6 Јули 2024
7 месец Пре
The movement of all types of vehicles along the Georgian Military Road has been suspended due to deteriorating weather
7 месец Пре
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev accused France of inciting a fresh war in the Caucasus region by arming Armenia
7 месец Пре
Armenia asked its partners in the Collective Security Treaty Organization to remove the document on assistance to the country from the agenda, Secretary General of the organization Imangali Tasmagambetov said at a meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenka.
7 месец Пре
There have been no official statements from Yerevan about leaving the CSTO, - the organization's chief of staff said
Fire at military unit in Kurganinsk of Krasnodar Krai7 месец Пре
Fire at military unit in Kurganinsk of Krasnodar Krai
7 месец Пре
Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan refused to participate in the CSTO summit in Minsk
7 месец Пре
EU foreign ministers talked about Armenia today: want to expand the EU's mission in Armenia, looking at potential EU money for military equipment (EPF), check if there can be dialogue on visa liberalisation for Armenian citizens
7 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 22 km WSW of Sharur City, Azerbaijan
Confirmed: Metrics show a major internet outage in Armenia with high impact to Telecom Armenia and related networks, leaving national connectivity at 45% of ordinary levels; the company attributes the incident to the failure of international links as in previous instances7 месец Пре
Confirmed: Metrics show a major internet outage in Armenia with high impact to Telecom Armenia and related networks, leaving national connectivity at 45% of ordinary levels; the company attributes the incident to the failure of international links as in previous instances
After 4 days in illegal custody, the so-called South Ossetia handed over Levan Dotiashvili, who was abducted from Kirbali on November 6, to Georgia. He is the golden witness of the murder of Tamaz Ginturi8 месец Пре
After 4 days in illegal custody, the so-called South Ossetia handed over Levan Dotiashvili, who was abducted from Kirbali on November 6, to Georgia. He is the golden witness of the murder of Tamaz Ginturi
8 месец Пре
Европска комисија: Усвојили смо наш Пакет проширења 2023. који препоручује отварање преговора са Украјином и Молдавијом, давање статуса кандидата Грузији и отварање приступних преговора са Босном и Херцеговином, када се постигне неопходан степен усклађености
8 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - Azerbaijan-Iran border region
8 месец Пре
UMM confirms shooting of Georgian citizen near the village of Kirbali. The EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) confirms that an incident occurred at the South Ossetian Administrative Boundary Line, resulting in the tragic loss of a Georgian citizen's life. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased.
8 месец Пре
According to the State Security Service, near the Tshkhinvali occupation line, Russian forces killed one Georgian citizen and illegally detained another
15-годишњи син Рамзана Кадирова Адам Кадиров именован је за заменика начелника Службе безбедности Чеченије
8 месец Пре
Министарство спољних послова Русије: Позив Израела својим грађанима да напусте регион Северног Кавказа је „антируски"
8 месец Пре
The National Security Service of Armenia said it had neutralized a terrorist group planning to seize government buildings.
8 месец Пре
Путин је оптужио украјинске и западне обавештајне службе за организовање немира на аеродрому у Махачкали
8 месец Пре
Путин на састанку о Дагестану: САД желе да поцепају Русију изнутра, ослабе и посеју немир
8 месец Пре
It's propaganda
Министарство спољних послова Русије оптужило Украјину за планирање погрома у Махачкали
8 месец Пре
Kremlin: Events around Makhachkala Airport in Dagestan yesterday were caused by an "external influence"
8 месец Пре
60 rioters were detained at Mahachkala airport, 9 policemen wounded
The White House: The United States "strongly condemns the anti-Semitic demonstrations" in Dagestan
8 месец Пре
Један полицајац рањен у сукобима на аеродрому Махачкала
8 месец Пре
Тензије између антијеврејске гомиле и снага безбедности на аеродрому Махачкала
8 месец Пре
Russian Aviation Agency: Protesters removed from Dagestan Airport and a decision to close it until November 6
8 месец Пре
Интервентна полиција стиже на аеродром у Махачкали
Гужва на аеродрому у Махачкали опколила је авион на писти8 месец Пре
Гужва на аеродрому у Махачкали опколила је авион на писти
8 месец Пре
Бесна гомила која тражи Јевреје у Дагестану
8 месец Пре
Маса је упала на аеродром у Махачкали