17 mart 2025
a day ago
Georgian National University students, who have been protesting on campus for over two months(including in support of a fellow student currently behind the bars), have announced a 24-hour protest in front of the Parliament building, vowing to stay through the night
a day ago
Happening now on Rustaveli Avenue. Day 110 of nationwide Georgia Protests
a day ago
Georgian National University students have announced that they're starting 24-hour protests in front of the Parliament
a day ago
The 110th day of anti-government protests in Tbilisi. Protesters continue to block Rustaveli Avenue every evening
a day ago
Georgian Dream has seized all the funds that were used to support Georgia Protests, including covering heavy fines and assisting political prisoners
a day ago
The Armenian Defense Ministry called the fourth report in a day about shelling of Azerbaijani positions disinformation.
a day ago
Azərbaycan Ordusunun mövqeləri yenidən atəşə tutulub. Martın 17-si gecə saat 01:25-dən gündüz saat 12:55-dək Ermənistan silahlı qüvvələrinin bölmələri Basarkeçər rayonunun Yuxarı Zağalı və Gorus rayonunun Dığ yaşayış məntəqələri istiqamətlərində yerləşən mövqelərindən Azərbaycan Ordusunun mövqelərini atıcı silahlardan fasilələrlə atəşə tutub.
a day ago
Azərbaycan Ordusunun mövqeləri atəşə tutulub
2 days ago
Mike Waltz: Conflict in the South Caucasus must end. I spoke this week with Mr. Hikmet Hajiyev, the national security advisor for President Aliyev in Azerbaijan.  We are pleased Azerbaijan and Armenia have taken a big step forward and agreed to a peace treaty. I told him we should finalize this peace deal now, release the prisoners, and work together to make the region more secure and prosperous
3 days ago
Daily rallies continue in Tbilisi for the 108th day of non-stop GeorgiaProtests, with two groups of protesters gathering at parliament and Georgian Public Broadcaster's office and later uniting on Rustaveli Avenue. Video: Nini Gabritchidze/Civil.ge
4 days ago
Ermənistanın baş naziri Nikol Paşinyan Putinlə telefon danışığı aparıb
5 days ago
Tuapsedəki hücumdan sonra neft emalı zavodunda baş verən yanğının sahəsi 1 min kvadratmetrdən çoxdur, - qubernator
5 days ago
Flightradar məlumatlarına görə, Trampın xüsusi nümayəndəsi Uitkoffun təyyarəsi Rusiyanı tərk edib və hazırda Bakıdadır.
5 days ago
Tuapsedəki neft emalı zavodunda dronların zərbələrindən sonra yanğın
5 days ago
Happening now on Rustaveli Avenue: the 106th day of nationwide GeorgiaProtests.“Whose country is this Ours. Glory to Georgia.” chant the protesters
5 days ago
Paşinyan: İrəvan Bakı ilə sülh müqaviləsinin imzalanmasının vaxtı ilə bağlı məsləhətləşmələrə başlamağa hazırdır.
5 days ago
Kobakhidze claims that there were four failed revolution attempts in Georgia: by parties, by journalists, by NGOs, and the last one - “by nobody”, calling the ongoing popular protest the attempted revolution by “amorphous mass.”
6 days ago
Most of the points of the text of the peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia have already been agreed upon, said Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.
6 days ago
"Trade unions for solidarity" - ten independent labor unions join daily assemblies at Public Broadcaster's office to rally for social solidarity and demand fair coverage. Day 105 of non-stop GeorgiaProtests
7 days ago
104th day of Georgia’s uninterrupted protest demanding new elections and the release of all political prisoners
7 days ago
Tbilisi State University fired two lecturers. Dismissals are allegedly political, as the two were active supporters of pro-EU protests
8 days ago
Demonstrators gather at Tbilisi Theater University after ethics commission revoked status of several students a day after police fined and forced them to leave university premises over their non-stop sit-in protest
11 days ago
The group of protesters again makes its way to the rear entrance of parliament. Police remain mobilized at the entrance and in the nearby garden. Day 100 of GeorgiaProtests
11 days ago
100th day of continuous pro-European protests in Georgia
12 days ago
Tbilisi City Hall employee Ana Kamladze has been fired for participating in protests
13 days ago
Türkiye's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev speak via videoconference at the opening ceremony of Igdir-Nakhchivan Natural Gas Pipeline in Ankara
14 days ago
A counter-terrorist operation regime has been declared in the village of Semender in Makhachkala, and operational search activities are being carried out, the mayor's office reported
17 days ago
Attack on a polling station in the Abkhazian village of Tsandrypsh
20 days ago
President @Zourabichvili_S proposes "a path to new elections" in Georgia: 1. Setting conditions for elections 2. Preparing an "army" of election commissions and observers 3. Preventing election fraud with the involvement of international partners 4. Coordination among political forces for new elections 5. A unified electoral program – "Georgian Charter" and its priorities: 1) Release of political prisoners 2) Repeal of Russian laws 3) Restoration of a fair judiciary
22 days ago
Ukraine solidarity march arrives at the parliament. Tbilisi's Rustaveli Avenue closed for traffic, despite police attempts to prevent road blockage. Day 89 of GeorgiaProtests