20 September 2024
3 Mesiac Pred
Ministerstvo obrany Arménska sa prostredníctvom francúzskeho veľvyslanectva v Jerevane obrátilo na francúzsku vládu s oficiálnym návrhom na prípravu obmedzeného kontingentu jednotiek na rozmiestnenie na území Arménska s cieľom odovzdať skúsenosti a organizovať technickú údržbu dodaných zbraní. zo strany Francúzskej republiky
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Armenia summoned its ambassador in Minsk to Yerevan for consultations
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Arménsky premiér Nikol Pašinjan povedal, že ani on, ani žiadny iný predstaviteľ Bielorusko nenavštívi, kým bude Lukašenko prezidentom. Dôvodom sú vyjadrenia bieloruského prezidenta v Azerbajdžane.
Tensions in Yerevan between anti-government protesters and police3 Mesiac Pred
Tensions in Yerevan between anti-government protesters and police
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The process of withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers from the Karabakh region has been completed - Azerbaijani Defense Ministry
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In Georgia, Mtavari Arkhi media outlet claims that the Georgian government is preparing to restore diplomatic relations with Russia, severed since 2008, and is reportedly selecting diplomatic personnel for the Georgian embassy in Moscow
Drony boli na mieste nad Kaspijskom v Dagestane
Anti-government protests today in Yerevan3 Mesiac Pred
Anti-government protests today in Yerevan
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Výpadky v Abcházsku v dôsledku silných dažďov
Ukrajinské bezpilotné lietadlá zaútočili na letisko v Mozdoku, miestne úrady informovali, že 3 boli zostrelené
Výbuchy na čerpacej stanici v meste Abovyan v Arménsku3 Mesiac Pred
Výbuchy na čerpacej stanici v meste Abovyan v Arménsku
An explosion occurred at a gas station in the city of Abovyan3 Mesiac Pred
An explosion occurred at a gas station in the city of Abovyan
@StateDept imposes visa restrictions on several dozen involved in enforcing the Russian foreign agents law in Georgia, affecting approximately 20-30 ruling Georgian Dream members, parliament members, law enforcement officers, and private individuals
Iran’s acting president, in a phone call with Azerbaijan’s president, said that the presence of Israel makes the Caucuses region insecure
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Georgia's Parliament Speaker signs "Foreign Agents" bill into law
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Výpadok v celom Južnom Osetsku v dôsledku prerušenia elektrického vedenia
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Putin and Pashinyan had a telephone conversation
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V Jerevane pokračuje protivládna schôdza
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Moskva sa pripravuje na otvorenie konzulátu v Khankendi (Khankendi/Khankendi/Stepanakert) - ruské ministerstvo zahraničia
Dutch Foreign Minister: The decision of Georgia's parliament to override the presidential veto on the 'Foreign Influence' law is a regrettable step. The law is incompatible with EU standards, as clearly outlined by @VeniceComm. As EU, we will consider all options in reaction to these developments
A massive crowd of protesters gathered after the ruling party overrode the president's veto to adopt the Foreign Agents Law3 Mesiac Pred
A massive crowd of protesters gathered after the ruling party overrode the president's veto to adopt the Foreign Agents Law
Minister zahraničných vecí Litvy: Veľmi smutný deň pre Gruzínsko a zvyšok Európy. Schválením tohto zákona sa prakticky pozastaví vstup Gruzínska do EÚ, z čoho nebude mať ktokoľvek prospech. Takmer ktokoľvek
People chant “Russians”, “Slaves” outside of the Georgian parliament as the ruling Georgian Dream adopts the law on foreign agents3 Mesiac Pred
People chant “Russians”, “Slaves” outside of the Georgian parliament as the ruling Georgian Dream adopts the law on foreign agents
Parliament of Georgia overrides Presidential veto on Foreign Agents Law at 18:58, finally adopts the law with 84 votes for, 4 against, despite unprecedented domestic, international pressure3 Mesiac Pred
Parliament of Georgia overrides Presidential veto on Foreign Agents Law at 18:58, finally adopts the law with 84 votes for, 4 against, despite unprecedented domestic, international pressure
Presumably, the Special Task Force of the Ministry of Interior, without police insignia, has been mobilized inside the Parliament as MPs discuss overriding the President's veto of the foreign agents law3 Mesiac Pred
Presumably, the Special Task Force of the Ministry of Interior, without police insignia, has been mobilized inside the Parliament as MPs discuss overriding the President's veto of the foreign agents law
As protesters are already gathering outside the Georgian Parliament, plenary sitting set to override the presidential veto on foreign influence law has started3 Mesiac Pred
As protesters are already gathering outside the Georgian Parliament, plenary sitting set to override the presidential veto on foreign influence law has started
Thousands of protesters have gathered behind Georgia’s parliament, where the parliamentary majority is expected to overturn the veto on the Foreign agents law today3 Mesiac Pred
Thousands of protesters have gathered behind Georgia’s parliament, where the parliamentary majority is expected to overturn the veto on the Foreign agents law today
The EU is preparing a response in case the Russia-style foreign agents law is enacted in Georgia — @JosepBorrellF said at the briefing.
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285 person were detained during protests in Yerevan today, all have been already released, - police
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The Speaker of the Georgian Parliament has raised parliament's security level, barring online media, including OC Media, from attending sessions. Currently, only TV journalists are allowed to cover sessions of parliament