6 יולי 2024
Iran's president: We will turn the border between Iran and Azerbaijan into a border of hope and opportunity.The cooperation between the two countries should lead to regional and international cooperation, and this is the will of the officials of the two countries1 חודש לפני
Iran's president: We will turn the border between Iran and Azerbaijan into a border of hope and opportunity.The cooperation between the two countries should lead to regional and international cooperation, and this is the will of the officials of the two countries
Tbilisi: Anti-Foreign agents law protesters blocked Rustaveli. Today the Foreign agents law was vetoed by @Zourabichvili_S clarifying that this law is Russian, it cannot be improved, contradicts Georgian constitution and European standards, therefore must be withdrawn1 חודש לפני
Tbilisi: Anti-Foreign agents law protesters blocked Rustaveli. Today the Foreign agents law was vetoed by @Zourabichvili_S clarifying that this law is Russian, it cannot be improved, contradicts Georgian constitution and European standards, therefore must be withdrawn
1 חודש לפני
Georgia President vetoes "foreign agents" bill that triggered mass protests in the country. But the ruling party has enough votes to override her veto
.@HelsinkiComm chair @RepJoeWilson plans to introduce “Georgia sanctions” legislation in the coming days, potentially targeting those responsible for the foreign-agents legislation (aka russian law) and the broader assault on democracy
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Prominent activist Nata Peradze and her family had to leave the country immediately as an investigation began against her for an alleged coup attempt. More and more active citizens are under investigation for heavy charges that imply years in jail
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Azerbaijan's MFA demands that the French government apologize to our country
Lukashenka visits the city of Fuzuli today1 חודש לפני
Lukashenka visits the city of Fuzuli today
1 חודש לפני
In Yerevan, protesters for Pashinyan's resignation are attempting to break through the police cordon
NATO: “Georgia government’s decision to pass legislation on so-called “foreign agents” is a step in the wrong direction and takes Georgia further away from European and Euro-Atlantic integration. We urge Georgia to change course and respect the right to peaceful protest.”
US Senators say the passage of Foreign Agents' bill "will require Congress to consider a shift in U.S. policy toward Georgia”
Protesters again paralyze Heroes Square, Tbilisi's main traffic artery: Nini Gabritchidze/Civil.ge1 חודש לפני
Protesters again paralyze Heroes Square, Tbilisi's main traffic artery: Nini Gabritchidze/Civil.ge
Part of the protesters moved to Heroes' Square and blocked the roadways. nnAnother group remains on Rustaveli Avenue in front of the @Geoparliament1 חודש לפני
Part of the protesters moved to Heroes' Square and blocked the roadways. nnAnother group remains on Rustaveli Avenue in front of the @Geoparliament
Georgian demonstrators flood Heroes Square to protest against both the Foreign Agents Law and their government1 חודש לפני
Georgian demonstrators flood Heroes Square to protest against both the Foreign Agents Law and their government
1 חודש לפני
Georgian Interior Ministry has said that ‘special measures’ have been deployed after protesters damaged a barricade in front of parliament.
1 חודש לפני
Tensions escalate at the Parliament of Georgia with the police detaining protesters and grabbing them into the Parliament premises
Crackdown warning from the police. They are beginning to slowly advance from Freedom Square.1 חודש לפני
Crackdown warning from the police. They are beginning to slowly advance from Freedom Square.
Riot police, water cannons are mobilized on Liberty Square just a few minutes walk from Parliament where people are protesting ForeignAgentsLaw Guram Muradov/Civil.ge @GuramMuradov1 חודש לפני
Riot police, water cannons are mobilized on Liberty Square just a few minutes walk from Parliament where people are protesting #ForeignAgentsLaw Guram Muradov/Civil.ge @GuramMuradov
1 חודש לפני
Georgia’s ruling party adopted the controversial ForeignAgentsLaw in its third and final reading by 84 votes against 30 on May 14, amid widespread local protests and despite fierce opposition from the West
Situation at the protest outside the parliament: more people are joining as the session resumed inside the parliament with tensions among oppo and ruling MPs1 חודש לפני
Situation at the protest outside the parliament: more people are joining as the session resumed inside the parliament with tensions among oppo and ruling MPs
Fight erupts in the Georgian parliament as Georgian Dream pushes the “foreign agents” law in the final reading1 חודש לפני
Fight erupts in the Georgian parliament as Georgian Dream pushes the “foreign agents” law in the final reading
Riot police buses, water cannons, and police are gathered on Liberty Square, before Georgia’s foreign agent law goes to its final vote in less than an hour. Police have blocked protesters from accessing the back entrance of parliament.1 חודש לפני
Riot police buses, water cannons, and police are gathered on Liberty Square, before Georgia’s foreign agent law goes to its final vote in less than an hour. Police have blocked protesters from accessing the back entrance of parliament.
People marching on Rustaveli avenue to join the ongoing anti-Foreign Agents Law protest at the Parliament. Video: Giorgi Kelbakiani/Civil.ge1 חודש לפני
People marching on Rustaveli avenue to join the ongoing anti-Foreign Agents Law protest at the Parliament. Video: Giorgi Kelbakiani/Civil.ge
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שר החוץ של ליטא @GLandsbergis: הערב, יחד עם שרי החוץ של אסטוניה, איסלנד ולטביה, אנחנו נוסעים לגאורגיה. בראש ובראשונה, שוב לשלוח את המסר שגיאורגיה היא אירופה
1 חודש לפני
מתיחות בין המשטרה למפגינים נגד הממשלה בירוואן
A large protest march in Tbilisi after student groups from various universities united on Rustaveli Avenue1 חודש לפני
A large protest march in Tbilisi after student groups from various universities united on Rustaveli Avenue
The Georgian Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee commenced its hearing of the draft foreign agent law and approved it in less than two minutes as police violently assaulted and detained protesters gathered outside of parliament.1 חודש לפני
The Georgian Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee commenced its hearing of the draft foreign agent law and approved it in less than two minutes as police violently assaulted and detained protesters gathered outside of parliament.
Tbilisi now: protesters remain at the Parliament with reportedly more and more people arriving at the rally scene.1 חודש לפני
Tbilisi now: protesters remain at the Parliament with reportedly more and more people arriving at the rally scene.
חצות בטביליסי, אנשים נשארים לילה בפרלמנט כדי למחות על החוק הרוסי בבוקר כשהקריאה השלישית של חוק הגיוס מתחילה. שר הפנים איים היום על מפגינים במאסר של עד 4 שנים במקרה שהם ינסו לחסום את הפרלמנט1 חודש לפני
חצות בטביליסי, אנשים נשארים לילה בפרלמנט כדי למחות על החוק הרוסי בבוקר כשהקריאה השלישית של חוק הגיוס מתחילה. שר הפנים איים היום על מפגינים במאסר של עד 4 שנים במקרה שהם ינסו לחסום את הפרלמנט
1 חודש לפני
The third and final round of committee hearing of the Russian law is set for Monday at 9 am, citizens will gather at the parliament from Sunday evening to protest and impede parliamentarians' comfortable entry in the building. The third plenary hearing will take place on May 14
Tbilisi now. Georgians have flooded the city in what seems to be the biggest street demonstration in decades.1 חודש לפני
Tbilisi now. Georgians have flooded the city in what seems to be the biggest street demonstration in decades.