5 Oktober 2024
1 jaar geleden
Four soldiers of the Armenian army were killed, six were injured on Tuesday as a result of clashes with the Azerbaijani armed forces near the village of Tekh in the Syunik region of Armenia, the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia reports
1 jaar geleden
Verschillende Azerbeidzjaanse en Armeense soldaten gedood en gewond bij botsingen nabij het dorp Syunik
1 jaar geleden
Today PM @GharibashviliGe met with the US Sanctioned judges and in his assurance to fully support the judiciary clan he publicly defended and praised them, which is logical because GD's state capture fully stands on this clan. He also mentioned disinformation narratives
1 jaar geleden
Work on a peace treaty with Armenia is not going so smoothly, but Azerbaijan aims to normalize relations with Yerevan, - Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said
Putin and Pashinyan had a phone call, discussed Karabakh and blockade of Lachin corridor1 jaar geleden
Putin and Pashinyan had a phone call, discussed Karabakh and blockade of Lachin corridor
1 jaar geleden
3 politieagenten gedood, 7 gewond bij botsingen met vermoedelijke militanten in het dorp Zyazikov-Yurt in het district Malgobek in Ingoesjetiya
1 jaar geleden
Gevechten in Ingoesjetiya met vermoedelijke militanten gemeld
US imposes visa restrictions on Georgia's key judiciary clan figures (Mikheil Chinchaladze, Levan Murusidze, Irakli Shengelia, Valerian Tsertsvadze) involved in the significant corruption and State capture
Counter-terrorism regime declared in Malgobeksky district of Ingushetiya after shootout with 5 suspects1 jaar geleden
Counter-terrorism regime declared in Malgobeksky district of Ingushetiya after shootout with 5 suspects
1 jaar geleden
A soldier of the Azerbaijan Army was killed in a landmine explosion. A military serviceman of one of the units of the Azerbaijan Army located in the territory of Tartar region, soldier Niftaliyev Novruz Eldeniz oglu, fell on a mine and died on April 2. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense in response to APA's inquiry.
1 jaar geleden
On March 31, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces violated the ceasefire in the eastern & southwestern direction of the contact line by using small arms & RPG-7 grenade launchers. In the area of Nakhijevanik village, the Azerbaijani side opened fire on the civilians working in the yard
1 jaar geleden
Firefighters extinguished a blaze that broke out at the third and fourth floors of the four-storey building of Ambassadori Hotel, in the central part of Georgia's capital Tbilisi, the Ministry of Internal Affairs said on Friday
1 jaar geleden
Report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karabakh: Tonight, the Azerbaijani armed forces blocked the Goris-Khankendi/Stepanakert highway between the villages of Agavno and Tekh. A new dirt bypass road Tekh-Kornidzor in the Syunik region is already ready, which will connect with the new Kornidzor-Khinshen road (Berdzor (Lachin) corridor)
1 jaar geleden
Azerbaijan took control of a number of heights and territories on the border with Armenia - Ministry of Defense
1 jaar geleden
The Azerbaijani Armed Forces deployed an armed unit at the beginning of the Goris-Khankendi/Stepanakert road passing through the Lachin corridor, near the border with Armenia, finally blocking traffic on this road, which is currently used only by peacekeepers and Red Cross vehicles
4 politieagenten gewond, 2 verdachten gedood bij vuurgevecht in Gudermes
1 jaar geleden
Fazıl Mustafa, Chairman of the Great Liberation Party in Azerbaijan, was injured in an armed attack
Assassination attempt on Azerbaijani MP Fazil Mustafa at his residence in Baku city. The MP was shot multiple times and is known for his strong stance against the Iranian government. Lightly wounded1 jaar geleden
Assassination attempt on Azerbaijani MP Fazil Mustafa at his residence in Baku city. The MP was shot multiple times and is known for his strong stance against the Iranian government. Lightly wounded
1 jaar geleden
EU intensiveert militaire hulp aan Georgië en Moldavië @RikardJozwiak meldt. Georgië krijgt naar verwachting € 30 miljoen aan moderne aanhangwagens, vrachtwagens, transportwagens voor zwaar materieel, kranen en voertuigen ter ondersteuning van de mobiliteit van de communicatiesystemen voor veldartillerie van de Georgische strijdkrachten
1 jaar geleden
Russians accuse Azerbaijan of breaking the Tripartite statement with advancement and capture of heights
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense says they have stopped Armenian engineering works somewhere near here, Yuxarı Veysəlli of Füzuli1 jaar geleden
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense says they have stopped Armenian engineering works somewhere near here, Yuxarı Veysəlli of Füzuli
1 jaar geleden
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense says they have started a "necessary local operations" in Karabakh
1 jaar geleden
The Constitutional Court of Armenia ruled on the conformity of the Constitution with the Rome Statute, which allows Armenia to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) after ratification
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Flag-geflag-geStudent activists have claimed that the police searched their dormitory at Tbilisi State University and collected personal data. The head of TSU student service says this was a planned check that happens annually
1 jaar geleden
Two Russian servicemen came under fire from the Azerbaijani military in Syunik and were seriously injured. They are alive and currently undergoing surgery.
1 jaar geleden
Kazachstan stuurde voor het eerst zijn olie naar Azerbeidzjan via de Kaspische Zee
Ilham Aliyev: There is one condition for them to live comfortably on an area of 29,000 square kilometers – Armenia must accept our conditions1 jaar geleden
Ilham Aliyev: There is one condition for them to live comfortably on an area of 29,000 square kilometers – Armenia must accept our conditions
1 jaar geleden
President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed progress of works carried out in Talish village The head of state lit Novruz bonfire in Talish village and congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the holiday VIDEO #Azerbaijan
1 jaar geleden
President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed progress of works carried out in Talish village The head of state lit Novruz bonfire in Talish village and congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the holiday
1 jaar geleden
President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed progress of works carried out in Talish village The head of state lit Novruz bonfire in Talish village and congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the holiday #Azerbaijan