5 October 2024
अर्मेनियाई सेना ने हक्करी नदी के पुल पर अज़रबैजानी झंडा फहराने के समारोह में आग लगा दी
The Armenian military reports that an Azerbaijani kamikaze  drone attacked its positions in the Kapan region. Debris was retrieved1 year ago
The Armenian military reports that an Azerbaijani kamikaze drone attacked its positions in the Kapan region. Debris was retrieved
Footage of the situation on the bridge by @azatutyunradio
Nagorny Karabakh authorities say Azerbaijan had banned all humanitarian transportation through the Lachin corridor, including by the Red Cross and Russian peacekeepers
Two men who intended to blow up the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Pyatigorsk were detained in the Stavropol Territory - FSB
कद्रोव अब एडम डेलिमखानोव को किसी भी तरह के घाव से इनकार करते हैं, कहते हैं कि वह बेलगोरोद क्षेत्र में सुरक्षित हैं
1 year ago
रूसी राज्य ड्यूमा की प्रेस सेवा का कहना है कि सांसद एडम डेलिमखानोव घायल हो गए थे। इससे पहले प्रिमोर्स्क में उसके और कद्रोव के सैनिकों के खिलाफ हमले की खबरें आई थीं
"एक अब-अवर्गीकृत सरकारी ग्राफिक से पता चलता है कि ड्रोन ईरान में बनाए गए हैं, कैस्पियन सागर से रूस तक भेजे गए हैं - एक बंदरगाह के साथ ईरान ने विकसित होने में मदद की - और फिर दो हवाई अड्डों में स्थानांतरित कर दिया"
1 year ago
बाकू और येरेवन 1975 के नक्शों के अनुसार परिसीमन करने के लिए सहमत नहीं थे, जैसा कि अर्मेनियाई पक्ष का दावा है, अज़रबैजानी विदेश मंत्रालय की प्रेस सेवा ने बताया
Pashinyan will arrive in Ankara for the inauguration of Erdogan, - the Armenian Cabinet announced
1 year ago
क्रेमलिन पशिनयान के शब्दों पर ध्यान देता है कि आर्मेनिया यूक्रेन में संघर्ष में रूसी संघ का सहयोगी नहीं है: यह एक महत्वपूर्ण बयान है - क्रेमलिन के प्रवक्ता
The Armenian Defense Ministry claims that the Azerbaijanis abducted two Armenian soldiers who were delivering provisions to the positions
1 year ago
पशिनयान ने कहा कि अर्मेनिया और अजरबैजान एक दूसरे की क्षेत्रीय अखंडता की पारस्परिक मान्यता पर सहमत हुए हैं। अलीयेव के अनुसार, अजरबैजान का आर्मेनिया के खिलाफ कोई क्षेत्रीय दावा नहीं है
1 year ago
Pashinyan stated that Yerevan is ready to unblock all transport and economic ties in the region, ready to open regional communications
1 year ago
Azerbaijani President Aliyev stated that there are serious prerequisites for the normalization of relations between Baku and Yerevan based on the recognition of each other's territorial integrity
1 year ago
पुतिन: हम सुप्रीम यूरेशियन इकोनॉमिक काउंसिल के देशों के बीच एकीकरण को बढ़ावा देने के लिए काम कर रहे हैं
1 year ago
The head of the Armenian Defense Ministry does not take part in the CSTO meeting in Minsk. Yerevan explains this by some technical reasons.
1 year ago
अजरबैजान के राष्ट्रपति अलीयेव आर्मेनिया के पीएम पशिनयान और पुतिन के साथ त्रिपक्षीय वार्ता के लिए मास्को पहुंचे
1 year ago
Sergei Shoigu arrived in Minsk, where a meeting of the CSTO Council of Defense Ministers will take place. Shoigu is expected to discuss the activities of the military mission in Azerbaijan and the problems of coordinating the mission's contacts with Yerevan
Pashinyan on possible withdrawal from CSTO:Our membership prevents weapons acquisitions from other countries
Pashinyan on possible withdrawal from CSTO:Our membership prevents weapons acquisitions from other countries
Pashinyan: Armenia is ready to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan
1 year ago
Aliyev states that the signing of a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia is inevitable
Pashinyan expressed hope that a peace agreement with Azerbaijan would be signed as soon as possible.
Protest against Russian Flights in Tbilisi, Rustaveli avenue
1 year ago
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan called a progres his meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and European Council President Charles Michel in Brussels on May 14. Armenia will recognise territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and Azerbajian of Armenia
Protest rally against direct flights with Russia headed from the Parliament building to the HQ of Georgian Airways in Tbilisi
Azerbaijan has detained 7 people on charges of spying for Iran1 year ago
Azerbaijan has detained 7 people on charges of spying for Iran
1 year ago
Russian airlines have applied to the Georgian authorities for permission to start flights to the country – Georgian Civil Aviation Agency
1 year ago
Azerbaijani Defense Ministry: 1 serviceman killed in clashes with Armenian army
Clashes with artillery reported on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border. Drones also have been used1 year ago
Clashes with artillery reported on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border. Drones also have been used