4 جولای 2024
1 year ago
Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We will evacuate our embassy staff and members of their families from Iran today
وزرای امور خارجه ایران و آذربایجان در تماسی تلفنی درباره حمله به سفارت گفتگو کردند
Azerbaijan is now evacuating the embassy
1 killed, 2 wounded in attack on Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran
عملیات پلیس در ماخاچکالا پس از تیراندازی مظنون در خیابان و زخمی شدن یک نفر
Secretary Antony Blinken:I urged President Aliyev to immediately restore commercial traffic on the Lachin corridor. Each day it remains blocked risks a humanitarian crisis and undermines the steps that Armenia and Azerbaijan have taken toward peace. The U.S. is committed to supporting these efforts
According to Armenian authorities in Nagorny Karabakh, Azerbaijani side shutdown household gas transit to Armenian-controlled part
Sagarejo, Georgia: At least 5 people were killed and 5 were severely injured after a suspect opened the fire from the balcony. During the shootout one policeman was killed
According to Ministry of Defense of Armenia 15 servicemen were killed as result of fire in one of military units
Blackout in the northern of Kaspiysk after fire at substation
1 year ago
Aliyev: "If they are not interested in delimitation, we don't need it either. This means that the border will pass where we believe it should. If the border has not been delimited, then who can say that the border passes here, and not there"
Armenian Defense Ministry informed CSTO that Yerevan considers it no more appropriate to hold Organization exercises in the country - PM Pashinyan
65 شرکت کننده در تظاهرات علیه بی عملی روسیه در مورد وضعیت کریدور لاچین در نزدیکی پایگاه نظامی روسیه در گیومری بازداشت شدند.
1 year ago
The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry states: "Armenia's calls to send any international mission to the territory of Azerbaijan are regarded by us as another provocation against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan"
معترضان در ایروان خواستار رفع انسداد راهرو لاچین شدند
FSB روسیه 2 مرد را در چگم، کاباردینو-بالکاریا کشت و آنها را به آماده سازی حملات از طرف اوکراین متهم کرد.
1 year ago
پوتین در دیدار با نخست وزیر ارمنستان درباره محاصره کریدور لاچین بحث کرد
1 year ago
نشست غیررسمی سران کشورهای مستقل مشترک المنافع در سن پترزبورگ آغاز می شود. میرضیایف (ازبکستان)، لوکاشنکا (بلاروس)، پوتین (روسیه)، علی اف (آذربایجان)، پاشینیان (ارمنستان)، توکایف (قزاقستان)، رحمان (تاجیکستان) و سردار بردی محمداف (ترکمنستان) پیش بینی می شوند.
1 year ago
Putin discussed by phone with Aliyev issues of trilateral agreements between Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, in particular, those related to ensuring security on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border, the Kremlin said.
UN Security Council member states called for the reopening of the Lachin corridor in a discussion of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations on Tuesday. The corridor, the only open road into or out of Nagorno-Karabakh, has been blocked by Azerbaijani 'eco-activists' since 12 December
1 year ago
پوتین شورای امنیت روسیه را تشکیل داد و در مورد روابط با کشورهای همسایه گفتگو کرد
Nagorny Karabakh's HRD @Gegham_Nagorny Karabakh, who is holding protests in front of various foreign embassies in Yerevan, called on Russia to curb Azerbaijan's actions and violations of the Nov. 9, 2020 agreement, as a blockade of the Lachin Corridor entered its 4th day
1 year ago
MFA: Russia is concerned about the blocking of the Lachin corridor, expects the restoration of full-fledged transport links in the near future
Eurasian Economic Union Summit kicks off in Bishkek
PM @GharibashviliGe stressed "concrete volunteers", like Mamuka Mamulashvili, were "closely connected with the UNM, while others were former servicemembers, law enforcement officers and "ordinary citizens" fighting "due to their beliefs"
1 year ago
Azerbaijan has prepared a draft agreement on a peaceful settlement and presented it to Armenia - Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Bayramov
1 year ago
Reuters: Due to Western sanctions, Russia's Lukoil company will suspend shipments from its Caspian oilfields via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline in December and redirect them to the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) system
Blogger Tumso Abdurakhmanov, who criticized Kadyrov, was killed in Sweden
Azerbaijani protesters closed road Lachin-Khankedi near Dashalty village near Shusha. Russian peacekeepers on the site
سقوط هواپیمای وی-55 در ارمنستان، 2 خلبان، شهروندان روس کشته شدند