6 oktyabr 2024
2 year ago
Azerbaijan withdrew troops from the settlement of Farukh, where on March 24-25 there was a clash with the army of Karabakh - Russian Defense Ministry
Some Russian peacekeepers leaving Nagorny Karabakh via Lachin corridor2 year ago
Some Russian peacekeepers leaving Nagorny Karabakh via Lachin corridor
Azəriqaz: Martın 28-də Xankəndi və digər ətraf yaşayış məntəqələrinə təbii qazın verilməsi bərpa olunacaq və ilk növbədə test işləri həyata keçiriləcək
2 year ago
Armed formations in occupied Abkhazia put on high alert due to NATO exercises in Georgia
In violation of the provisions of the trilateral statement, the Azerbaijani military entered the Russian peacekeeper zone of responsibility on March 24 and 25.  They also carried out 4 strikes against armed formations in Nagorno-Karabakh by Bayraktar TB-2. - Russian Ministry of Defense2 year ago
"In violation of the provisions of the trilateral statement, the Azerbaijani military entered the Russian peacekeeper zone of responsibility on March 24 and 25. They also carried out 4 strikes against armed formations in Nagorno-Karabakh by Bayraktar TB-2." - Russian Ministry of Defense
Azerbaijani army reportedly seized positions at Karaglukh
Nagorny Karabakh authorities declared martial law
Ermənistan XİN: Azərbaycan tələb edir ki, "Qarabağ özünümüdafiə ordusu" çıxarılsın. Son günlər baş verənlər uzun zamandır planlanıb, Rusiya sülhməramlılarının fəaliyyəti təftiş edilməlidir. @operativmedia armenpress
Demonstration in Khankedi today
2 year ago
Azərbaycan XİN: Azərbaycan özü beynəlxalq hüquq əsasında ərazi bütövlüyünü bərpa edib və BMT TŞ qətnamələrinin icrasını təmin edib. Hazırda "Dağlıq Qarabağ" anlayışı mövcud deyil, Azərbaycanın tərkib hissəsi olan Şərqi Zəngəzur və Qarabağ iqtisadi rayonları mövcuddur.Saxta erməni təbliğatı əsasında ABŞ Dövlət Departamenti rəsmisi tərəfindən belə bir açıqlamanın verilməsi özü məsuliyyətsiz bir davranışdır.Bir daha vurğulamaq istərdik ki, Azərbaycan Respublikası öz suveren ərazilərində fəaliyyət göstərir.@operativmedia
Pashinyan and Putin discussed the situation in Karabakh - press service of the Armenian government
For the first time today, an Azerbaijani officer states to a Russian commander in the Karabakh region that "the same agreement that Russian President Putin signed" obliges Armenian soldiers to leave the region on the basis of the trilateral agreement
2 year ago
According to the several sources, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces are firing in the direction of Karmir Shuka right now
Nagorny Karabakh information office: Russian peacekeepers failed in talks with Azerbaijani troops in Farukh village
Reports of Azerbaijani Bayraktar TB2 drones have been used. As a result 2 Armenian soldiers were killed. The number of injured is being determined
.@Karabakh_MoD: #Azerbaijan continue gross violations of ceasefire by using strike #drones, incl #BayraktarTB2. Two contract soldiers of #Nagorny Karabakh/#NagornoKarabakh army were killed. As of 2pm operative-tactical situation on eastern border of Nagorny Karabakh remains extremely tense
2 year ago
Shoigu had a telephone conversation with the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan due to the aggravation of the situation in Karabakh, the Russian Defense Ministry reports.
2 year ago
Shoigu in a telephone conversation with the Minister of Defense of Armenia discussed the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh: Russian Defense Ministry
Armenian troops in Karabakh are on combat alert
Reports of Azerbaijani army seized Farukh village in Nagorny Karabakh after Armenian troops withdraw
Peacekeepers continue negotiations with Azerbaijan on returning to their original positions
NATO leaders have agreed to do more to help Ukraine, Sec Gen Stoltenberg shares, with allies making concrete offers of assistance today in both weaponry and money. More assistance is headed to Georgia and Bosnia too, he says
Russian minister: it could take month and a half or two to restore infrastructure of Caspian pipeline consortium
Storm damaged equipment to load oil at Novorosiysk port, 2/3 of capacity lost. Reduction of crude export estimated at 1M barrels per day
2 year ago
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva have lit the holiday bonfire in Sugovushan settlement, Tartar district. The head of state then congratulated the people of Azerbaijan
Rally in support of Ukraine in Yerevan today
Rally in support of Russian invasion of Ukraine in Yerevan
2 year ago
Johnson: If we remain silent, Putin will attack Georgia and the Baltic states
Kadyrov of Chechnya announced additional 1000 fighters to go to Ukraine
Georgia: @Ombudsman_Geo appealed to the Tbilisi City Court with Amicus Curiae on the case of the activists arrested on March 7, stating that the arrests were an unnecessary interference with the right of assembly and demonstration and police artificially escalated the situation