4 Ιούλιος 2024
10 μήνας Πριν
According to PM Garibashvili, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy .@JosepBorrellF will visit Georgia in a few days
German Green MEP @ViolavonCramon said the impeachment process of President Zourabichvili gives an impression of an attempt to divert the public's attention from the real problems of the country. Visiting the Russian  line in Georgia, MEP also said there is no progress in the de-occupation of Georgia, despite the government's current policies with Russia10 μήνας Πριν
German Green MEP @ViolavonCramon said the impeachment process of President Zourabichvili gives an impression of an attempt to divert the public's attention from the real problems of the country. Visiting the Russian line in Georgia, MEP also said there is no progress in the de-occupation of Georgia, despite the government's current policies with Russia
'The President of Georgia has demonstratively violated the constitution, which is why the ruling party's decision to initiate impeachment is entirely justified', PM Irakli Garibashvili said during a govt meeting on Sept.410 μήνας Πριν
'The President of Georgia has demonstratively violated the constitution, which is why the ruling party's decision to initiate impeachment is entirely justified', PM Irakli Garibashvili said during a govt meeting on Sept.4
10 μήνας Πριν
Η πρώτη μονάδα του πυρηνικού σταθμού Akkuyu στην Τουρκία σχεδιάζεται να ξεκινήσει το επόμενο έτος, υπάρχουν προοπτικές για ανάπτυξη συνεργασίας μεταξύ των χωρών σε αυτόν τον τομέα - Πούτιν
Ο πρόεδρος Ερντογάν έφτασε στο Σότσι για συνομιλίες με τον Πούτιν10 μήνας Πριν
Ο πρόεδρος Ερντογάν έφτασε στο Σότσι για συνομιλίες με τον Πούτιν
10 μήνας Πριν
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 9 km ESE of Kyurdarmir, Azerbaijan
10 μήνας Πριν
Flooding in Sochi
10 μήνας Πριν
Δύο τουρκικές πηγές δήλωσαν στο Reuters: Ο Ερντογάν θα συναντήσει τον Πούτιν στο Σότσι της Ρωσίας στις 4 Σεπτεμβρίου
10 μήνας Πριν
Nagorny Karabakh President Araryik Harutyunyan announces that he will resign tomorrow, says he made the decision two days ago after discussions with political actors and the wider public
10 μήνας Πριν
Η CSTO θα πραγματοποιήσει ασκήσεις στις 1-6 Σεπτεμβρίου - Reuters, επικαλούμενο το υπουργείο Άμυνας της Λευκορωσίας
10 μήνας Πριν
The Georgian Foreign Ministry called Dmitry Medvedev's statements about the possibility of annexation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by Russia an attempt to encroach on the territorial integrity of the country
10 μήνας Πριν
Ο Ρώσος Μεντβέντεφ λέει ότι η Ρωσία μπορεί να προσαρτήσει τις αποσχισθείσες γεωργιανές περιοχές Νότια Οσετία και Αμπχαζία
10 μήνας Πριν
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 4 km ESE of Masally, Azerbaijan
10 μήνας Πριν
Tension rising in Karabakh region as statement from Armenian NKR Commander Karen Matevosyan confirms the creation of NKR militia’s in preparation for a possible military operation by Azerbaijan
EU countries have discussed importing Iran gas through Türkiye. Iran Deputy Oil Minister: negotiations are ongoing & have not yet reached a conclusive agreement. Iran will not prevent Turkmenistan gas reaching Turkey via Iran if it wants to transport its own gas to EU10 μήνας Πριν
EU countries have discussed importing Iran gas through Türkiye. Iran Deputy Oil Minister: negotiations are ongoing & have not yet reached a conclusive agreement. Iran will not prevent Turkmenistan gas reaching Turkey via Iran if it wants to transport its own gas to EU
10 μήνας Πριν
Karabakh Forces: On Aug 21, between 5:50am & 6:30 am, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces violated the ceasefire in the Martakert, Askeran & Shusha regions by using small arms. No casualties on the Nagorny Karabakh side. The Command of the Russian peacekeeping troops is informed about the ceasefire violation
10 μήνας Πριν
Μεγάλη φωτιά στο λιμάνι του Νοβοροσίσκ
10 μήνας Πριν
The message of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia: On August 17, from 21:15 to 21:30, units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire from small arms on Armenian positions located in the Yeraskh sector
10 μήνας Πριν
The Armenian Foreign Minister said at a meeting of the UN Security Council that the current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh could undermine the peace process in the South Caucasus.
Μεγάλη φωτιά κοντά στην Ανάπα10 μήνας Πριν
Μεγάλη φωτιά κοντά στην Ανάπα
10 μήνας Πριν
The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan announced that an attempt by the Armenian saboteur group to penetrate the territory of the republic was prevented, and one of its members was detained
10 μήνας Πριν
Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense: On August 15, around 12:20 p.m., in the area of Yukhari Shorja settlement of Basarkecher district, the information spread in Armenian information resources about firing by units of the Azerbaijan Army in the direction of persona European Union observers and their car is not true, it is another disinformation of the other side.
10 μήνας Πριν
Ο αριθμός των νεκρών από την έκρηξη στο βενζινάδικο στη Μαχατσκάλα αυξήθηκε σε 27 νεκρούς και 75 τραυματίες
10 μήνας Πριν
According to preliminary data, after the explosion in Makhachkala, 10 people died and more than 50 were injured, including minors
10 μήνας Πριν
Three people killed in an explosion at a car service in Makhachkala
10 μήνας Πριν
Έκρηξη σε βενζινάδικο στη Μαχατσκάλα, 10 οχήματα καίγονται
Ο Επιτετραμμένος της Ουκρανίας Oleksandr Senchenko πέθανε τραγικά στην Αρμενία (τραβηγμένη στη λίμνη)10 μήνας Πριν
Ο Επιτετραμμένος της Ουκρανίας Oleksandr Senchenko πέθανε τραγικά στην Αρμενία (τραβηγμένη στη λίμνη)
10 μήνας Πριν
The Armenian Defense Ministry denied the statement of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry about the accumulation of military equipment on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border
10 μήνας Πριν
Η Γενική Εισαγγελία της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας αναγνώρισε το ερευνητικό έργο Conflict Intelligence Team ως ανεπιθύμητη οργάνωση
10 μήνας Πριν
Διαμαρτυρία ενάντια στις διακοπές ρεύματος στη Μαχατσκάλα