 police officers were killed, as well as six militants, - the head of Dagestan Sergei Melikov
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2 осумњичена милитанта убијена у Дербенту и 4 у Махачкали. Рањено 16 особа, убијено 8 полицајаца и још 2 цивила
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Сви излази из Махачкале су блокирани, саопштило је Министарство унутрашњих послова за Дагестан
2 месец Пре
У сукобима у Махачкали погинула су 4 милитанта
Пријављени сукоби у округу Сергокала у Дагестану2 месец Пре
Пријављени сукоби у округу Сергокала у Дагестану
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Приведен је шеф Сергокалинског округа Дагестана Магомед Омаров. Његови синови су наводно учествовали у нападу у републици.
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Најмање 9 погинулих у сукобима у Дагестану, укључујући 7 полицајаца
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У сукобима у Махачкали и Дербенту у Дагестану убијена су 3 осумњичена милитанта и 1 припадник Росгарде.