2 January 2025
El Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors rus diu que ha mediat un alto el foc entre Armènia i l'Azerbaidjan, a partir de les 9 del matí. També va expressar la seva profunda preocupació per la situació2 year ago
El Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors rus diu que ha mediat un alto el foc entre Armènia i l'Azerbaidjan, a partir de les 9 del matí. També va expressar la seva profunda preocupació per la situació
Pashinyan called Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi
L'Azerbaidjan declara que hauria de tenir un corredor pel territori d'Armènia. La nostra posició era i segueix sent tal que no oferirem a ningú un corredor pel territori d'Armènia, - Pashinyan
Durant les negociacions, l'Azerbaidjan tenia reclamacions territorials sobre Armènia des de Nrnadzor fins a Erevan: Pashinyan
At least 49 Armenians were killed in clashes with Azerbaijan, reports Armenian Prime Minister
On the Armenia's request, a meeting of the CSTO Permanent Council is underway, - Pashinyan said
Armenia, Russia agree 'joint steps to stabilise situation' on border: Yerevan
The President of the European Council discusses with the President of Armenia the situation on the border with Azerbaijan
An official video by ARM MOD reportedly shows the attempt of Azeri troops to cross the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. The attempt failed according to MOD
2 year ago
Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Azerbaijan discussed the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Cavusoglu urged Yerevan to focus on peace
Shelling renewed in Jermuk
2 year ago
An Azerbaijani loitering munition has reportedly struck a target in the town of Martuni - a full 40km within the internationally recognized borders of Armenia
Armenia will officially appeal to Russia, the CSTO and the UN Security Council in connection with the aggression of Azerbaijan, - Security Council of Armenia
El primer ministre d'Armènia Pashinyan va tenir una trucada telefònica amb Putin i li va explicar la situació
Yerevan hosts an emergency meeting of the Security Council of the Republic of Armenia chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan
2 year ago
Ministeri de Defensa de l'Azerbaidjan: la presència de personal i equipament de les forces armades armènies a la zona econòmica del Karabakh de l'Azerbaidjan encara continua. En resposta a la provocació d'Armènia, l'exèrcit d'Azerbaidjan aplica contramesures locals i es neutralitzen els punts de tir.
Situació més tranquil·la a Vardenis i Jermuk, només foc esporàdic d'armes lleugeres
2 year ago
El Ministeri de Defensa d'Armènia culpa l'Azerbaidjan de la provocació, segons les forces armades armènies que hi responen
2 year ago
4 Azerbaijani soldiers reportedly wounded
In the Vardenis region, the villages of Sotk, Verin Shorzha, Norabak, Kut and Mets Masrik are currently being shelled
2 year ago
According to Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan Armenian sabouters planted mines on the supply roads of Azerbaijani military in directions of Dashkasan, Kalbajar and Lachin, and later positions and bases of Azerbaijani army came under mortar shelling, there are casualties and material damage
El Ministeri de Defensa armeni va informar que el 13 de setembre a les 00:05, unitats de les Forces Armades d'Azerbaiyano van obrir un foc intens des d'artilleria, armes petites de gran calibre a posicions armènies en direcció a Goris, Sotk i Jermuk. Segons l'agència, l'enemic també utilitza drons.
2 year ago
Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan: Armenian armed forces have committed large-scale provocation in the directions of Dashkasan, Kalbajar and Lachin. Our forces are responding. The military and political leadership of Armenia bears all responsibility for the provocation, confrontation and losses
2 year ago
Explosions audibles a Goris
2 year ago
Drone strike reported at military unit in Kapan
Footage filmed from Jermuk in Armenia confirm artillery fire ongoing nearby2 year ago
Footage filmed from Jermuk in Armenia confirm artillery fire ongoing nearby
2 year ago
Ministry of Defense of Azerbajan: In the evening of September 11, units of the Armenian armed forces violated the ceasefire on the Azerbaijan-Armenia state border. ; The positions of our army located in the directions of Novoivanovka of Gadabey district and Husulu settlements of Lachin district were fired from small arms. The positions of the Azerbaijani Army located in the direction of the Aggaya settlement of the Kalbajar district were fired upon by the members of the illegal Armenian armed groups in the territory of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeeping contingent is temporarily located. Adequate response measures were taken by the units of our army.
Kadyrov de Txetxènia publica una nota de veu divagadora criticant l'exèrcit rus per la retirada i suggerint que Putin no és plenament conscient de la situació sobre el terreny. "S'han comès errors. Crec que en trauran conclusions"
RFERL/Radio Liberty websites finally unblocked in Azerbaijan2 year ago
RFERL/Radio Liberty websites finally unblocked in Azerbaijan
2 year ago
Ministry of Defense Azerbaijan: On September 9, Armenian armed forces from the positions on the state border in Yukhari Shorzha of the Basarkechar region, several times fired at Azerbaijani Army positions in Zaylik village in Kalbajar district of Azerbaijan Karabakh