5 oktyabr 2024
Mayor of Izberbash detained, security forces conducting searches
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan arrived at the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council.
Shooting in Karachayevsk. The head doctor of the Central District Hospital, Dinislam Aidinov, was wounded. According to eyewitnesses, he was shot by two masked men.4 day ago
Shooting in Karachayevsk. The head doctor of the Central District Hospital, Dinislam Aidinov, was wounded. According to eyewitnesses, he was shot by two masked men.
A series of terrorist attacks and sabotage have been prevented in Ingushetia, and 7 suspects have been detained, the FSB reported.
The message from the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense that allegedly on September 28 at about 23:20, units of the RA Armed Forces opened fire in the direction of Azerbaijani positions located in the southwestern part of the border zone is not true, Arseniy's Defense Ministry reports.
10 person dead, 11 wounded as result of explosion at the petrol station in Makhachkala, Dagestan1 week ago
10 person dead, 11 wounded as result of explosion at the petrol station in Makhachkala, Dagestan
.@MFA_Ukraine Rusiyanın Ukraynadakı müharibəsinin dəhşətlərini əks etdirən şəkillərin siyasi reklamını pisləyir və Gürcüstanın hakim partiyası olan Gürcü Arzusunu və bütün maraqlı tərəfləri Ukraynaya qarşı və daxili siyasətdə müharibə mövzusundan istifadə etməkdən çəkinməyə çağırır.1 week ago
.@MFA_Ukraine Rusiyanın Ukraynadakı müharibəsinin dəhşətlərini əks etdirən şəkillərin siyasi reklamını pisləyir və Gürcüstanın hakim partiyası olan "Gürcü Arzusu"nu və bütün maraqlı tərəfləri Ukraynaya qarşı və daxili siyasətdə müharibə mövzusundan istifadə etməkdən çəkinməyə çağırır.
Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in New York with Blinken's Participation Concludes
The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry's statement that on September 26 at around 16:10, units of the Armenian Armed Forces allegedly opened fire in the direction of Azerbaijani positions located in the southwestern part of the border zone is not true, - Armenian Defense Ministry
An undisclosed number of Pakistani JF-17 fighter jets, now officially in Azerbaijan, were shown to Aliyev. a short video was posted online two days ago inspecting a JF-17 fighter jet, a joint Pakistani-Chinese production.
Ceyhun Bayramov İranın xarici işlər naziri Seyid Abbas Ərağçi ilə görüşüb.
President Erdoğan received Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan at the Turkish House in New York
Azərbaycan və Türkiyə arasında hərbi-texniki əməkdaşlığa dair bir neçə müqavilə imzalanıb1 week ago
Azərbaycan və Türkiyə arasında hərbi-texniki əməkdaşlığa dair bir neçə müqavilə imzalanıb
FSB Detains 15 Members of Sharia Patrols in Baksan District of Kabardino-Balkaria
1 week ago
Aliyev recalled Polad Bulbul oglu from the post of Azerbaijani ambassador to Russia
A fuel truck caught fire at a gas station in Stavropol Krai. The fire spread to the gas station itself on the Novoselitskoye-Aleksandrovskoye road
Kazakhstan's Tokayev noted that under the leadership of Pashinyan, Armenia has achieved significant success in state-building and strengthening its international standing and reaffirmed his commitment to the comprehensive strengthening of relations We wish the brotherly Armenian people, in these difficult times for the region and the world, a stable future, successful work for the benefit of the country, and prosperity.2 week ago
Kazakhstan's Tokayev "noted that under the leadership of Pashinyan, Armenia has achieved significant success in state-building and strengthening its international standing" and "reaffirmed his commitment to the comprehensive strengthening of relations" "We wish the brotherly Armenian people, in these difficult times for the region and the world, a stable future, successful work for the benefit of the country, and prosperity."
Rusiyanın Krasnodar diyarında keçmiş PMC Vaqnerin yaşadığı Molkino hərbi bazası yanır2 week ago
Rusiyanın Krasnodar diyarında keçmiş PMC Vaqnerin yaşadığı Molkino hərbi bazası yanır
In Ingushetia, several thousand people came to Magas airport to meet the plane with the bodies of the dead Wildberries office guards Islam Elmurziev and Adam Almazov. A source in the local Ministry of Internal Affairs says that a serious risk of interethnic conflict is forming in the republic.2 week ago
In Ingushetia, several thousand people came to Magas airport to meet the plane with the bodies of the dead Wildberries office guards Islam Elmurziev and Adam Almazov. A source in the local Ministry of Internal Affairs says that a serious risk of interethnic conflict is forming in the republic.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee is expected to take up the S. 4425, Georgian People's Act in a matter of days. It will be marked up next Wed and is expected to be discussed/voted within a few weeks, Senate sources tell
Georgian President has just pardoned Giorgi Shanidze, who was arrested during the anti-Russian law protests. Just four days ago, Giorgi was sentenced to 4 years in prison after being charged for property damage and illegal marijuana cultivation
ABŞ Şimali Koreyanın Rusiyaya silah ötürməsini dəstəkləyən şəbəkənin arxasınca gedir. @USTreasury Rusiyanın işğalı altında olan Cənubi Osetiya, Gürcüstanda yerləşən 4 bank, 1 ödəniş şirkəti və 1 bank rəsmisinə sanksiya qoyub.
Müvafiq orqanlar Ermənistan baş nazirinin dəftərxanasının məlumat bazasında rusiyalı hakerlərin kiberhücumuna dair məlumatın doğruluğunu yoxlayır.
Paşinyan: Tranzit qaz kəməri Ermənistan ərazisindən keçərsə, Azərbaycandan qaz almağa hazırıq.
Ermənistan İstintaq Komitəsinin bəyanatında deyilir ki, çevriliş planının üstü 5 Ermənistan vətəndaşı, 2 Dağlıq Qarabağ sakini tərəfindən hazırlanıb, qrup Rusiya Federasiyasının Rostov-na-Donu şəhərində təşkil edilib və təlim keçib.
U.S. secretary of state Blinken spoke to Azerbaijani president, reaffirmed importance of a durable and dignified peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia -statement
2 week ago
"Abxaziya prezidenti"nin saytı sındırılıb
The Department of State is also taking additional steps to impose visa restrictions on more than 60 Georgian individuals and their family members responsible for, or complicit in, undermining democracy in Georgia
U.S. Treasury sanctions two Georgian officials: Head of MIA's Special Task Department Zviad Kharazishvili (Khareba) and his deputy Mileri Lagazauri for "serious human rights abuses" for their role in brutal crackdowns on anti-foreign agent protesters: and two others: Konstantine Morgoshia and Zurab Makharadze, both radical right-wing figures associated with the violent Alt-info movement
Joint press conference of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France Ararat Mirzoyan and Stéphane Sejourné.