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ВС Азербайджана открыли огонь из стрелкового оружия по армянским позициям, расположенным на участке Срашен (Сюникская область), сообщает Минобороны Армении
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kenani: (US-Armenia joint exercise) US forces have never sought to provide security. Everywhere they have gone they have caused instability and security problems.The problems in the region must be solved by the countries of the region. We see the presence of extra-regional forces in the region as contrary to stability and security
МИД Азербайджана назвал президентские выборы в Нагорном Карабахе "грубым нарушением конституции, законов Азербайджанской Республики, норм и принципов международного права".
Georgian PM Irakli Garibashvili has claimed Georgia has practically fulfilled all of the EU’s 12 priorities necessary to obtain the block’s candidate status. "The main part of these recommendations has been substantially implemented, there are a few remaining recommendations that we are actively working on. One of them is de-oligarchization, we had consultations with the European Commission about it, I personally had a conversation with our colleagues, and we took into account their recommendations and did not adopt a law. Instead, we are working now and very soon, within two weeks, we will have an action plan that fully reflects the spirit of this recommendation," PM Garibashvili said in a press conference with EU's High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. EU HRVP @JosepBorrellF, on the other hand, clearly stated Georgia has fulfilled only three EU priorities. “You have delivered 3 of them and other 9 remain to be done,” he said while standing next to the PM
Азербайджан сосредоточил войска на границе с Арменией и разделительной линии с Нагорным Карабахом, ситуация является взрывоопасной, заявил глава армянского кабмина Никол Пашинян. По словам Пашиняна, "ситуация такова, что международное сообщество, государства — члены Совбеза ООН должны принять серьезные меры, чтобы не допустить нового взрыва в регионе"
"I also want to express my support for the brave fight for democracy, the rule of law and for what I believe is the future of the Georgian people - a truly European way," President of France @EmmanuelMacron says after receiving Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili on her tour of Europe to campaign for granting Georgia EU candidacy despite Georgian Govt's disputed commitment to fulfil EU's 12 recommendations
According to PM Garibashvili, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy .@JosepBorrellF will visit Georgia in a few days
German Green MEP @ViolavonCramon said the impeachment process of President Zourabichvili gives an impression of an attempt to divert the public's attention from the real problems of the country. Visiting the Russian line in Georgia, MEP also said there is no progress in the de-occupation of Georgia, despite the government's current policies with Russia
'The President of Georgia has demonstratively violated the constitution, which is why the ruling party's decision to initiate impeachment is entirely justified', PM Irakli Garibashvili said during a govt meeting on Sept.4
Nagorny Karabakh President Araryik Harutyunyan announces that he will resign tomorrow, says he made the decision two days ago after discussions with political actors and the wider public
МИД Грузии назвал попыткой посягательства на территориальную целостность страны заявления Дмитрия Медведева о возможности аннексии Абхазии и Южной Осетии Россией