3 Lipiec 2024
2 miesiąc temu
Do trzech wzrosła liczba ofiar śmiertelnych eksplozji na strzelnicy w Tbilisi
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Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia: The provocative actions of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the night of April 5-6 cannot be justified. By opening irregular lines on many sections of the border and moving dozens of pieces of military equipment, Azerbaijan clearly pursued the goal of provocation: to force units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia to take retaliatory measures to confirm recent Azerbaijani disinformation
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Azerbaijani media publish footage of allegedly accumulations of Armenian equipment near the border
Russian Security: The foreign cell arrested in Dagestan provided money and weapons to the perpetrators of the Crocus crime
Podczas operacji antyterrorystycznych w Machaczkale i Kaspijsku zatrzymano trzy osoby planujące ataki terrorystyczne – poinformował rosyjski komitet antyterrorystyczny
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Russian border guards are stationed along the Armenian border with Azerbaijan at Pashinyan's personal request, the Russian Ambassador said.
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In Yerevan, allegedly supporters of the radical Armenian National Pole party broke into one of the police departments. Shots were heard
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Centralny Bank Armenii od 29 marca zakazał lokalnym bankom obsługi karty Mir ze względu na groźbę wtórnych sankcji
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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has arrived in Yerevan and will hold meetings with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Vahagn Khachaturian
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Premier Armenii Nikol Paszynian na spotkaniu z mieszkańcami przygranicznych wsi w obwodzie Tawusz powiedział, że jeśli Erywań nie osiągnie kompromisu z Baku w sprawie przygranicznych wsi-eksklaw z czasów sowieckich, wówczas pod koniec wojny może rozpocząć się wojna. tydzień.
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Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan announced the beginning of the practical stage of delimitation and demarcation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: It is important that Georgia continues to strengthen domestic reforms, democratic values&the rule of law including through free and fair parliamentary elections in October this year
President of Kazakhstan Tokayev paid a two-day state visit to Azerbaijan. Visited Shusha in Nagorno-Karabakh, noted that Karabakh will bloom with new colors, and the restoration of the region's infrastructure will contribute to the development of the entire South Caucasus
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Paszynian powiedział, że Armenia opuści OUBZ, jeśli organizacja nie odpowie na pytania zadawane przez Erewan.
Armeńska służba graniczna poinformowała swoich rosyjskich kolegów, że może obsługiwać lotnisko w Erewaniu bez pomocy Rosji, powiedział premier Armenii Paszynian
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Baku demands from Yerevan the return of exclaves and non-exclave villages. The office of Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev, who heads the state commission on delimitation with Armenia, issued a statement today saying that as part of the delimitation process, the issue of liberation of the 4 exclave Azerbaijani villages of Yukhari Askipar (Verin Voskepar), Karki (Tigranashen) will be resolved. All these border villages are located in the Tavush region of Armenia.
Security Council's Armen Grigoryan says Armenia has officially told Russia to withdraw its border guards from Yerevan's Zvartnots airport
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Greek defense minister @NikosDendias in Armenia: nWe have established a successful trilateral defense cooperation with Cyprus, but other formats can exist, with France, with India. Important powers that are common friends of Armenia and Greece
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Pięciu mężczyzn zginęło w starciach z policją antyterrorystyczną w wiosce Karabulak w Inguszetii
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Starcia z podejrzanymi bojownikami we wsi Karabulak w Inguszetii
4 miesiąc temu
Przewodniczący parlamentu Armenii powiedział, że Armenia znajduje się pod presją, aby przystąpić do Państwa Związkowego Rosji i Białorusi
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Putin zwrócił się do rządu o finansowanie programów promujących język rosyjski w krajach WNP
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Russia categorically does not accept the reproaches of the Armenian authorities for non-compliance with the CSTO agreement in relation to the republic, - Russian Foreign Ministry
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Azerbaijan has no plans to attack Armenia, these are Macron's insinuations - Azerbaijani President Aliyev
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Two armed Azerbaijani servicemen breached the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and infiltrated the village of Tegh in the Syunik region of Armenia. Shots were also fired at the village from the Azerbaijani side
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Armenia objęła reżim sankcji wobec Rosji, nie ma wiążących porozumień, ale Armenia ceni stosunki z krajami, które nałożyły te sankcje – premier Paszynian
First photos of French Bastions in Armed Forces of Armenia4 miesiąc temu
First photos of French Bastions in Armed Forces of Armenia
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Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Rosji uważa, że członkostwo Armenii w OUBZ jest zwyczajowe i poprosi o wyjaśnienia w sprawie zawieszenia
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The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry called Pashinyan's statement about Baku's alleged preparation for an attack on Armenia absolutely groundless
French Defense Minister has arrived in Yerevan on official visit4 miesiąc temu
French Defense Minister has arrived in Yerevan on official visit