5 Октобар 2024
Protesters again paralyze Heroes Square, Tbilisi's main traffic artery: Nini Gabritchidze/Civil.ge4 месец Пре
Protesters again paralyze Heroes Square, Tbilisi's main traffic artery: Nini Gabritchidze/Civil.ge
Part of the protesters moved to Heroes' Square and blocked the roadways. nnAnother group remains on Rustaveli Avenue in front of the @Geoparliament4 месец Пре
Part of the protesters moved to Heroes' Square and blocked the roadways. nnAnother group remains on Rustaveli Avenue in front of the @Geoparliament
Georgian demonstrators flood Heroes Square to protest against both the Foreign Agents Law and their government4 месец Пре
Georgian demonstrators flood Heroes Square to protest against both the Foreign Agents Law and their government
4 месец Пре
Georgian Interior Ministry has said that ‘special measures’ have been deployed after protesters damaged a barricade in front of parliament.
4 месец Пре
Tensions escalate at the Parliament of Georgia with the police detaining protesters and grabbing them into the Parliament premises
Crackdown warning from the police. They are beginning to slowly advance from Freedom Square.4 месец Пре
Crackdown warning from the police. They are beginning to slowly advance from Freedom Square.
Riot police, water cannons are mobilized on Liberty Square just a few minutes walk from Parliament where people are protesting ForeignAgentsLaw Guram Muradov/Civil.ge @GuramMuradov4 месец Пре
Riot police, water cannons are mobilized on Liberty Square just a few minutes walk from Parliament where people are protesting #ForeignAgentsLaw Guram Muradov/Civil.ge @GuramMuradov
4 месец Пре
Georgia’s ruling party adopted the controversial ForeignAgentsLaw in its third and final reading by 84 votes against 30 on May 14, amid widespread local protests and despite fierce opposition from the West
Situation at the protest outside the parliament: more people are joining as the session resumed inside the parliament with tensions among oppo and ruling MPs4 месец Пре
Situation at the protest outside the parliament: more people are joining as the session resumed inside the parliament with tensions among oppo and ruling MPs
Fight erupts in the Georgian parliament as Georgian Dream pushes the “foreign agents” law in the final reading4 месец Пре
Fight erupts in the Georgian parliament as Georgian Dream pushes the “foreign agents” law in the final reading
Riot police buses, water cannons, and police are gathered on Liberty Square, before Georgia’s foreign agent law goes to its final vote in less than an hour. Police have blocked protesters from accessing the back entrance of parliament.4 месец Пре
Riot police buses, water cannons, and police are gathered on Liberty Square, before Georgia’s foreign agent law goes to its final vote in less than an hour. Police have blocked protesters from accessing the back entrance of parliament.
People marching on Rustaveli avenue to join the ongoing anti-Foreign Agents Law protest at the Parliament. Video: Giorgi Kelbakiani/Civil.ge4 месец Пре
People marching on Rustaveli avenue to join the ongoing anti-Foreign Agents Law protest at the Parliament. Video: Giorgi Kelbakiani/Civil.ge
4 месец Пре
Министар спољних послова Литваније @ГЛандсбергис: Вечерас заједно са министрима спољних послова Естоније, Исланда и Летоније идемо у Грузију. Прво и најважније, да још једном пошаљемо поруку да је Грузија Европа
4 месец Пре
Тензије између полиције и антивладиних демонстраната у Јеревану
A large protest march in Tbilisi after student groups from various universities united on Rustaveli Avenue4 месец Пре
A large protest march in Tbilisi after student groups from various universities united on Rustaveli Avenue
The Georgian Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee commenced its hearing of the draft foreign agent law and approved it in less than two minutes as police violently assaulted and detained protesters gathered outside of parliament.4 месец Пре
The Georgian Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee commenced its hearing of the draft foreign agent law and approved it in less than two minutes as police violently assaulted and detained protesters gathered outside of parliament.
Tbilisi now: protesters remain at the Parliament with reportedly more and more people arriving at the rally scene.4 месец Пре
Tbilisi now: protesters remain at the Parliament with reportedly more and more people arriving at the rally scene.
У поноћ у Тбилисију људи остају преко ноћи у парламенту да протестују против руског закона ујутру када почиње треће читање нацрта закона. Министар унутрашњих послова запретио је данас демонстрантима до 4 године затвора у случају да покушају да блокирају рад парламента4 месец Пре
У поноћ у Тбилисију људи остају преко ноћи у парламенту да протестују против руског закона ујутру када почиње треће читање нацрта закона. Министар унутрашњих послова запретио је данас демонстрантима до 4 године затвора у случају да покушају да блокирају рад парламента
4 месец Пре
The third and final round of committee hearing of the Russian law is set for Monday at 9 am, citizens will gather at the parliament from Sunday evening to protest and impede parliamentarians' comfortable entry in the building. The third plenary hearing will take place on May 14
Tbilisi now. Georgians have flooded the city in what seems to be the biggest street demonstration in decades.4 месец Пре
Tbilisi now. Georgians have flooded the city in what seems to be the biggest street demonstration in decades.
Europe square crowded as more and more protesters are joining the rally against Foreign Agents’ law4 месец Пре
Europe square crowded as more and more protesters are joining the rally against Foreign Agents’ law
50,000 protest in Tbilisi, Georgia capital, against foreign agents law4 месец Пре
50,000 protest in Tbilisi, Georgia capital, against "foreign agents" law
Protesters gather in different locations today. Some are attending President-organized event to mark EuropeDay, others headed to the apartment of Ucha Abashidze, a blogger reportedly held by police at his home. Some went to court hearings of those already detained.Tbilisiprotests continue. Protesters against foreignagentslaw gather again on Rustaveli Avenue amid growing physical violence & intimidation against government critics. A larger rally is planned for May 114 месец Пре
Protesters gather in different locations today. Some are attending President-organized event to mark EuropeDay, others headed to the apartment of Ucha Abashidze, a blogger reportedly held by police at his home. Some went to court hearings of those already detained.Tbilisiprotests continue. Protesters against foreignagentslaw gather again on Rustaveli Avenue amid growing physical violence & intimidation against government critics. A larger rally is planned for May 11
Heavy police presence at the apartment of military blogger Ucha Abashidze, who is reportedly being held by police at his home and prevented from contacting a lawyer. A group of activists is also gathering there4 месец Пре
Heavy police presence at the apartment of military blogger Ucha Abashidze, who is reportedly being held by police at his home and prevented from contacting a lawyer. A group of activists is also gathering there
Tbilisiprotests continue. Protesters against foreignagentslaw gather again on Rustaveli Avenue amid growing physical violence & intimidation against government critics. A larger rally is planned for May 114 месец Пре
Tbilisiprotests continue. Protesters against foreignagentslaw gather again on Rustaveli Avenue amid growing physical violence & intimidation against government critics. A larger rally is planned for May 11
4 месец Пре
Georgia's Ambassador to France and Monaco Gotcha Javakhishvili resigns over #ForeignAgentsLaw, saying "I can no longer see my role and my resources in this direction: to aspire to Europe and [simultaneously] to defend myself from Europe"
1450 people are currently participating in the march in Yerevan.4 месец Пре
1450 people are currently participating in the march in Yerevan.
4 месец Пре
Putin and Pashinyan agreed on the withdrawal of Russian military and border guards from a number of regions of Armenia, Peskov said. At the same time, at the request of the Armenian side, Russian border guards will remain on the border with Iran and Turkey.
4 месец Пре
Putin holds talks with Pashinyan
5 месец Пре
Мировни споразум између Јерменије и Азербејџана може бити потписан пре новембра ове године - рекао је Пашињан