27 Julio 2024
10 mes atrás
Informes de más de 200 personas heridas como resultado de explosiones en Khankedi/Khankendi/Stepanakert
10 mes atrás
Russian Foreign Ministry: Pashinyan's statement on independence on September 24 contains unacceptable attacks against the Russian Federation and causes rejection from Moscow
Azerbaiyán restableció plenamente su soberanía hace cinco días, dijo Aliyev
Ilham Aliyev and Erdogan signed a protocol on the Kars-Nakhchivan railway project
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Armenian residents around Khankendi are allowed to move freely after being checked by the Azerbaijani police
Ilham Aliyev welcomed Erdogan
Erdogan has arrived in Nakhchivan
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El primer ministro armenio Pashinyan acusó a los aliados de intentar demostrar que Armenia es débil
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Armenian media claims Azerbaijani Army is approaching Khankendi, entering the first quarters of the city
10 mes atrás
84 personas fueron detenidas en protestas en Ereván, dijo la policía
Dozens of demonstrators, including the son of ex-President Kocharyan, were detained in Yerevan10 mes atrás
Dozens of demonstrators, including the son of ex-President Kocharyan, were detained in Yerevan
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Advisor to the President of Azerbaijan: Humanitarian aid will be delivered to the Armenians of the Nagorno-Karabakh region
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Hungary blocked EU statement which condemns the military operation by Azerbaijan
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Protests continue in Yerevan
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Yevlakh meeting - Azerbaijani side assessed the meeting as "constructive and positive". Ramin Mamedov presented "plans for reintegration" to Karabakhi side
Sputnik Armenia: dos subcomandantes del contingente ruso de mantenimiento de la paz en la región murieron como resultado de un bombardeo en Karabaj
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Putin habló por teléfono con el presidente de Azerbaiyán, Aliyev, informó el Kremlin
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En Yevlaj comenzó la reunión entre representantes de las autoridades azerbaiyanas y la población armenia de Karabaj
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El Ministerio de Defensa de Azerbaiyán niega que sus fuerzas hayan violado el alto el fuego en Nagorno-Karabaj
Iran president says Tehran will not allow the slightest change in the geopolitics of the Caucasus region. On recent conflict, he said, “The tension between Azerbaijan and Armenia is not accepted at all. The issue can be resolved through dialogue”
10 mes atrás
On September 20, at about 22:50, units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire with small arms at Armenian positions located in the Sotk region of Gegharkunik region, - Armenian Ministry of Defense
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The Azerbaijani attack in Nagorno-Karabakh left at least 200 dead and more than 400 wounded. The number of wounded civilians exceeds 40, including 13 children. At the moment, the death of 10 civilians has been confirmed, 5 of them are children - Ombudsman of Nagorno-Karabakh Gegham Stepanyan
10 mes atrás
Tensions at the demonstrations in Yerevan
10 mes atrás
The Cabinet of Ministers of Armenia reported that Putin and Pashinyan discussed by telephone the situation in Karabakh and issues on the Armenian-Russian agenda
Vehículo con tropas rusas atrapado bajo el bombardeo en Nagorno-Karabaj, matando a todos los que estaban dentro, - Ministerio de Defensa ruso
10 mes atrás
Yerevan supports the position of the Armenians of Karabakh on a ceasefire - Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia
Iran has canceled all flights to Armenia and Azerbaijan
10 mes atrás
Azerbaijani MoD confirms Armenia-backed separatist government in Karabakh has surrendered: 1. Formations of the armed forces of Armenia and illegal Armenian armed formations located in the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan lay down their arms, leave combat positions and military posts and completely disarm. Units of the Armenian armed forces are leaving the territory of Azerbaijan, illegal Armenian armed formations are being disbanded; 2. At the same time, all weapons and heavy equipment are surrendered; 3. The implementation of the above processes is ensured in coordination with the Russian peacekeeping contingent
Nagorno Karabaj: según informes, se ha llegado a un acuerdo para detener los combates. Las autoridades de Nagorno Karabaj han acordado disolver sus fuerzas armadas y negociar la reintegración de la región a Azerbaiyán. Esto significaría que el autogobierno armenio termina efectivamente10 mes atrás
Nagorno Karabaj: según informes, se ha llegado a un acuerdo para detener los combates. Las autoridades de Nagorno Karabaj han acordado disolver sus fuerzas armadas y negociar la "reintegración" de la región a Azerbaiyán. Esto significaría que el autogobierno armenio termina efectivamente
10 mes atrás
Se alcanza un acuerdo de alto el fuego en Nagorno-Karabaj a partir de las 13:00 hora local