3 Lipiec 2024
1 rok temu
The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry states: "Armenia's calls to send any international mission to the territory of Azerbaijan are regarded by us as another provocation against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan"
Protestujący w Erywaniu domagają się odblokowania korytarza Lachin
Rosyjskie FSB zabiło 2 mężczyzn w Chegem, Kabardyno-Bałkarii, oskarżyło ich o przygotowywanie ataków w imieniu Ukrainy
1 rok temu
Putin omówił blokadę korytarza Lachin na spotkaniu z premierem Armenii
1 rok temu
W Petersburgu rozpocznie się nieformalne spotkanie szefów państw WNP. Mirziejew (Uzbekistan), Łukaszenka (Białoruś), Putin (Rosja), Alijew (Azerbejdżan), Paszynian (Armenia), Tokajew (Kazachstan), Rahmon (Tadżykistan) i Serdar Berdymuhamedow (Turkmenistan) spodziewani
1 rok temu
Putin discussed by phone with Aliyev issues of trilateral agreements between Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, in particular, those related to ensuring security on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border, the Kremlin said.
UN Security Council member states called for the reopening of the Lachin corridor in a discussion of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations on Tuesday. The corridor, the only open road into or out of Nagorno-Karabakh, has been blocked by Azerbaijani 'eco-activists' since 12 December
1 rok temu
Putin zwołał rosyjską radę bezpieczeństwa, omówił stosunki z krajami sąsiednimi
Nagorny Karabakh's HRD @Gegham_Nagorny Karabakh, who is holding protests in front of various foreign embassies in Yerevan, called on Russia to curb Azerbaijan's actions and violations of the Nov. 9, 2020 agreement, as a blockade of the Lachin Corridor entered its 4th day
1 rok temu
MFA: Russia is concerned about the blocking of the Lachin corridor, expects the restoration of full-fledged transport links in the near future
Eurasian Economic Union Summit kicks off in Bishkek
PM @GharibashviliGe stressed "concrete volunteers", like Mamuka Mamulashvili, were "closely connected with the UNM, while others were former servicemembers, law enforcement officers and "ordinary citizens" fighting "due to their beliefs"
1 rok temu
Azerbaijan has prepared a draft agreement on a peaceful settlement and presented it to Armenia - Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Bayramov
1 rok temu
Reuters: Due to Western sanctions, Russia's Lukoil company will suspend shipments from its Caspian oilfields via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline in December and redirect them to the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) system
Blogger Tumso Abdurakhmanov, who criticized Kadyrov, was killed in Sweden
Azerbaijani protesters closed road Lachin-Khankedi near Dashalty village near Shusha. Russian peacekeepers on the site
Samolot V-55 rozbił się w Armenii, 2 pilotów, obywateli Rosji, nie żyje
1 rok temu
Azerbaijan handed over to the Armenian side the bodies of 13 Armenian servicemen who died during the clashes on the border of the two countries on September 12-13. This was reported by the State Commission of Azerbaijan on the affairs of prisoners of war, hostages and missing citizens.
1 rok temu
Khamenei: The world's eyes are all on the WorldCup when it's being held. The enemy usually uses this period of negligence to do something. It's important for officials to focus on internal affairs & foreign affairs, including in West Asia, the Caucasus, & the regions to the east of us
State Security Service of Georgia announced on 24 November that the Russian forces illegally detained a Georgian citizen in the area surrounding occupied Artsevi Village, which is beyond the occupation line with Tskhinvali region/S. Ossetia
Pashinyan said that he refused to sign the declaration of the CSTO summit, because he considers its text to be insufficiently finalized. According to the Armenian prime minister, the absence of a clear political assessment of the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border in the text may mean the CSTO abandons allied obligations and is interpreted by Azerbaijan as a green light for aggression against Armenia
Putin discussed Karabakh settlement with Pashinyan
1 rok temu
Putin arrived in Yerevan for CSTO summit
1 rok temu
Putin i Alijew mieli telefon
1 rok temu
Putin had a phone call with President of Azerbaijan Aliyev
Russian PM arrives in Baku1 rok temu
Russian PM arrives in Baku
An assassination attempt against an Israeli citizen by dual-Iran citizens in Georgia was foiled
1 rok temu
Podejrzany zginął w strzelaninie z policją w pobliżu Anapy, 3 policjantów zostało rannych. Według SHOT podejrzany był członkiem zakazanej organizacji „Obywatele ZSRR"
1 rok temu
Putin discussed with Pashinyan by phone preparations for the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, which will be held on November 23 in Yerevan
Shusha: Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliyev warned the enemies of Azerbaijan: The iron fist has not gone anywhere