7 Mars 2025
35th day of anti-government protest in Georgia. There are hundreds here on Rustaveli now, which is still blocked this night. Some protesters are singing Georgian folk songs2 månad sedan
35th day of anti-government protest in Georgia. There are hundreds here on Rustaveli now, which is still blocked this night. Some protesters are singing Georgian folk songs
Drönare sköts ner över träningsplatsen i Nordossetien, säger regionchefen. En drönare sköts ner av luftförsvarsstyrkor över Shalkhi träningsfält. Ett drönarhot har deklarerats i regionerna i norra Kaukasus federala distrikt sedan klockan 04:00 Vladikavkaz flygplats är stängd för ankomster och avgångar
2 månad sedan
Twelve GeorgiaProtest participants in Batumi, including students, have been summoned to court. Lara Kartsivadze said she was summoned for an administrative offense, while another individual reports being summoned under the ‘organizing’ charge
Armenien ersatte ryska gränsvakter vid gränsen mellan Armenien och Iran
2 månad sedan
Azerbaijan tighten the rules of visa-free regime for Russian citizens in Azerbaijan
2 månad sedan
Azerbaijani President: The crash of plane was caused by ground fire
2 månad sedan
Azerbajdzjans president Aliyev om orsakerna till kraschen av ett AZAL-plan nära Aktau: naturligtvis kommer den slutliga versionen att bli känd efter att de svarta lådorna har öppnats. "Men de initiala versionerna är också ganska rimliga och baserade på fakta. Fakta är att ett civilt azerbajdzjanskt plan skadades utifrån på ryskt territorium, nära staden Groznyj, och nästan förlorade kontrollen. Vi vet också att vårt plan gjordes om. okontrollerbar med radio-elektronisk krigföring Detta var den första skadan på planet." "Vi har öppet uttryckt våra krav till den ryska sidan. Dessa krav förmedlades officiellt till dem den 27 december." "För det första måste ryska sidan be om ursäkt till Azerbajdzjan. För det andra måste den erkänna sin skuld. För det tredje måste den straffa de skyldiga, föra dem till straffansvar och betala ersättning till azerbajdzjanerna. staten och de skadade passagerarna och besättningsmedlemmarna. Det här är våra villkor. Det första av dem uppfylldes redan i går.
On Rustaveli Avenue, near Kashveti church, the police used force to arrest protesters for blocking the road. It is believed that 5 people have been detained. Citizens had gathered to protest against Mikheil Kavelashvili2 månad sedan
On Rustaveli Avenue, near Kashveti church, the police used force to arrest protesters "for blocking the road." It is believed that 5 people have been detained. Citizens had gathered to protest against Mikheil Kavelashvili
2 månad sedan
Thousands of Georgians protest outside parliament against inauguration of new president
2 månad sedan
Mikheil Kavelashvili, a hardline critic of the West, was sworn in as president of Georgia amid a political crisis after the government froze European Union application talks in a move that sparked major protests
2 månad sedan
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has stated that at the ongoing protests against the government’s EU U-turn ‘1,000 people gather every day — this means that it is an asset for [opposition] parties and NGOs’
Protesters wave flags of GD leaders and their sole-elected president Kavelashvili alongside Iranian, Hezbollah and Taliban flags, mockingly saying, Congratulations, slave.2 månad sedan
Protesters wave flags of GD leaders and their sole-elected president Kavelashvili alongside Iranian, Hezbollah and Taliban flags, mockingly saying, "Congratulations, slave."
2 månad sedan
After Salome Zourabichvili’s speech at Orbeliani Palace, protesters marched to Parliament, where disputed President Mikheil Kavelashvili was inaugurated, some carrying red cards referencing his football career
2 månad sedan
Mikheil Kavelashvili was sworn in as Georgia's sixth president at a ceremony attended by Bidzina Ivanishvili but no foreign diplomats. Media access was restricted to a monitor outside the main hall
The President @Zourabichvili_S has decided to leave the residence. I will be with you. This building was a symbol only as long as a legitimate president was sitting here. I take legitimacy with me. I am taking the flag with me. I am taking the people's trust with me2 månad sedan
The President @Zourabichvili_S has decided to leave the residence. "I will be with you. This building was a symbol only as long as a legitimate president was sitting here. I take legitimacy with me. I am taking the flag with me. I am taking the people's trust with me
President @Zourabichvili_S will stay at her presidential residence tomorrow as an oligarch plans to install his puppet president. “I am here, and I will spend the night here. Tomorrow, at 10 a.m., I will wait for you at the Orbeliani Palace, and from there, I will tell you what tomorrow will be like. I will tell you what the following days will be like and what the days of victory will look like,” Salome Zurabishvili said in her TV address to the nation2 månad sedan
President @Zourabichvili_S will stay at her presidential residence tomorrow as an oligarch plans to install his puppet president. “I am here, and I will spend the night here. Tomorrow, at 10 a.m., I will wait for you at the Orbeliani Palace, and from there, I will tell you what tomorrow will be like. I will tell you what the following days will be like and what the days of victory will look like,” Salome Zurabishvili said in her TV address to the nation
In Kutaisi, the "Chain of Unity" activity turns into a large protest march currently heading towards the Georgian Dream's local party office
Day 31 of GeorgiaProtests Marching towards Rustaveli Avenue2 månad sedan
Day 31 of #GeorgiaProtests Marching towards Rustaveli Avenue
2 månad sedan
Putin bad Aliyev om ursäkt i ett telefonsamtal att incidenten med planet inträffade i ryskt luftrum. Putin ringde chefen för Azerbajdzjan, de har diskuterat kraschen av AZAL-passagerarplanet, - rapporterade han Kreml.
Chain of Unity looks lively and cheerful in coastal Batumi - despite rainy weather2 månad sedan
"Chain of Unity" looks lively and cheerful in coastal Batumi - despite rainy weather
Chain of Unity for Georgia: Tbilisi December 28 - a month of daily GeorgiaProtests2 månad sedan
Chain of Unity for Georgia: Tbilisi December 28 - a month of daily GeorgiaProtests
Georgia’s oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili has been sanctioned under OFAC’s SDN List pursuant to Executive Order 14024, targeting Russian Harmful Foreign Activities. The sanctions include the blocking of all property and interests in property within the United States or under U.S. jurisdiction, including assets that may come under U.S. control in the future. Additionally, his ability to transfer funds or other assets instantaneously has been blocked.
United States is designating Bidzina Grigoris Dze Ivanishvili, founder and honorary chairman of Georgia’s ruling party, Georgian Dream, for undermining the democratic and Euro-Atlantic future of Georgia for the benefit of the Russian Federation. Blinken announces
2 månad sedan
The UAEs low-cost airline @flydubai citing “threats to flight security” cancels flights to southern Russia after a plane crash in Kazakhstan, according to Russia’s tour operators association
2 månad sedan
Azerbaijan Airlines ställer in flygningar till sju ryska städer efter kraschen i Kazakstan
2 månad sedan
Kreml säger att de inte kommer att utfärda några uttalanden om den azerbajdzjanska Embraer-kraschen i Aktau förrän utredningen avslutats, mitt i uppmaningar från Baku att helt enkelt erkänna nedskjutningen och be om ursäkt
A students’ march has just arrived to Tbilisi’s Rustaveli Avenue, which is again blocked as protesters gather in front of the Georgian Parliament2 månad sedan
A students’ march has just arrived to Tbilisi’s Rustaveli Avenue, which is again blocked as protesters gather in front of the Georgian Parliament
2 månad sedan
Enligt de preliminära resultaten av undersökningen fastställdes det att AZAL-flygplanet, som flög på rutten Baku-Groznyj, attackerades av ett ryskt Pantsir-S luftförsvarssystem när det närmade sig staden Groznyj. En källa i den azerbajdzjanska regeringen berättade för Euronews att missilen avfyrades mot flight 8432 över Grozny, och splitter exploderade nära flygplanet under flygningen och träffade passagerare och kabinpersonal.
38 people died in the Embraer 190 crash in Aktau, - Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Kanat Bozumbayev. According to the country's Ministry of Emergency Situations, 29 wounded were hospitalized, including three children. 11 victims are in serious condition
Azerbaijan Airlines har ställt in alla flyg till Tjetjenien och Dagestan efter att dess plan kraschade.2 månad sedan
Azerbaijan Airlines har ställt in alla flyg till Tjetjenien och Dagestan efter att dess plan kraschade.