4 Julho 2024
A UE intensifica a ajuda militar à Geórgia e à Moldávia @RikardJozwiak relata. Espera-se que a Geórgia obtenha reboques, caminhões, transportadores de equipamentos pesados, guindastes e veículos modernos no valor de € 30 milhões para apoiar a mobilidade dos sistemas de comunicação de artilharia de campo das forças de defesa da Geórgia
1 year atrás
Russians accuse Azerbaijan of breaking the Tripartite statement with advancement and capture of heights
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense says they have stopped Armenian engineering works somewhere near here, Yuxarı Veysəlli of Füzuli1 year atrás
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense says they have stopped Armenian engineering works somewhere near here, Yuxarı Veysəlli of Füzuli
1 year atrás
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense says they have started a "necessary local operations" in Karabakh
1 year atrás
The Constitutional Court of Armenia ruled on the conformity of the Constitution with the Rome Statute, which allows Armenia to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) after ratification
1 year atrás
Flag-geflag-geStudent activists have claimed that the police searched their dormitory at Tbilisi State University and collected personal data. The head of TSU student service says this was a planned check that happens annually
1 year atrás
Two Russian servicemen came under fire from the Azerbaijani military in Syunik and were seriously injured. They are alive and currently undergoing surgery.
1 year atrás
O Cazaquistão enviou pela primeira vez seu petróleo ao Azerbaijão através do Mar Cáspio
Ilham Aliyev: There is one condition for them to live comfortably on an area of 29,000 square kilometers – Armenia must accept our conditions1 year atrás
Ilham Aliyev: There is one condition for them to live comfortably on an area of 29,000 square kilometers – Armenia must accept our conditions
1 year atrás
President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed progress of works carried out in Talish village The head of state lit Novruz bonfire in Talish village and congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the holiday VIDEO #Azerbaijan
1 year atrás
President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed progress of works carried out in Talish village The head of state lit Novruz bonfire in Talish village and congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the holiday
1 year atrás
President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed progress of works carried out in Talish village The head of state lit Novruz bonfire in Talish village and congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the holiday #Azerbaijan
1 year atrás
President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited Tartar district The head of state lit Novruz bonfire in Talish village and congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the holiday VIDEO #Azerbaijan
1 year atrás
Putin discutiu a cooperação na região do Cáspio com o Conselho de Segurança da Federação Russa, Lavrov fez um relatório.
EU officials: a Polish medical team has been granted access to Saakashvili. No date yet when they will travel to Georgia. and this is NOT about a transfer of the former President to Poland or elsewhere
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev visited Turkey to attend the Extraordinary Summit Meeting of the Organization of Turkic States1 year atrás
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev visited Turkey to attend the Extraordinary Summit Meeting of the Organization of Turkic States
1 year atrás
Turquia retoma trânsito de mercadorias sancionadas para a Rússia
Commander of the joint group of troops of Armenia and Russia Tigran Parvanyan dismissed - decree of the President of Armenia
Camera: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz greets Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev as he arrives at the Chancellery in Berlin, Tuesday, March 14, 2023.   (AFP)1 year atrás
Camera: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz greets Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev as he arrives at the Chancellery in Berlin, Tuesday, March 14, 2023. (AFP)
1 year atrás
PM of Armenia Pashinyan in a call with Putin yesterday said to him that there are issues in areas where Russian peacekeeping forces deployed in Nagorno-Karabakh, and it will be inappropriate to inform what Putin respond
1 year atrás
Pashinyan confirmed that in Prague Armenia recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
1 year atrás
My assessment is that the CSTO, willingly or not, is leaving Armenia - Pashinyan. This worries us, added Nikol Pashinyan
1 year atrás
There is a high probability of a new escalation between Armenia and Azerbaijan - along the borders of Armenia and in Nagorno-Karabakh - Pashinyan. My conclusion was made on the basis of the increase in the aggressive rhetoric of Azerbaijan, there are also other information, - Armenian Prime Minister said
1 year atrás
Putin se encontrou com Kadyrov no Kremlin
1 year atrás
Putin teve um telefonema com PM da Armênia Pashinyan
1 year atrás
Presidential Administration released a message through media that they have invited Karabakh Armenian authorities to Baku for negotiations
1 year atrás
The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry handed a note of protest to the Iranian Ambassador to Baku in connection with the flights of an Iranian military aircraft over the state border of the two countries, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry said in a joint statement.
Georgian parliament voted against the bill on foreign agents, which sparked mass protests in the country1 year atrás
Georgian parliament voted against the bill on "foreign agents", which sparked mass protests in the country
1 year atrás
3 wounded as result of shootout in central Baku
1 year atrás
Events in Georgia are very reminiscent of the Kyiv's Maidan - Russian FM Lavrov