19 Вересень 2024
2 тиждень тому
Today Georgian PM Irakli Kobakhidze threatened opposition politicians with physical attacks, while pledging top-level protection for Oligarch Ivanishvili, who, according to Kobakhidze, is the target of a planned attack that "is to be investigated by the State Security Service"
2 тиждень тому
Armenia to take part in BRICS summit that set to be held in Kazan in late October, MFA announced
2 тиждень тому
Azerbaijani MFA: Extraordinary parliamentary elections were held in full accordance with the country's Constitution. OSCE's biased political opinion, which repeats the predetermined negative attitude towards the elections held in Azerbaijan, is invalid.
2 тиждень тому
An agreement on the establishment of the Green Energy Corridor from Azerbaijan to Europe was signed in Bucharest.
2 тиждень тому
MFA of Georgia: Georgia is ready to contribute to the process of normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and to help Armenia by sharing the experience of EU integration.
In the process of ensuring its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Azerbaijan faced double standards, injustice, approaches that contradict the norms and principles of international law. However, despite all this, Azerbaijan, by its own will, fully ensured its territorial integrity and sovereignty, the President of Azerbaijan said at a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric.2 тиждень тому
"In the process of ensuring its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Azerbaijan faced double standards, injustice, approaches that contradict the norms and principles of international law. However, despite all this, Azerbaijan, by its own will, fully ensured its territorial integrity and sovereignty," the President of Azerbaijan said at a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric.
2 тиждень тому
Ан-2 здійснив аварійну посадку в аеропорту Владикавказа, щонайменше 8 людей постраждали
2 тиждень тому
Armenia has offered Azerbaijan to sign all agreed points of the draft peace treaty, -Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said
2 тиждень тому
Armenia says lightning strike shuts down nuclear power station, Interfax reports
2 тиждень тому
Russia threatens occupied Abkhazia with funding cuts and citizenship revocation, demands “fulfillment of obligations.”
2 тиждень тому
A referendum on constitutional reform in Armenia is planned for 2027. This was stated by the Minister of Justice of Armenia.
3 тиждень тому
The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry's report that allegedly on August 28 at around 18:30, units of the Armenian Armed Forces opened fire in the direction of Azerbaijani positions located in the southwestern part of the border zone is not true - Armenian Defense Ministry
3 тиждень тому
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense: Today, at 18:30, the units of the Armenian armed forces opened fire on the positions of the Azerbaijan Army in the direction of the Shada settlement of the Shahbuz district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic from their positions located in the direction of Sultanbey settlement of Pashaly district.
Путін подзвонив Алієву, обговорив ситуацію в Закавказзі, зокрема підготовку мирного договору між Вірменією та Азербайджаном, делімітацію кордону та розблокування транспортних комунікацій.3 тиждень тому
Путін подзвонив Алієву, обговорив ситуацію в Закавказзі, зокрема підготовку мирного договору між Вірменією та Азербайджаном, делімітацію кордону та розблокування транспортних комунікацій.
3 тиждень тому
EU Statement on Georgia: "We are concerned by the statements of the Prime Minister and other Georgian Dream officials regarding the ban of all opposition parties. We recall the need to uphold the basic principles of democracy - of which political pluralism is a key part"
3 тиждень тому
Як повідомляє @formulatv, партія Грузинська мрія хоче проголосити православ'я офіційною релігією держави
3 тиждень тому
The Georgian government has dismissed its ambassadors to the UK and Switzerland, along with its representatives to NATO and Geneva. They will end their service between mid-Sep and mid-Oct, just ahead of #GeVOTE2024. No further information about the decision is available
3 тиждень тому
Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan officially became allies President Ilham Aliyev and Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the "Agreement on alliance relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Uzbekistan".
3 тиждень тому
Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan said he spoke with Putin on the phone and discussed the Russian president's visit to Azerbaijan
У Новоросійську внаслідок вибуху гранати РГД-5 у житловому будинку загинув 16-річний хлопець, ще троє дітей отримали поранення.4 тиждень тому
У Новоросійську внаслідок вибуху гранати РГД-5 у житловому будинку загинув 16-річний хлопець, ще троє дітей отримали поранення.
Путін відвідує Чечню, зустрічається з Кадировим4 тиждень тому
Путін відвідує Чечню, зустрічається з Кадировим
4 тиждень тому
Baku has officially submitted an application to join BRICS, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reported
Putin has visited a site of Beslan school siege4 тиждень тому
Putin has visited a site of Beslan school siege
4 тиждень тому
Azerbaijani engineering activity near Aravus village in Syunik. Satellite images show the Azerbaijani Armed Forces have significantly expanded the line of trenches in the border area. These works have been carried out in last few months
Lukashenka: Who needs Armenians, besides us Nobody needs them. What France? What Macron? Tomorrow Macron won’t be there, and everyone will forget about Armenia.4 тиждень тому
Lukashenka: "Who needs Armenians, besides us Nobody needs them. What France? What Macron? Tomorrow Macron won’t be there, and everyone will forget about Armenia."
1 місяць тому
2 opposition alliances, Coalition for Change and Unity to Save Georgia, have expanded as the opposition seeks to amalgamate into blocks ahead of the October parliamentary elections
Russia will be happy if it can do something to sign a peace agreement and demarcate the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan - Putin1 місяць тому
Russia will be happy if it can do something to sign a peace agreement and demarcate the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan - Putin
1 місяць тому
The Armenian Defense Ministry has denied Baku's report on shelling of Azerbaijani positions in the border zone. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry's report that on August 18 at about 23:50, Armenian Armed Forces units opened fire in the direction of Azerbaijani positions located in the eastern part of the border zone is not true
1 місяць тому
The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported the interception of an Armenian quadcopter that was attempting to conduct reconnaissance flights over the positions of the republic's army on the border between the two countries.
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense: Our positions in the direction of Nakhchivan have been fired upon again.