2 Июль 2024
1 год назад
Турция возобновила транзит санкционных товаров в Россию
1 год назад
Командующий объединенной группировкой войск Армении и России Тигран Парванян отправлен в отставку — указ президента Армении
Camera: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz greets Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev as he arrives at the Chancellery in Berlin, Tuesday, March 14, 2023.   (AFP)1 год назад
Camera: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz greets Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev as he arrives at the Chancellery in Berlin, Tuesday, March 14, 2023. (AFP)
1 год назад
PM of Armenia Pashinyan in a call with Putin yesterday said to him that there are issues in areas where Russian peacekeeping forces deployed in Nagorno-Karabakh, and it will be inappropriate to inform what Putin respond
1 год назад
Пашинян подтвердил, что в Праге Армения признала территориальную целостность Азербайджана
1 год назад
Моя оценка такова, что ОДКБ, желая того или нет, выходит из Армении - Пашинян. Это беспокоит нас, добавил Никол Пашинян
1 год назад
Есть высокая вероятность новой эскалации между Арменией и Азербайджаном - вдоль границ Армении и в Нагорном Карабахе - Пашинян. Мой вывод сделан на основе увеличения агрессивной риторики Азербайджана, есть также и иные сведения, - сказал премьер РА
1 год назад
Путин встретился с Кадыровым в Кремле
1 год назад
Состоялся телефонный разговор Путина с премьер-министром Армении Пашиняном
1 год назад
Presidential Administration released a message through media that they have invited Karabakh Armenian authorities to Baku for negotiations
1 год назад
МИД Азербайджана вручил ноту протеста послу Ирана в Баку в связи с полетами иранского военного самолета над госграницей двух стран, говорится в совместном заявлении МИД и Минобороны Азербайджана.
Georgian parliament voted against the bill on foreign agents, which sparked mass protests in the country1 год назад
Georgian parliament voted against the bill on "foreign agents", which sparked mass protests in the country
1 год назад
3 wounded as result of shootout in central Baku
1 год назад
События в Грузии очень напоминают киевский "Майдан" — Лавров
At the Rustaveli rally, participants are performing the traditional Georgian dance called Khorumi1 год назад
At the Rustaveli rally, participants are performing the traditional Georgian dance called Khorumi
1 год назад
Georgia protests: Over 130 people who were arrested during the last days are bow released. This demand is also met
Fresh protests outside Georgia's parliament1 год назад
Fresh protests outside Georgia's parliament
Protest in Batumi1 год назад
Protest in Batumi
Third day of protest in Georgia. Full house again. Ruling party made verbal promises to withdraw the Russian law on foreign agents, but thinks the law is legitimate. People continue defending Georgia's democracy and European future1 год назад
Third day of protest in Georgia. Full house again. Ruling party made verbal promises to withdraw the Russian law on foreign agents, but thinks the law is legitimate. People continue defending Georgia's democracy and European future
Today, at around 17:50, units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire with small arms of various calibers at Armenian positions located in the direction of Verin Shorzha, Gegharkunik region of Armenia. There are no casualties from the Armenian side. According to the Armenian Defense Ministry, the situation on the front line is relatively stable at 20:00.1 год назад
Today, at around 17:50, units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire with small arms of various calibers at Armenian positions located in the direction of Verin Shorzha, Gegharkunik region of Armenia. There are no casualties from the Armenian side. According to the Armenian Defense Ministry, the situation on the front line is relatively stable at 20:00.
1 год назад
Минобороны Азербайджана сообщило об обстрелах позиций ВС республики на границе с Арменией и в Карабахе, обвинив армянскую сторону в искусственном нагнетании напряженности в регионе.
1 год назад
Georgian parliamentary majority decided to withdraw the draft law on foreign influence
Crackdown on protesters in central Tbilisi1 год назад
Crackdown on protesters in central Tbilisi
UNM member Beso Gazdeliani was arrested through in special operation. The reason is unknown1 год назад
UNM member Beso Gazdeliani was arrested through in special operation. The reason is unknown
Protesters in Tbilisi set off fireworks towards riot police, who retaliated with water cannons.1 год назад
Protesters in Tbilisi set off fireworks towards riot police, who retaliated with water cannons.
Protesters on Rustaveli Avenue have set up a barricade near the parliament1 год назад
Protesters on Rustaveli Avenue have set up a barricade near the parliament
1 год назад
Protesters are making barricades out of street benches, trash bins to shield themselves from tear gas capsules thrown at them by @MIAofGeorgia special forces
The riot police resumed active action to disperse the remaining protesters on Rustaveli Avenue, they used tear gas, water cannons and began moving  forward1 год назад
The riot police resumed active action to disperse the remaining protesters on Rustaveli Avenue, they used tear gas, water cannons and began moving forward
Georgia's government forces use tear gas, water cannons, and pepper spray against the people. They are also arresting some protestors1 год назад
Georgia's government forces use tear gas, water cannons, and pepper spray against the people. They are also arresting some protestors
1 год назад
Riot police dispersing protesters in Tbilisi, Georgia with water canons and tear gas. Explosives are being fired. Protesters demand gov withdraw Russian style draft law on Foreign Agents, passed by first hearing yesterday. Second day of crackdown on protesters