19 Setembro 2024
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Exército do Azerbaijão: Nossas posições na direção de Nakhchivan foram atacadas
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Uma explosão ocorreu em uma fundição não operacional no território da Usina Térmica de Razdan. De acordo com dados preliminares, seis pessoas ficaram feridas e foram hospitalizadas em um centro médico, onde uma das vítimas (nascida em 1978) morreu.
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O ministro das Relações Exteriores da Hungria, Peter Szijjarto, chegou a Yerevan.
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O PM Irakli Kobakhidze anuncia um programa de subsídios estaduais para organizações da sociedade civil registradas no registro de agentes estrangeiros. ONGs que atendem aos interesses do povo georgiano receberão até o dobro do financiamento do orçamento estadual em comparação com doadores estrangeiros, diz o PM
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Azerbaijan and Armenia have already agreed on almost 80% of the text of the peace treaty - Aliyev
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Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense: Hikmet Mirzayev checked the combat readiness of the units deployed in the direction of the conditional border.
Semioficial @Tasnimnews_EN: "A Rússia foi aconselhada a evitar tomar medidas que possam prejudicar as relações estratégicas entre Rússia e Irã, porque a ideia do corredor de Zangezur criará um novo ponto crítico perto das fronteiras muito delicadas do noroeste do Irã."
Iranian Foreign Minister: Regional peace, security and stability is not merely a preference, but a pillar of our national security. Any threat from North, South, East, or West to territorial integrity of our neighbors or redrawing of boundaries is totally unacceptable and a red line for Iran
Iran FM says any attempt to redraw boundaries in the region is “completely unacceptable and a red line for Iran”. This seems a reaction to Russia's support for establishing a corridor connecting Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan through Armenia
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Ministério da Defesa da Rússia afirma que 11 drones navais foram destruídos nas últimas 24 horas
Ataque de barcos não tripulados está sendo repelido em Novorossiysk, sirene está soando na cidade, informou o prefeito
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Yerevan has denied information about shelling of Azerbaijani positions on the border. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry's report that on September 4 at about 19:35, units of the Armenian Armed Forces opened fire is not true, the Armenian Defense Ministry said.
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Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense: Our positions in the direction of Nakhchivan were fired upon
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Today Georgian PM Irakli Kobakhidze threatened opposition politicians with physical attacks, while pledging top-level protection for Oligarch Ivanishvili, who, according to Kobakhidze, is the target of a planned attack that "is to be investigated by the State Security Service"
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Armenia to take part in BRICS summit that set to be held in Kazan in late October, MFA announced
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Azerbaijani MFA: Extraordinary parliamentary elections were held in full accordance with the country's Constitution. OSCE's biased political opinion, which repeats the predetermined negative attitude towards the elections held in Azerbaijan, is invalid.
An agreement on the establishment of the Green Energy Corridor from Azerbaijan to Europe was signed in Bucharest.
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MFA of Georgia: Georgia is ready to contribute to the process of normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and to help Armenia by sharing the experience of EU integration.
In the process of ensuring its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Azerbaijan faced double standards, injustice, approaches that contradict the norms and principles of international law. However, despite all this, Azerbaijan, by its own will, fully ensured its territorial integrity and sovereignty, the President of Azerbaijan said at a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric.2 week atrás
"In the process of ensuring its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Azerbaijan faced double standards, injustice, approaches that contradict the norms and principles of international law. However, despite all this, Azerbaijan, by its own will, fully ensured its territorial integrity and sovereignty," the President of Azerbaijan said at a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric.
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An-2 cai no aeroporto de Vladikavkaz, pelo menos 8 pessoas ficam feridas
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Armenia has offered Azerbaijan to sign all agreed points of the draft peace treaty, -Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said
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Armenia says lightning strike shuts down nuclear power station, Interfax reports
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Russia threatens occupied Abkhazia with funding cuts and citizenship revocation, demands “fulfillment of obligations.”
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A referendum on constitutional reform in Armenia is planned for 2027. This was stated by the Minister of Justice of Armenia.
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The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry's report that allegedly on August 28 at around 18:30, units of the Armenian Armed Forces opened fire in the direction of Azerbaijani positions located in the southwestern part of the border zone is not true - Armenian Defense Ministry
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Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense: Today, at 18:30, the units of the Armenian armed forces opened fire on the positions of the Azerbaijan Army in the direction of the Shada settlement of the Shahbuz district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic from their positions located in the direction of Sultanbey settlement of Pashaly district.
Putin ligou para Aliyev, discutiu a situação na Transcaucásia, incluindo a preparação de um tratado de paz entre a Armênia e o Azerbaijão, a delimitação de fronteiras e o desbloqueio das comunicações de transporte.3 week atrás
Putin ligou para Aliyev, discutiu a situação na Transcaucásia, incluindo a preparação de um tratado de paz entre a Armênia e o Azerbaijão, a delimitação de fronteiras e o desbloqueio das comunicações de transporte.
EU Statement on Georgia: "We are concerned by the statements of the Prime Minister and other Georgian Dream officials regarding the ban of all opposition parties. We recall the need to uphold the basic principles of democracy - of which political pluralism is a key part"
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De acordo com @formulatv, o partido Sonho Georgiano quer declarar o cristianismo ortodoxo como religião oficial do estado
3 week atrás
The Georgian government has dismissed its ambassadors to the UK and Switzerland, along with its representatives to NATO and Geneva. They will end their service between mid-Sep and mid-Oct, just ahead of #GeVOTE2024. No further information about the decision is available