18 Temmuz 2022
3 years ago
Azerbaycan Savunma Bakanlığı, sınır bölgesinden hareket eden Ermeni ordusunun Kelbadjar İlçesi'nde konuşlu Azerbaycan askerlerinin mevzilerine yoğun ateş açtığını bildirdi.
3 years ago
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director William Burns met with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and other Armenian officials during a surprise visit to Yerevan on Friday
3 years ago
Armenian MFA: Ararat Mirzoyan and Jeyhun Bayramov will meet in Georgia tomorrow
3 years ago
President Aliyev: A senior official of the Russian Ministry of Defense promised that the Armenian armed forces would be withdrawn from Karabakh by June, but this issue has not been resolved.
3 years ago
Ilham Aliyev: Armenia has assumed obligations. These obligations are clearly stated there. One of them is the withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from Karabakh. To date, this issue has not been resolved. We raised the issue many times, but Armenia is prolonging it. At the same time, we raised this issue before the military leadership of Russia, and a few months ago, while visiting Azerbaijan, a high-ranking official of the Russian Ministry of Defense promised our Ministry of Defense that the Armenian armed forces would be withdrawn from Karabakh by June. However, today is already the middle of July, this issue has not been resolved.
3 years ago
Ilham Aliyev: It is completely unacceptable for the Armenian armed forces to remain on the territory of Azerbaijan. We are a victorious country, we have restored our territorial integrity. If Armenia does not want to withdraw its armed forces from the territory of Azerbaijan, then let us know this clearly, and we will know our business. What will be our answer Perhaps it is inappropriate to say it now.
3 years ago
Ilham Aliyev: 1 year and 8 months have passed since the Patriotic War, but unfortunately, Armenia still does not fulfill its obligations
3 years ago
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Ermenistan Başbakanı Paşinyan ile telefonda görüştü. Görüşmede, iki lider, Türkiye ile Ermenistan arasındaki normalleşme sürecine verdikleri önemi vurguladı
3 years ago
Russian FSB reports detaining 11 suspected members of ISIS in Karachaevo-Cherkesiya
3 years ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 19 km WSW of Metsavan, Armenia
3 years ago
Hazar Boru Hattı Konsorsiyumu (CPC), Novorossiysk Primorsky Bölge Mahkemesine petrol boru hattının işletilmesinin askıya alınmamasını talep eden bir dilekçe gönderdi.
3 years ago
Special Reps for normalization process between Armenia & Turkey agreed to enable crossing of Armenia-Turkey land border by third-country citizens visiting Armenia & Turkey respectively. They also agreed on commencing direct air cargo trade between two countries
3 years ago
A large number of police forces are gathered on Baghramyan Avenue after the opposition announced an unscheduled rally at the Armenian parliament building
3 years ago
The businessman and his wife were found dead in an apartment locked from the inside in a village in the Odintsovo urban district of the Moscow region. According to media reports, the dead are co-owner of the Abkhaz mobile company Yevgeny Palant and his wife.
3 years ago
NATO Genel Sekreteri: Gürcistan, Bosna ve Moldova için yeni destek paketlerini kabul edeceğiz
3 years ago
Pro-EU rally in Tbilisi
3 years ago
Rusya Dışişleri Bakanı Lavrov Bakü'de
3 years ago
Urgent gathering on France Square: #Opposition to head to ruling party office and Police building
3 years ago
NATO başkanı Stoltenberg, Bild am Sonntag'da Ukrayna'ya verilen desteğin gecikmemesi gerektiği konusunda uyardı. "Putin bu savaştan 2008'de Gürcistan'daki savaştan ve 2014'te Kırım'ın işgalinden sonra yaptığı gibi devam edebileceğini öğrenirse, o zaman çok daha yüksek bir bedel öderiz.
3 years ago
The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan reported on the shelling of the positions of the armed forces of the republic on the border of the two countries from the territory of Armenia.
3 years ago
Avrupa Komisyonu geçici bir anlaşmaya vardı: Ukrayna ve Moldova için şimdi aday statüsü ve ardından uyulması gereken koşullar. Gürcistan için şartlar şimdi ve sonrasında aday statüsü alma şansı. gelecek hafta EUCO'da liderler tarafından tartışılacak
3 years ago
Ukrayna Devlet Başkanı Zelenskyy, Madrid'deki NATO zirvesine davet edildiğini ve Sec Gen Stoltenberg'in seyahat edemeyecek olması halinde (belli nedenlerden dolayı) lider arkadaşlarına sanal olarak hitap etmesinin beklendiğini söyledi. Gürcistan Başbakanı Garibaşvili de davet edildi. (bu normal prosedürdür)
3 years ago
Armenian Prime Minister: Dialogue with Turkey is very positive, and we hope to achieve tangible results through it
3 years ago
Russia's RIA Novosti agency has deleted an interview with Karabakh separatist Artak Beglaryan from its website. APA's Moscow correspondent reports that the interview has already been removed from the site.
3 years ago
CSTO ülkelerinin Dışişleri Bakanları toplantısı Erivan'da sona erdi
3 years ago
RIA Novosti website blocked in Azerbaijan, editor-in-chief and producer of Sputnik press center expelled from Azerbaijan
3 years ago
The Azerbaijani and German Foreign Ministries are discussing prospects for military cooperation
3 years ago
The European Parliament passed the resolution on violation of media freedom and the safety of journalists in Georgia and voted in favour of an amendment that calls on member states & democratic partners to consider imposing personal sanctions on Ivanishvili
3 years ago
Armenia police clash with protesters in Yerevan, 50 people hospitalised, 111 people detained
3 years ago
Violence was the case in Yerevan tonight with more policemen seeking medical care than protestors