10 Syyskuu 2024
10 kuukausi sitten
Zelenski sanoi EUCO:n johtajille tänä iltana: "Joko koko Eurooppamme voittaa - yhdessä Ukrainan kanssa, yhdessä Moldovan kanssa ja tulevaisuudessa yhdessä Valko-Venäjän ja Georgian kanssa - tai menneisyys voittaa"
10 kuukausi sitten
Prime Minister of Armenia: We hope that in the coming months we will sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan and establish relations
Pashinyan tells @WSJ he doesn't see any advantages in the continuing presence of Russian military bases in Armenia10 kuukausi sitten
Pashinyan tells @WSJ he doesn't see any advantages in the continuing presence of Russian military bases in Armenia
10 kuukausi sitten
The meeting between Pashinyan and Aliyev planned for late October in Brussels will not take place - EU
Turkish FM met Iran’s president on the sideline of the 3+3 regional meeting in Tehran10 kuukausi sitten
Turkish FM met Iran’s president on the sideline of the 3+3 regional meeting in Tehran
Russia FM met president of Iran on the sideline of the 3+3 regional meeting in Tehran10 kuukausi sitten
Russia FM met president of Iran on the sideline of the 3+3 regional meeting in Tehran
Turkish FM Hakan Fidan meets with Armenian FM Ararat Mirzoyan10 kuukausi sitten
Turkish FM Hakan Fidan meets with Armenian FM Ararat Mirzoyan
The foreign ministers' meeting of the 3+3 format on South Caucasus gets underway in Tehran. Iran, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia FMs are attending the summit. However, the Georgia FM is absent from the meeting10 kuukausi sitten
The foreign ministers' meeting of the 3+3 format on South Caucasus gets underway in Tehran. Iran, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia FMs are attending the summit. However, the Georgia FM is absent from the meeting
Russia FM in Tehran, Iran, to attend the FMs meeting of the regional format 3+3 on the South Caucasus10 kuukausi sitten
Russia FM in Tehran, Iran, to attend the FMs meeting of the regional format 3+3 on the South Caucasus
10 kuukausi sitten
EU foreign ministers should have discussed Armenia - Azerbaijan - at their meeting today but postponed till next month
10 kuukausi sitten
Foreign ministers from Iran, Turkey, Russia and Georgia will meet their counterparts from Azerbaijan and Armenia in Tehran on Monday and discuss progress towards a peace agreement between the two South Caucasus neighbors, according to Iranian state media
86 for, 1 against. Impeachment of President Zurabishvili failed in Parliament of Georgia10 kuukausi sitten
86 for, 1 against. Impeachment of President Zurabishvili failed in Parliament of Georgia
10 kuukausi sitten
Armenia is ready to exchange prisoners with Azerbaijan on the "all for all" principle, as well as cooperate for mine clearance, said Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan
10 kuukausi sitten
Vyacheslav Ponomarev, deputy head of the representative office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Armenia, died at his workplace In Yerevan
10 kuukausi sitten
Pashinyan confirmed Armenia's readiness to sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan by the end of the year
Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned a small group of lawmakers last week that his department is tracking the possibility that Azerbaijan could soon invade Armenia, according to two people familiar with the conversation
11 kuukausi sitten
Armenia ei lähde IVY:stä - Putin
11 kuukausi sitten
Teacher killed in Arras: the perpetrator is a 20-year-old young man of Chechen origin
Hungary's Foreign Minister in Moscow, Russia, and Orban in Tbilisi, Georgia11 kuukausi sitten
Hungary's Foreign Minister in Moscow, Russia, and Orban in Tbilisi, Georgia
11 kuukausi sitten
If the Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh leave the region, then they should return to the Russian Federation and not be redeployed to Armenia - Pashinyan
11 kuukausi sitten
Ilham Aliyev announced Baku's readiness to conduct negotiations in Georgia with representatives of Armenia to normalize relations, but for this there must be the consent of Yerevan
11 kuukausi sitten
European Union: We express our deep concern about Russia's intention to establish a permanent naval base in the breakaway region of Abkhazia
Ukrainan presidentti Zelensky tapasi Armenian pääministerin Pashinyanin Granadassa, Espanjassa11 kuukausi sitten
Ukrainan presidentti Zelensky tapasi Armenian pääministerin Pashinyanin Granadassa, Espanjassa
11 kuukausi sitten
The Armenian Ministry of Defense stated that the Azerbaijani military fired at a supply vehicle of the Armenian army at the border.
.@StateDeputySpox confirms US and Russia held rare meeting, alongside EU, in Istanbul to discuss Nagorno-Karabakh on September 17 on eve of Azerbaijan offensive. On "working level" about "urgent humanitarian issues"
11 kuukausi sitten
Pashinyan said that he is ready to conclude a peace agreement with Aliyev and hopes for its speedy signing
Venäläisten alusten poistuminen Sevastopolista: Venäjän Mustanmeren laivasto siirsi suurimman osan aluksistaan Sevastopolista Novorossiiskiin. Projektin 06363 (Kilo-luokka) kaikki kolme operatiivista sukellusvenettä, molemmat Project 11356 (Admiral Grigorovich-luokka) fregatit
11 kuukausi sitten
Arayik Harutyunyan was detained by Azerbaijani authorities
The Azerbaijani Army has detained Major General Ararat Melkumyan, the Chief of the so-called Nagorny Karabakh Republic Security Service, at the Lachin checkpoint in  Karabakh11 kuukausi sitten
The Azerbaijani Army has detained Major General Ararat Melkumyan, the Chief of the so-called Nagorny Karabakh Republic Security Service, at the Lachin checkpoint in Karabakh
11 kuukausi sitten
The Kremlin criticizes Armenia's parliament's vote in favor of joining the International Criminal Court