29 September 2024
FSB Detains 15 Members of Sharia Patrols in Baksan District of Kabardino-Balkaria
5 day ago
Aliyev recalled Polad Bulbul oglu from the post of Azerbaijani ambassador to Russia
A fuel truck caught fire at a gas station in Stavropol Krai. The fire spread to the gas station itself on the Novoselitskoye-Aleksandrovskoye road
Kazakhstan's Tokayev noted that under the leadership of Pashinyan, Armenia has achieved significant success in state-building and strengthening its international standing and reaffirmed his commitment to the comprehensive strengthening of relations We wish the brotherly Armenian people, in these difficult times for the region and the world, a stable future, successful work for the benefit of the country, and prosperity.1 week ago
Kazakhstan's Tokayev "noted that under the leadership of Pashinyan, Armenia has achieved significant success in state-building and strengthening its international standing" and "reaffirmed his commitment to the comprehensive strengthening of relations" "We wish the brotherly Armenian people, in these difficult times for the region and the world, a stable future, successful work for the benefit of the country, and prosperity."
La base militare di Molkino, sede dell'ex PMC Wagner, è in fiamme nel territorio di Krasnodar in Russia1 week ago
La base militare di Molkino, sede dell'ex PMC Wagner, è in fiamme nel territorio di Krasnodar in Russia
In Ingushetia, several thousand people came to Magas airport to meet the plane with the bodies of the dead Wildberries office guards Islam Elmurziev and Adam Almazov. A source in the local Ministry of Internal Affairs says that a serious risk of interethnic conflict is forming in the republic.1 week ago
In Ingushetia, several thousand people came to Magas airport to meet the plane with the bodies of the dead Wildberries office guards Islam Elmurziev and Adam Almazov. A source in the local Ministry of Internal Affairs says that a serious risk of interethnic conflict is forming in the republic.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee is expected to take up the S. 4425, Georgian People's Act in a matter of days. It will be marked up next Wed and is expected to be discussed/voted within a few weeks, Senate sources tell
Georgian President has just pardoned Giorgi Shanidze, who was arrested during the anti-Russian law protests. Just four days ago, Giorgi was sentenced to 4 years in prison after being charged for property damage and illegal marijuana cultivation
Gli USA se la prendono con la rete che sostiene il trasferimento di armi dalla Corea del Nord alla Russia. @USTreasury sanziona 4 banche, 1 società di pagamento e 1 funzionario di banca, tutti situati nell'Ossezia del Sud occupata dalla Russia, in Georgia
Le autorità competenti stanno verificando la veridicità delle informazioni sul cyberattacco da parte di hacker russi nel database dell'ufficio del Primo Ministro dell'Armenia
Pashinyan: If the transit gas pipeline passes through the territory of Armenia, we are ready to buy gas from Azerbaijan
Il comitato investigativo dell'Armenia in una dichiarazione afferma che il complotto del colpo di stato è stato scoperto, preparato da 5 cittadini armeni, 2 residenti del Nagorno Karabakh, il gruppo è stato organizzato e addestrato a Rostov-na-Donu nella Federazione Russa
U.S. secretary of state Blinken spoke to Azerbaijani president, reaffirmed importance of a durable and dignified peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia -statement
1 week ago
Il sito web del "Presidente dell'Abkhazia" è stato hackerato
The Department of State is also taking additional steps to impose visa restrictions on more than 60 Georgian individuals and their family members responsible for, or complicit in, undermining democracy in Georgia
U.S. Treasury sanctions two Georgian officials: Head of MIA's Special Task Department Zviad Kharazishvili (Khareba) and his deputy Mileri Lagazauri for "serious human rights abuses" for their role in brutal crackdowns on anti-foreign agent protesters: and two others: Konstantine Morgoshia and Zurab Makharadze, both radical right-wing figures associated with the violent Alt-info movement
Joint press conference of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France Ararat Mirzoyan and Stéphane Sejourné.
2 week ago
In Gori, Ivanishvili said outside forces instigated, and UNM waged a fratricidal war in 2008 against Ossetians. He said that following the election win, GD will try former officials for treason and apologize "to the Ossetian brothers and sisters
2 week ago
La Russia ha schierato 4 portaerei missilistiche con una capacità missilistica di 24 missili Kaliber nel Mar Nero
Pashinyan discussed peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan with Blinken
Blackout a Mahachkala dopo l'incendio alla sottostazione
2 week ago
Lukashenka: "We have always tried to help the Armenians, cooperated with them as with our closest people, helping in every possible way. But, as you can see, they wanted to turn to the West, to the EU."
La risposta dell'Azerbaigian è stata 12 settembre nel periodo compreso tra le 00:15 e le 01:05, dopo l'apertura della porta e огонь в правлении La posizione azerbaigiana, utilizzata nelle zone di pericolo, non è corretta - МО Армении
2 week ago
Azerbaijani army: Our positions in the direction of Nakhchivan came under fire
2 week ago
An explosion occurred in a non-operating foundry shop on the territory of the Razdan Thermal Power Plant. According to preliminary data, six people were injured and were hospitalized in a medical center, where one of the victims (born in 1978) died.
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto arrived in Yerevan.
PM Irakli Kobakhidze announces a state grant program for civil society organizations registered in the foreign agents registry. NGOs that serve the interests of the Georgian people will receive up to double the funding from the state budget compared to foreign donors, PM says
3 week ago
Azerbaijan and Armenia have already agreed on almost 80% of the text of the peace treaty - Aliyev
3 week ago
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense: Hikmet Mirzayev checked the combat readiness of the units deployed in the direction of the conditional border.
@Tasnimnews_EN semi-ufficiale: "Alla Russia è stato consigliato di evitare di adottare misure che potrebbero compromettere le relazioni strategiche tra Russia e Iran, perché l'idea del corridoio di Zangezur creerà un nuovo punto critico in prossimità dei delicatissimi confini dell'Iran nordoccidentale".