3 months agoProtesters gave Bzhania an hour to resign or they will march to the Interior Ministry building where he is currently located — Sputnik Abkhazia
3 months ago“President of Abkhazia” Bzhania said that he refuses to resign amid large-scale opposition protests in the region
3 months agoПротестувальники в Тбілісі приєдналися до групи студентів, які намагалися увійти до Тбіліського державного університету, щоб провести сидячу акцію проти фальсифікації жовтневих парламентських виборів. Ситуація залишається напруженою, оскільки протестувальники та поліція протистоять один одному
3 months agoOne of the leaders of the protest in Sukhumi says propesters will not disperse until the resignation of "President of Akhazia"
3 months agoProtesters in Sukhumi have broke into the building of regional parliament
3 months agoProtesters in Sukhumi broke through to the square in front of the regional Abkhazia parliament. The Minister of Internal Affairs and the head of the state security service of Abkhazia came out to negotiate with the protesters
3 months agoEnvironmental activists protest in Azerbaijan's Baku, calling for fossil fuel lobbyists to be kicked out of COP29 climate summit
3 months agoIn solidarity with Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University students who stayed overnight on campus to protest election fraud and demand new elections
3 months agoПротестувальники в абхазькому Сухумі прорвали огорожу регіонального парламенту та вчинили сутички з поліцією
3 months agoTensions are rising in Abkhazia as the government postponed a hearing of the controversial investments agreement. Protestors gathered in front of the the parliament building and have breached the gate
3 months agoBatumi Shota Rustaveli State University students announce the beginning of protests from tomorrow 4 PM on. People are gathering in Batumi, near Central Election Commission, to protest the announced elections results
3 months ago"Газпром Вірменія" тимчасово призупинив постачання побутового газу до Вірменії, але споживачі будуть забезпечуватися внутрішніми резервами і газом з Ірану
3 months agoOccupied Abkhazia rebelled against the ratification of an investment agreement with Russia. Echo of the Caucasus writes that mass protests began after the signing of an agreement that allows Russian companies to implement investment projects in the unrecognized republic
3 months agoProtesters have once again blocked the Kodori Bridge after earlier promises by government officials to release detainees were not fulfilled
3 months agoAbkhazia's leader, Aslan Bzhania, has summoned an emergency meeting of the Georgian separatist region's Security Council after protests broke out in the capital of the Moscow-backed territory following the reported detention of five activists
3 months agoUN Secretary-General: Fossil fuel consumption must be reduced by 30%
3 months agoВ Абхазії біля будівлі СГБ в Сухумі сталася масштабна бійка — силовики несподівано забрали представників місцевої опозиції, після чого до будівлі СГБ почали збиратися розлючені люди, в тому числі абхазькі активісти та родичі із затриманих. Як видно на відео свідків, мітингувальники прорвали ворота будівлі СГБ
3 months ago"If you win, we win; if you survive, we - in the EU - survive. That’s why we are here: solidarity must unite us", - said @MiRo_SPD, addressing the people gathered in front of the Parliament of Georgia, where they are protesting the results of GEOElections2024
3 months agoGeorgian President @Zourabichvili_S called for new parliamentary elections, citing last month’s vote as manipulated and illegimate amid opposition protests and accusations of Russian interference
3 months agoThe family of detained Azerbaijani journalist Afghan Sadigov, who faces possible extradition to Azerbaijan, organised a small protest outside the Azerbaijani Embassy in Tbilisi to highlight the plight of 300 political prisoners in Azerbaijan as COP29 kicks off in Baku
3 months agoProtesters from two locations have converged and gathered in front of Tbilisi State University on Chavchavadze Avenue, which is closed to traffic, demanding "return of the stolen elections", as demonstrators put it. Politicians are expected to address the crowd
3 months agoTbilisi now: Citizens have blocked the main arteries of Georgia’s capital, protesting announced elections results as part of daily street demonstrations organised by the pro-Western opposition
3 months agoTbilisi: The protest crowd is headed to the Heroes Square where it is expected that the other protesters will join
3 months agoProtest march today in Tbilisi
3 months agoToday, Georgian opposition parties will be marching in protest of the fraudulent elections in two different locations in Tbilisi. Today, it was reiterated that opposition parties refuse to enter parliament
3 months agoAliyev: “Armenia must abandon its policy of armament. I have said this repeatedly, and they know that they must pay attention to my words. It is not too late, they should abandon it. They will never have the power to compete with us.”
3 months agoБезпілотники атакували базу Каспійського флоту Росії в Каспійську (Дагестан).
3 months agoArmenian MFA: Today, Azerbaijan sent its proposals regarding the peace treaty
3 months agoProtest in Tblisi today
3 months agoA protest rally organized by pro-Western opposition parties is underway on Rustaveli Avenue in Tbilisi. The parties have declared that they do not recognize the results of the rigged elections and plan to protest in the streets daily
Map of Caucasus affairs. Georgia. Azerbaijan. Russian Caucasus Republics. Armenia. Nagorny-Karabakh conflict
Сторони конфлікту
Russia, Iran
Armenia, PKK in Turkey
Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Turks
Georgia, Western countries, NATO
Rebels, non-government organizations
ISIS, terrorists
Non-aligned, NatureAreas of control in Georgia
Territories captured by Russian forces Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
Areas of recent clashes between Armenian and Azerbaijan forces Icons
ДТП, події на дорогах
Артилерія, РСЗО
Табори, намети
Поранений / Медична допомога
Коктейлі молотова
Виступ / промова
Заблокована дорога
Танки, БТРи, бронетехніка
Тітушки, люди в масках
Радіоактивні матеріали
Корабель, Військовий корабель
Gas, chemical weapons
Дрон, роботи
Мітинг, протести, демонстрації, натовпи
Заручники та біженці
Глушать зв'язок, радари
Гвинтівка, озброєні люди
Зображення (фото)
Гроші, фінанси
Наземні міни, СВУ
Залізна дорога
Немає води
Підводний човен
Вимкнення електрики
Біологічна небезпека
Природний катаклізм
Транспортний або цивільний літак
Рятувальна операція
Мобільні додатки
Тварини, дика природа
Animals: Cat
Animals: Dog
Stocks Down
Animals: Snake
Animals: Panda(rare animals)
Animals: Horse
Animals: Cow
Animals: Lion
Animals: Shark
Animals: Wolf
Animals: Bear
Machine Gun
Stun grenade
Airplanes: light plane
Cruise Missile
FPV drone
Map Change Event
Missile Airborne
Large explosive drone(Shahed)
Air Alert
Aerostat, High-Altitude balloon ApplyAttention! All events and areas of control on the map are geolocated approximately