12 Марта 2025
104th day of Georgia’s uninterrupted protest demanding new elections and the release of all political prisoners
Tbilisi State University fired two lecturers. Dismissals are allegedly political, as the two were active supporters of pro-EU protests
Demonstrators gather at Tbilisi Theater University after ethics commission revoked status of several students a day after police fined and forced them to leave university premises over their non-stop sit-in protest
The group of protesters again makes its way to the rear entrance of parliament. Police remain mobilized at the entrance and in the nearby garden. Day 100 of GeorgiaProtests
100th day of continuous pro-European protests in Georgia
Tbilisi City Hall employee Ana Kamladze has been fired for participating in protests
Türkiye's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev speak via videoconference at the opening ceremony of Igdir-Nakhchivan Natural Gas Pipeline in Ankara
Режим КТО объявлен в поселке Семендер в Махачкале, проводятся оперативно-поисковые мероприятия, сообщили в мэрии
12 days ago
Нападение на избирательный участок в абхазском селе Цандрыпш
15 days ago
President @Zourabichvili_S proposes "a path to new elections" in Georgia: 1. Setting conditions for elections 2. Preparing an "army" of election commissions and observers 3. Preventing election fraud with the involvement of international partners 4. Coordination among political forces for new elections 5. A unified electoral program – "Georgian Charter" and its priorities: 1) Release of political prisoners 2) Repeal of Russian laws 3) Restoration of a fair judiciary
17 days ago
Ukraine solidarity march arrives at the parliament. Tbilisi's Rustaveli Avenue closed for traffic, despite police attempts to prevent road blockage. Day 89 of GeorgiaProtests
17 days ago
“Down with the rotten Russian empire” – a solidarity rally and a march were held in Tbilisi three years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine
17 days ago
Соавторы проекта резолюции США на Генеральной Ассамблее ООН о войне в Украине: Израиль, Венгрия, Грузия и Северная Македония
18 days ago
Глава Чечни Рамзан Кадыров: Сегодня скорбная дата в истории чеченского народа: 23 февраля 1944 года, по бесчеловечному приказу проклятого Иосифа Сталина, чеченцы и ингуши были насильственно выселены в Сибирь и Среднюю Азию. Операцией под названием Чечевица руководил Лаврентий Берия. Этот преступный приказ привел к огромным жертвам: тысячи людей погибли в дороге, в суровых условиях спецпоселений, от голода, холода и болезней.
19 days ago
Azerbaijan has announced that it will close the BBC's Baku office, a move that the British media outlet described as "restrictive of press freedom."
20 days ago
Some of the usual chants at the Georgia Protests: “Until the end.” “The end of winter is coming - the people’s spring is arriving.” “Georgia, revolt.” “We won’t stop, schedule the elections.”
21 days ago
Day 85 of the protest: reading names of ten more Georgians killed in Ukraine to pay tribute to them. "Glory to heroes." They chant
22 days ago
Armenian PM calls for referendum on new constitution
22 days ago
Rustaveli avenue, blocked for the 84th consecutive night
23 days ago
Lasha Jioshvili, a cameraman for the opposition TV Pirveli channel, was reportedly snatched off the street by masked "men in black" wearing no police insignia, at around midnight local time. He had earlier taken part in a protest rally on Rustaveli Avenue
23 days ago
On the birthday of Georgia’s oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili, protesters in central Tbilisi say there’s nothing to celebrate and that his regime must end.We have 50 prisoners of conscience, around 500 unlawfully arrested, and over 300 beaten, tortured, or ill-treated.
25 days ago
Гунба предварительно набрал 46,38% голосов, Ардзинба — 36,92% по итогам первого тура выборов президента Абхазии, сообщает ЦИК.
a month ago
Georgians marched today on 80th day of ongoing protests from Europe square to Rustaveli Avenue
a month ago
Азербайджан закрывает филиал Радио Sputnik — МИА Россия сегодня будет разрешено оставить в стране только 1 корреспондента
a month ago
Парламент Армении проголосовал за начало процесса вступления страны в ЕС
a month ago
“Power is in unity”, “We will fight for truth until the end”, Rustaveli now
a month ago
Armenian Foreign Ministry: Currently, there is no progress in the context of opening the border crossing between Armenia and Turkey
a month ago
The administrative trial of the nine people who held a 20-minute protest outside the house of Judge Malkhaz Okropirashvili in Kutaisi is underway. Okropirashvili did not accept the appeal to change the imprisonment of Mzia Amaglobeli
a month ago
Masked police officers “cleared” Rustaveli Avenue from protesters. They’ve started using this method yesterday.
a month ago
Rustaveli Avenue is blocked for the 73rd day in a row